Hodges and Wendy----Labrats Love!

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*waves* hi everyone.

I'm actually starting to gain interest in this ship.. I dunno why, but it seems to be fun. :)

*runs and hides*
Hi, Cathstokes ! Go ahead, gain interest and join us. :) Wedges really is a cute ship and they aren't the average either, I don't know if they'll ever be canon or ever actually have another episode together, but they gave us lots to chew on in Labrats! So, stop hiding, come back. :) lol
YEs, like SAB said, welcome and you dont have to hide...lol! It is a cute ship, I hope theres more. I have wondered after seeing the tv guide info...for talk from both actors about their characters having the possible interest in the other, makes me believe that there just may be more to come.

Now I could just be reading more into it, cause I do have a tendency to do so, but you never know. I just hope that if that is the case, that there is more, they don't go hiding it like the a lot of the other ships. That would bother me, lol!
I watched Lab rats yesterday!
I was sooo impressed! Count me in as a Wedges shipper! :lol: I lurve the name btw! :lol:

I really hope we get little snippets of it. Probably won't ever be cannon, well that we know of.

Hodges was so brilliant in that ep, I loved when he was explaining his lucky day. :lol:

Do you think that the other Labrats looking at Hodges as a possible MCSK suspect was TPTB having a laugh at us (the viewer)? :lol:

Umm, that's all I have to say. :rolleyes:
well again, welcome...the more the merrier to the ship. I know it won't be canon as everyone says, but I will be content enough to see the flirting, but again, just not so subtle as the other ships. Let'em have a little fun with it.

As for the other LABRATS looking at hodges as the MCSK, I don't know if they suspect him, but yet I don't think they have ruled him out...deep down.

I dont want him to be, cause he's my fave, I want him to be the one to solve it and prove his brilliance to EVERYone.

I just hope though that Wendy's little phone call on Hodges cell phone, doesn't come back to haunt them.

I absolutely love how Hodges gets a little coy around Wendy when she's talkin' to him, that is cute...he isn't like that with anyone else in the lab. :)
As for the other LABRATS looking at hodges as the MCSK, I don't know if they suspect him, but yet I don't think they have ruled him out...deep down.
I'm referring to the part when they were watching him line up his crisp/chip packets. They all looked at him, it was funny, they weren't being serious, it was just a funny moment. :rolleyes: I was trying to say that TPTB were mocking (some of) us who were saying that Hodges could be the MCSK. It was a while back though. I'm not very good with words, sorry, did that make any sense?

I just hope though that Wendy's little phone call on Hodges cell phone, doesn't come back to haunt them.
I loved, loved, loved that bit! :lol: The way he took the phone back off her. They touched! :lol: *sigh*

I just rewatched that bit when he takes her out of the room, she says that she needs him...in a round about way! :rolleyes:

"The only reason that you don't like me is because I actually stand up to you, which by the way is exactly what you need."

The look they shared after she complimented his idea, the look Henry gave them. Classic.

I absolutely love how Hodges gets a little coy around Wendy when she's talkin' to him, that is cute...he isn't like that with anyone else in the lab.
So true, with everyone else he is all snarky. :lol: When did Wendy join the lab? Just thinking back to when Hodges was caught by Sara covering up his gray hairs. :lol: Possibly for her?

This ship is awesome. :D

ETA: Because I can't spell. :rolleyes:
WENDY joined the lab in I believe season 5, the same time Greg went full time in the Field, or at least around 'bout that time. She has taken over the DNA lab...which was what greg did.

I think I read the post wrong the frist time too....lol, oh well, I know what yer talkin about now though...lol!

"The only reason that you don't like me is because I actually stand up to you, which by the way is exactly what you need."

Definitely one of my favortie lines of the eppy, along with

"When would I find the time, I am always here!" After the 2 looked at him.
"When would I find the time, I am always here!" After the 2 looked at him.
That line was delivered so perfectly. Didn't look up until towards the end, perfect. I hope we will see more of Hodges from now on. Labrats was one of my fav episodes. :D

WENDY joined the lab in I believe season 5, the same time Greg went full time in the Field, or at least around 'bout that time. She has taken over the DNA lab...which was what greg did.
I thought the one from friends *goes to imdb her* Aisha Tyler (Mia) took over from Greg first of all, well after Jacqui (? I don't remember) lol. :lol:
Ok, so I looked it up, her first ep was Secrets and Flies, and the 'Gray hair' scene was Kiss Kiss Bye Bye, 7 episodes after her first appearance. So therefore, isn't it entirely possible that the whole 'incident' was for Wendy? *wishes* :D
hey, anything is possible.....*thinks about the sharpie marker*.....Jacqui was a finger prints technician, and MIA, I have no idea, other then she was around a couple of times.
I just know that Wendy did indeed become the full time DNA tech after greg.

Hodges DID deliever that line perfectly, I agree, it actually caught me off guard the first time seeing it, and the looks from henry and wendy after.....heheh

I loved the little "what are we, 12?" arguement that extended after the intial "The only reason that you don't like me is because I actually stand up to you, which by the way is exactly what you need." comment...

LABRATS IS my fave of all 7 seasons, so far, because of Hodges and because of the new WEDGES SHIP! :lol:
Woo! More Wedges shippers!!
*passes around the fries*

Welcome eggbe and cathstokes!!

*hugs them*

I've gone into hiding until the finale, so I might not be around much until its over (read siggy for details, lol) but I thought it was safe enough to come in here :lol:

I was looking through different scenes of Lab Rats last night and, after about 30 times of watching them already, they still make me laugh. It's so classic.
That ep seriously was one of the best eps...ever. :lol:
I agree, it actually caught me off guard the first time seeing it, and the looks from henry and wendy after.....heheh
Yeah, me too, it was like he didn't know they were looking at him, but of course the hodge is all knowing. ;)

Oh, another brilliant moment was when Hodges was sitting in the layout room (I think that's what it's called) looking all sorry for himself, and Wendy gives him that look. It's love people. :lol:

It was the break room, I believe for the layout room has the light table, that Doc has oodles over...lol. but that is only minor :lol:

That look she gave him, was almost like a look of pity. Feeling almost bad that she backed out on him. It kinda looked like she had second thoughts, but then in came Sara, and well, the conversation they had led to the "telling off" of hodges once again, yet, he just stood there a second time, taking it from her...


**feels bad for him...lol**
This is a cute couple in my book. Finally a woman that puts Hodges in his place. Well besides Catherine, but yeah go Wendy...I saw the angst between them in labrats. I'm not trying to compare ships here at all...but does Wedges remind you of PureJoy in a way. The way Wendy spouted off the Hodges...reminded me of how Catherine used to talk to Gil. :D
well, obvious, each ship is unique, but I can see what yer talkin' about. Wendy speaking to Hodges like Catherine to Gil(in the past)! I think its the whole "stronger female attitude or presence" that both possess yet in completely different ways. But I have noticed, now that you mention it, Hodges isn't as lippy toward Cathernine either.

**wonders if Hodges would rather be dominated rather then be the one who DOES the dominating, when it comes to the opposite sex**

I think this ship is young and fresh...and if explored, will be quite entertaining to watch...going back to the whole

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