Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

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Awww... I wanna see... Could you post it or send me a PM with it please? I was wondering if there was a thread for these 2, well now I've found one... :lol: I think they'd make such a cute little couple. :D Can't wait to see if anything happens... I loved 'You Kill Me' with alot of the focus on these 2. :D
The Pictures are actually over in the Season 8 spoiler thread, thanks to VEGAS LIGHTS and thanks to Modern Day Gallery for them all the same. Just scroll down toward the bottom of the posts

spoiler 8 picture thread

WARNING - These photos are from an upcoming episode "A Thousand Days on Earth" so they are obviously spoiler pics.
Soooo we got some Wendy/Hodges tonight! I missed this episode but I hear it was cute/awesome. So let's discuss, what did I miss???
It was interesting. They were working together in the lab, and then Grissom came in and asked a couple of questions. Hodges tried to answer, but Grissom wanted Wendy's view instead. Hodges was, of course, not happy. Wendy answered very well, but seemed surprised at the attention. It was a good scene, because I think it's setting up some awkwardness to come between Wendy and Hodges.
It was an interesting scene for sure...and I too sensed that some tension or awkwardness could be brewing between the two lab techs, after that, but it'll be hard to say if anything will come from it. I think back to the "you kill me episode". Last scene between them was her being angry and storming out on hodges, yet the next episode, he's in her lab, talking about the dinner they had (and her date), as if nothing really happened. We'll just have to wait an see. If there is anything brewing, I think it will more so be stirred up by hodges though. He wasn't to keen on being passed up by Grissom for Wendy's opinion instead. LOL, and the face he made after Gris complimented Wendy on the analysis, made me giggle. The whole mock repeat, with the expression...only hodges!!

I can't wait for more between these two...
I know it's a long shot, but that picture of Hodges out in the field made me wish that we could see Wedges out there together. Not all the time, but I would love to see their snark out in the real world as they are helping to solve a case. They've already proven that they are an excellent team.
more then likely a long shot, and i highly doubt it would ever happen, but I bet that it would be an interesting scene indeed. But then hodges with any of them is entertaining.

but I have to say this season we're getting our share of "fun" scenes between the two. I'm pleased with how the producers and writers have went about this ship too. it's subtle yet noticeable, but not in the sickly lovie dovie sort of way either.

their scenes lately are getting that much more entertaining and fun to watch too. poking fun, trying to outwit, outsmart at the other. keep it short, sweet and subtle but keep'em coming.

i especially enjoyed the latest scene with the tampons as wendy playfully razzed poor ol' hodges...lol!
HELLO! *echoes* Hey, where is everybody?

I can't believe there's actually a thread for this pair. I love them... by the way, that tampon scene was especially hilarious! Hodges was absolutely clueless and child-like when Wendy showed him how they work. Anyways, in season 9, what would you like to see happen with those two?
I am somewhat new to Wedges. I find it to be a cute little ship. I love how they are both obviously falling for each other, but neither wants to be the first to admit it.

Hope we get some more great scenes in the next season. This years were great.

I started writing a ficcie for them, but dropped it due to lack of interest. If anyone would like to read it, please PM me and I can send you the link.

Hey Michelle, welcome to the thread... it's nice not to be the only newbie here. I just started watching CSI, so I don't know the characters or their behaviours and attitudes very well. Still, about your Wedges fic, I'd be happy to take a look at it if you want.
I've actually watched CSI for a few years now. Got hooked from the first time and have been a regular watcher now.

I love CatNip, but am branching out into other "ships" recently. I just love Wedges. They are so cute together.

On a side note. I recognized Wallace Langham from the moment he came on the screen. Not because of CSI, but because I am a HUGE Disney finatic. He has a part in one of the rides there. He works as a scientist trying to bring back a dinosaur. LOL!! It's a cute ride, and his part is great!


He has a part in one of the rides there. He works as a scientist trying to bring back a dinosaur.

No... seriously? Man, I've got to be paying more attention to the actors. I did recognize Liz Vassey though. She played Lou Davis on Brotherly Love and her character is a lot like Wendy... smart and not afraid to stand up to the guy that gets on her nerves. It's great to see Liz on CSI...

Hey there people...Nice to see this thread getting bumped up again. It's been a while since I've been here. Doing a little lurking more so then posting lately. But I can only imagine what could be in store for this couple in the upcoming season. I hope the writers expand even more on this ship like they did this season past.

There are so many different routes they can take this pairing.

You made a good point there Michelle, "they both like each other but neither wants to be the first to admit it". It was what I was thinking, just I couldn't think of the right words to put it. :lol:
I hope the writers expand even more on this ship like they did this season past.

Me too... what do you think will happen with Hodges and Wendy next season? Personally, I want to see them banter a little more and maybe learning a surprising thing about each other... what do you guys think?
I hope the writers expand even more on this ship like they did this season past.

Me too... what do you think will happen with Hodges and Wendy next season? Personally, I want to see them banter a little more and maybe learning a surprising thing about each other... what do you guys think?
I would love to see all that too. I'm not sure if I want them to be canon or not. Cause sometimes the writers really mess things up for the fans. I love the bantering and I'd love to see them learn more about each other.

I think last year was a good year for Wedges. I hope we get more this year.
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