Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

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That look she gave him, was almost like a look of pity. Feeling almost bad that she backed out on him.
Sorry, I miss out whole sentences sometimes..I'm rubbish with words. :rolleyes: That was what I meant, she felt bad that she backed out on him, because she likes him, and she feels bad for making him...pout, lol.

ETA: Can't spell either. :rolleyes:
lol...that is ok, I can do things like that too.....sometimes more times then I would admit too... :lol:

but yeah, you can tell they both like the other...also remember the:

"And to think for half a second, I actually thought that I might....." from Wendy
^ God how could I forget that line! :eek: *goes to replay*
Oh, and she called him Freak boy. :lol: Now that is love. :lol:
When she's trying to ge the phone off him, she calls him a loser. :lol: Clearly this couple are destined to be together. :D
But I have noticed, now that you mention it, Hodges isn't as lippy toward Cathernine either.

**wonders if Hodges would rather be dominated rather then be the one who DOES the dominating, when it comes to the opposite sex**

I think this ship is young and fresh...and if explored, will be quite entertaining to watch...going back to the whole


Hahah I'm so laughing right now. *coughs* Well I sort of think Hodges might want to be dominated from time to time. :D I think he has respect for strong women, yet at the same time...I could see him wanting to be in control as well. Maybe it's more of an equal thing?

Yeah Hodges isn't nearly as Lippy with catherine or Wendy. I also love the love hate relationship that is displayed here, and honestly I'd prefer to watch this ship over others. It would be enlightening...jovial, angsty and fun. Oh and I can't forget to mention the attitude!!!!!!!!! I think Catnip and Wedges are offically my top two ships!!!!!
LOL...yes, I am a GSR shipper, I don't flaunt it, because I don't feel the need to. But I am open to all sorts of ships. By far though, this is my fave, lol...AND WE HAVEN'T EVEN SEEN MUCH OF IT YET!! lol. There are so many possiblities for it. This takes first place for me though, but then, my man in involved so how could it not.... :lol:

yeah, I think Wendy could definitely tame the great Hodges ...yet at the same time, the two could have a wild and fun relationship
Hahahahahaha, D, this reminds me of that conversation we had FOREVER ago, when we were wondering how Hodges would act at LH's, if he would be dominant or submissive, looks like we got our answer :lol:
lol...was it hodges or gris loki? but I know what you mean...lol and I agree, looks like we did get the answer. :lol:
^^ It started as a discussion about Gris, and your demented little mind brought up Hodges too, lol.

So has anyone started any fanfics yet? lol. I need Wedges action!!
LMAO....hey now....my demented little mind??? *fofl* sigh, I may be demented, but my mind is not little.

I have started my second one, duh, if yer interested in knowing........*frown*....or care...lol

I would love to read MORE wedges fanfic too....
well apparently 24 hours is up seeing I can't edit my previous post....

I ventured over to the wiki site tonight, only to find a rather disappointing title placed on this Hodges/Wendy ship. I don't know if it was the the 'supposed' mods of the site, but I just thought the title wasn't as good as "WEDGES" or "DANDY".

Maybe I'm being a little bias, but I don't think I could look at the ship as "HONDY".

For me, it will always be WEDGES!
lol...that is the first thing I thought of when I read it. Glad it isn't just me that is ashamed of that particular label. ....oh well....like i said, it'll always be wedges or dandy to me now.....lol!
I didn't like that name either. When I first saw the site I was thinking it was weird. Too bad someone didn't suggest Wedges in time.

Also, I missed the beginning of tonight's ep, but I don't think Wendy was in it. I saw Hodges though.
wendys name was mentioned by cath, but I almost had a panic attack...lol....when the show was nearly over and still no snarky lab tech.....no I know what some of the greg and warrick fans felt like........lol

:lol: I was wonderin where everyone went.....no on was around lately!

Okay, I just got back from vacation, and I have a *lot* of catching up to do! First off, thanks gregslabmouse for finding that Wendy moment! And I love the icons!! (So far I'm on page 2 of the posts, so forgive me for being slow.)

Long live Wedges!

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