Hill Harper/Sheldon Hawkes #2: He's Got Panties

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You girls/guys(?) are the best. LOVE this thread, LOOOOVE this man! I haven't had time to visit, but I had to grab an expresso and stick my head in here first because I saw his name. Thanks to all who've posted pics; there were a few that I'd never seen. Yummm! ;)

I wonder if he'll do another chat before the season opener? I'd like to ask him to have my baby!!!

Oh yeah, and y'all know that he got someone to make him a quilt with all those chonies, right? He sleeps under it during the winter. ;)
:) Hey there Hillicious, that's funny...ah, the mixin' of the DNA! :lol: Hm, you MUST leave it to me to handle ALL the details. :D
Thanks dawling, I'd appreciate it. Can you make it a boy, with his good looks, charm and intellect? Also, make sure that he carries the child before the start of next season. If my schedule permits I'll throw him an enormous baby shower and you're all invited.
*rubbin' my ancient little genie lamp* ...consider it done!!! :D Now, that'll be the party/catalyst of the CENTURY -- a Hill Harper Jr.!!! :)
Tishme3 said:
*rubbin' my ancient little genie lamp* ...consider it done!!! :D Now, that'll be the party/catalyst of the CENTURY -- a Hill Harper Jr.!!! :)

Yup! He'll bounce back nicely, with minimal stretch marks. :)
Stretch marks, huh? :eek: :cool: Hell, we'll give him a jar of cocoa butter or something and tell him he's the best thing since sliced bread!!!! In other words...he's loved more than ever!!! :) :D
I found two recent pics of Hill and thought I would post them.
He looks great, but who is it next to him in the second pic? :confused: Oh, but there is some facial hair, which makes me very happy… :D

Even when he goes casual, Hill always looks so put together! I wonder what's in the gift bag, aside from a copy of Maxim magazine. :lol:
The man just looks really good in jeans and a t-shirt. And look! Not a skanky hat in sight!! But I do remember the incident with the gold lame suit though...
Springmoon said:
But I do remember the incident with the gold lame suit though...
Oh shit. Did you have to go there? I was just about to concur that the man always looks fantastic and then you had to go bringing that monstrosity up. Okay, let me amend what I was going to say and simply express that he generally looks great. He's always well-groomed and generally wearing a great pair of jeans with a fun shirt.

Just friends or not, Hill and Gabrielle really need to be making some fine cocoa babies together. Those genes look too good side by side not to be comingled.
Springmoon said:
The man just looks really good in jeans and a t-shirt. And look! Not a skanky hat in sight!! But I do remember the incident with the gold lame suit though...

What gold lame suit? I don't remember that pic. It might have been before I started watching CSI:NY. Could someone post a picture? THis I've got to see.

Anyway. The pics above are so hot. Hill and Gabrielle look so pretty together.
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