Hill Harper/Sheldon Hawkes #2: He's Got Panties

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just checking in to see what's up with Hill ~

wow, great to see how he uses his time to do such things! definitely leads by example, and a really classy guy.
Hill doesn't stop impressing me :)

It's good to know that he's doing this HIV public test. We all know how important this issue is nowadays, and public figures taking the first steo showing there's nothing wrong with testing might be a good help ;)
passing along information (if this hasnt been posted already): the episode of hill harper on oprah is scheduled to re-air (the original airdate was 05/31/07) this friday. :) check local listings for those in the US.
Yay! I;m going to try to catch it. After working a 12 day work week, my plan is definitely to be home on Friday night. :lol:
...hmm, it's been kinda quiet in here lately. Due to work still wasn't able to catch Hill on Oprah.

Well, I've got a pic for any happenstance visitors who stop by. It falls into the category of "I saw this and it's just too good not to share!" so I am. :D


Love his facial expression in that pic!

I think I missed him on Oprah again. :(

So how does this whole public HIV testing thing that he's participating in work? Do they just get tested in public? Do they give the results publically or privately?
It seemed like they were all getting tested in front of the cameras, but I'm not sure whether the results themselves would be public--I'd think not...

I'm not sure if you guys saw the news article about Hill the other day. HIV/AIDS awareness is clearly a very important topic for him. :)
Just thought I’d give a CSI TALK hello to Hill Harper today!!! Hope that you’re doing fine HH…sorry that I barely miss meeting you again or shaking your hands at the Essence Music Festival in NOLA on 7 Jul 07. May God Bless You Always!!! :)
I rented Constellation last night. I feel really bad saying this, but it's only out of love for Hill that I finished the movie. :eek: I found it painfully slow and it attempted too much in the way of character-driven storylines. Too many characters with issues too deep to figure out in a short period of time. That being said, Hill was great. There just wasn't nearly enough of him. He had some nice material to work with and did a great job. His character was ironically enough a law school grad who turned to the arts.

Please don't take my assessment of the movie as fact. You may like this movie better than I did. Real fans see all the man's work no matter what anyone else says about it. So go rent it! Hill does a convincing job with a limited role.
Sounds like Constellation was a little too ambitious maybe? I'll have to check it out at some point.

Sweet that Hill was at the Essence Music Festival! Sorry you didn't get to see him again this time, Tishme3. I hope there's another opportunity soon! :)
I watched this film a few weeks ago and noticed that it's a nice film overran with emotions of a past forbidden love…I guess a love that is now considered one of the norms in the military. It’s funny how time changes things.

Yes, thanks Top, I do hope I get another opportunity to see Hill Harper again. Do you know about any of his upcoming events? :)
I don't know of anything, but I keep meaning to find out--I'll dig around and see if I can come up with anything! :cool:
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