Hockey Fans

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Kool, Welcome Back!:thumbsup:

Glad you had fun, judging by the pics, seems pretty awsome.

Lovin' all the pictures :) Upload more soon.
Lovin' my Blueshirts !
And there one with the KING in action.

I didn't even get to see it on TV, I listened on the Radio. But I heard the boo's and also the announcer said that John Tortorella wanted his team to see the raising of the flag & Stanley Cup(Because he felt it was important), but when time came Our guys didn't show up:(

SpookyMeg said:
Also, Steve Valiquette just kind of hung out in the stands, which I thought was funny.

LOL:lol::guffaw:, When I researched for some pics of my Rangers, I came across a few pics of Vally in the stands, some girl took pics, First he smiled and then he was making funny faces to her. LOL:lol::lol::guffaw::guffaw:
I didn't even get to see it on TV, I listened on the Radio. But I heard the boo's and also the announcer said that John Tortorella wanted his team to see the raising of the flag & Stanley Cup(Because he felt it was important), but when time came Our guys didn't show up

I thought that the Rangers would have been out there for it too. Even though they didn't win it, I think it would still have been an awesome experience for them, and maybe have given them a bit more motivation for wanting to win it this year.

SpookyMeg said:
Also, Steve Valiquette just kind of hung out in the stands, which I thought was funny.

LOL, When I researched for some pics of my Rangers, I came across a few pics of Vally in the stands, some girl took pics, First he smiled and then he was making funny faces to her. LOL

Yeah, I was just looking around the stands and was like "That's Vally sitting there!" He was over there most of the game by himself, but about halfway though the 3rd two little kids were over there talking to him. They looked like they were having a good time.

I now give you some lovely, but not very good, pictures of Henrik Lundqvist:

Pic 1 Pic 2 Pic 3 Pic 4 Pic 5 Pic 6 Pic 7 Pic 8 Pic 9

The rest of my pictures are here. Once I can figure out how to get my videos to work I'll let you guys see them too.
Great, Ducks failed. 3-0 lead and lost? blah, doesn't help much even older Koivu scored his first goal for the Ducks.


Were finaly getting back on track...

Luongo got his Groove back,hopefully.
He's actually the reason why I didn't like the Canucks...but he's not worth all that.

Plus the rest of the guys are reason to be Mad.

The Sedin twins are on fire tonight....Hank got 2 goals - if he pulls one more goal it will his very first Hatrick in the NHL.
Woohoo! Sens beat the Islanders last night in overtime. Fisher scored the winning goal and what a nice goal it was :) Plus, Carkner, one of our rookies, got the first star and scored a goal. I think this is a good sign for our future :D And we beat the Leafs the other day (Thank goodness :D).

Other scores from last night:

Anaheim over Boston 6-1
Buffalo over Phoenix 2-1
Pittsburgh over Philadelphia 5-4
Rangers over Washington 4-3
New Jersey over Tampa Bay 4-3 SO
Detroit over Chicago 3-2
Atlanta over St. Louis 4-2
Nashville over Colorado 3-2
Calgary over Edmonton 4-3 SO
Los Angeles over Minnesota 6-3
San Jose over Columbus 6-3
RANGERS BEAT CAPS !!!!!!!!!!!!! 4 -3 :beer::beer::beer:


REVENGE IS SWEET WHEN SERVED COLD!!!! HAHA:lol:....get it cold cuz it's Hockey!!!:guffaw:

Caps got a few lucky bounces, but the NY Rangers were very good with forchecking (can't spell that word) away from the puck.

Plus, I really liked the break away goal by Cally. You can always count on him to give Rangers the spark, it's like he knows when to stepp in.

Henrik was HUGE, despite a few goals that he let in. He made a few great saves for the team.

Few things we need to fix : staying out of the penalty box (some penalties in that game were not justified); Again pucks are being turned over - Can't have that, especially against a team like Caps, they will take every chance they get, and we learned that the hard way last season.
Well, we were doing good, until Monday night...We lost 4-1 to the Penguins...

We were playing good right up until the third Penguins goal. Then we just fell apart. We gotta stop doing that.

However, I'll be cheering for my Sens tonight as they take on the Tampa Bay Lightning.

Go Sens Go!


We beat Tampa 7-1. Michalek got his first career hat trick :D Carkner fought Downie and kicked his butts, something Sens fans have wanted to see for a long time (You might know about the stuff he's done, including causing a serious concussion to one of our players). And the scoring was secondary, something we've had trouble with the past few years. Plus Heatley didn't score :p

Overall, a FANTASTIC game. A lot of people will be getting pizza tomorrow.
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^ Poor Huet, that's really embarassing. Everytime I see that goal, it looks even worse.

So the Rangers had totally won seven games in a row, until Monday when they completely screwed up against San Jose :(
Not that I don't love Steven Valiquette as the backup goalie or anything, but I'm thinking that when you are going to play a particularly good team, you want to put in the better goalie... But I guess he needed the practice, so it might as well have been then.
Not that anyone else really played a whole lot better. Too many penalties, and it didn't seem to be enough effort of a team compared to the level that they had been playing at.
However, Michael Del Zotto is rockin' in on defense with 4 goals, and Marion Gaborik has had at least one point in 7 of 8 games. (Take that everyone who laughed at NY for signing him :p)

Pittsburgh has won eight games right now, which is awesome. Marc-Andre Fleury has been pretty solid in net, and Tyler Kennedy has just been phenomenal with 5 goals. Looks like Gonchar is going to be out for a while with a broken wrist though, so we'll have to see what this is going to bring for the defense side of things. Crosby has been awfully quiet so far too, and I'm not entirely sure what that means...

Boston finally won a game! :D It only took half the team to sit out with injuries and one person to get traded, but the remainder of the team finally stepped up their play. Especially Patrice Bergeron, who was absolutely fantastic tonight I thought. Looks like they will be without Savard and Lucic for a while, but Wideman is finally back, and they have a nice set of players to use that have been called up.

And former-Ranger-turned-Calgary Flame Freddy Sjostrom scored a beautiful goal last night against Columbus. :D I was really excited for him, so I felt I needed to share. Yay Freddy!
^ Oh yeah. Gustavsson is definitely a big help for the Leafs in goal, and (hopefully) Kessel will help the offense more now that he's actually playing. Phil got his first goal tonight, if I'm correct? But winning two in a row is a lot better than they have been doing.

So I came home from work today and my dad suprised me by having 3 tickets to the Penguins - Devils game on Thursday night :D I'm really excited! I'm just afraid that New Jersey's going to win and I'm going to cry all the way home, and then cry all the way to NYC the next day...
last night te NYR played the Calgary Flames at the pengrowth saddledome. This was the first time Sean Avery has been back since Avery made a rude comment directed towards his ex gal pal, then Phaneuf’s girl, Elisha Cuthbert last December.

Neither player were allowed to comment on what hard feelings might still exist following the pre-game skates by both teams Saturday morning. Hence, there was a certain amount of mystique as to what might occur and Phaneuf definitely exacted some revenge with a body-flattening check against Avery just inside the Flames blueline early in the third period.

Flames won 3-1.

Also, I dunno if you've all heard, but the H1N1 virus is basically a pandemic in Calgary now, and so far 2 people (staff) have been let go from the calgary flames for being involved in a desicion to bump the team and their families to the front of the lines to get a vaccine.
the investigation of this case revealed that nearly 150 shots were given on October 30 to the hockey team. This was the very same day that a shortage of the vaccine was going to be seen in the near future.

The lines here in Calgary are a minimum of a 7 hour wait, and children need to get the vaccine twice, a week apart.
Wow what happened to the rangers last night:eek:.. I'll admit I was cheering for the lightning but that cause I live near tampa but dang I expected the lightning to lose to the rangers not the other way around.:confused:
Okay, some freaky coincidence thing happened last night.

Ottawa, Montreal, and Calgary were all playing at the same time last night. They all went to a shootout in a 3-3 tie. Ottawa and Montreal lost :( But Calgary won :).

Freakier still, Ottawa was winning 2-0. So was Washington, who Montreal was playing last night. Then Boston, Ottawa's opponent, scored three unanswered. So did Montreal. Then Ottawa scored in the last minute to make it go to overtime. So did Washington. However, the coincidence ends at the beginning of the shootout.

Either way, it was some crazy stuff.

I also watched the Vancouver vs. Edmonton game right after. Vancouver won 7-3 :) It was a crazy scoring game. Vancouver was up 5-1 after the first and they scored 4 goals in a row. Edmonton then pulled their goalie. I would too after that.
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