Hill Harper/Sheldon Hawkes #2: He's Got Panties

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Woo hoo!!! That's awesome news! Hill deserves the widespread publicity Oprah can bring to his book and his foundation. Go, Hill!!!!! He really is a perfect match for her show, so I'm so glad to see this happening.
Hiya all
New to this thread. I'm really becoming more and more of a Hawkes fan. I've been feeling all season like Hawkes has been really under-used, and I think i just wanted to up my dosage of Hawkes here.

Just wanted to agree that Hawkes should be getting more screen time, and he was superb in the finale! Not only that but I think it's great all the success he's achieved outside the show too. He truly seems to be a classy guy, in the absolute best sense of the word. (I'm starting to feel better already). Thanks for all the Harper news!
Hello Elwood21! I'm also new around here, actually ;)

So, I decided to stop by to tell that I have just seen "Raising Shane" (yeah, we are a little behind...), and as it has a plot based on Hawkes, he had some nice scenes. I mean, poor him :( Can you imagine the feeling of being in jail even though you did nothing and can't explain how the evidence is aginst you? He was a bit out of him, but we can udnerstand it. Loved the scene with the lawyer(?), when the glass falls, and the way he repeats "I don't know". And then again to Mac. He was so frustrated :rolleyes: Then when Shane Casey went there, he wanted people to believe what he was saying, and nobody did. He must have felt so bad :( But in the end everything was OK. The hug with Stella was very nice :)
So I think it was a good episode for Hawkes, and well, we got to know a bit more of him, he likes to run to relax :lol: I wish I was like that! :lol: We also saw that the team cares a lot about him, and that was very beautiful.
Sweet! Thanks for posting that! I think Oprah is on twice a day, so it should be relatively easy to catch. I'm looking forward to seeing him on the show!
I went over to oprah.com to double-check the date, so I thought I'd type up what they have as a description for the episode:

Thursday, May 31st, 2007--The Man Who "Adopted" 6,000 Children:

"Many of America's children are in crisis, falling and failing in life. Meet people just like you who are stepping up and making a difference. CSI star Hill Harper goes inside a juvenile prison. And, three teachers who led the way to a California miracle. Plus, how one man is saving thousands of American children."
Wow, cool! I wonder if he'll talk about his book at all. It does seem like a natural tie in.
Just happened to get off work early today and saw a very quick add on tv for the show tomorrow ...

I think the theme/thread of the show is "kids today are tomorrow's future" kind of thing, and what needs to be done to give them a better chance, and people who are making a difference.

Harper is going to be one of several guests on the show, so I hope he gets a decent length of time to talk about his work. Maybe I'm getting the guests mixed up, but they mentioned visiting a juvenile prison? And his book.

I doubt I'll be off early again tomorrow, so please post any news/thoughts about his appearance...?
Don't forget Oprah, y'all. ;) I'm going to tape it because I just know my sister will come in from school with her mouth going a mile a minute. :rolleyes:
GuelphGal said:
I just saw on Oprah's site that Hill will be on Thursday's episode. :)

I guess our letters to Oprah really paid off :D!

I kinda wish he was on the show longer but what he had to say was really great. The most touching moment was when he told that kid in prison that he loved him & the kid said he loved him back. Hill is such an intelligent, sweet man.
I was glued to the TV today watching Oprah. I really wish Oprah would have talked more about Hill's book. I did enjoy watching the part in which he was in the prison speaking with the young men. I wonder will Hill use the footage at the prison for an upcoming documentary project, since of late he seems to be working on a lot of movie projects. But is it just me, or do you guys also feel Hill did not really get a chance to talk about his book?
I thought his segment felt pretty rushed--he seemed to be speaking quickly from the moment he started talking, and he was gone within the first ten minutes. Granted, there was a lot to talk about, but I also wish he'd had more of a chance to talk about his book.

Now that we know that Oprah is aware of Hill's book and his work to help the youth of America, hopefully she'll invite him back again to be a guest in the future.

I thought about the documentary thing, because you know that the little bit they showed wasn't all that there was to see, and it's a story that should be told...
Grrr--I missed it! :( Yesterday was nuts. :(

What did he say about the book? Did Oprah comment on it at all?
I come bearing presents of links to Oprah's site. The site has pretty extensive links to the interview, and in fact has expanded on the segment to give even more information. I hope too that she will have him back to talk about the book.
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