Hill Harper/Sheldon Hawkes #2: He's Got Panties

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^ I'm with you, AmbersDream. :mad: I had a viewing party going on with all kinds of banana eating and hollaring over Carmine, so I missed some really great parts of this episode. I'm sadly unable to contribute with the level of substance I wish I could. But I truly did want to cry for Hill when I came onto the board and saw the Carmine/Danny threads moving at the speed of light over a little skin (and not even the 'good stuff' at that), while poor Hill delivered a fantastic performance and gets no love for it.

I was really, really happy to see Hawkes get a little of that fantastic back story developed and I'm stoked we've got more Hawkes to come. Hill truly is underutilized on the show and he soooo deserves his moment to shine.
Well, I made a long post up there to add to the few that had been posted about last week's episode, but I can't help it if nobody replies to it. :(

I was mad as hell when I got to the boards and saw that they were NOT flooded for our man. He was excellent! Pissed is the word of the week....
Well then, elaborate on what you were thinking. ;) He was definitely excellent, but I'm sure there's more to say. :p We can't get everyone to post, but those of us who come in here can definitely show Hill some love. ;)

Don't forget that Hill's Jeopardy appearance is on tonight. :D
50 minutes till Jeopardy!

It is a crying shame that Hill's Emmy-worthy performance was eclipsed by Carmine's manflesh.

I did wonder initially if he had walked away from his surgeon's career too easily, but, after watching the episode a couple more times (damn that manflesh) I realize that he did wrestle with that decision before making his final choice.

Now, his mentor/chief of staff probably did not make that decision any easier by being a complete sonofab*tch about it - there is no such thing as too much empathy when you're a doctor, even when you're a surgeon. But his comments do make me wonder if there isn't more to Sheldon's story than we were privy to in that single set of flashbacks - was there someone else who died on the operating table whom he might have saved? Thoughts?
I seem to recall that the description on cbs.com mentioned losing two patients, so it's entirely possible that we'll learn about another patient whose death had an effect on him--perhaps the death of a child or something like that... :(

I'm also really curious about that chief of staff guy (I refuse to learn his name :lol:). Like you say, I'm thinking there's more there than what we've seen. There was definitely some tension there that couldn't be explained by Sheldon simply choosing to change careers.

Also, Jeopardy was a total bust. Hill looked smiley as usual, but his buzzer was too slow! :lol: On the plus side, he did get $25,000 for his charity, which is the whole point. ;) (And how adorable was it that he had a copy of his book with him? :p)
Yeah McKean was really on a roll on Jeopardy, but it was kind of funny when Hill had flailed his arm a little when they had that Jeffersons' question.

That damn buzzer :lol:
I'm feel ashamed to admit that the moment when Danny removed his shirt took away Hawkes time to shine in the locker room scene. Nothing distracts me like a sexy pair of biceps & pecs. Anyway, before I get off topic here...

I kinda hope that Hawkes old boss(???) returns so we can see the return of pissy!Hawkes. pissy!Hawkes is sexy. Also, I feel there's a missing link to the story. I have a feeling that the guy will be there when Hawkes wears orange if ya know what I mean. Hopefully the beefcake of the show won't remove his top to ruin the moment again :lol:.
Faylinn said:
*settles in* So, let's talk about Hawkes then. :D

I loved seeing a bit about Sheldon's history in "Here's to You, Mrs. Azrael," but at the same time it raised even more questions! :lol:

I liked the tension between Sheldon and whatever-his-name was, the doctor guy. ;) He obviously felt that Sheldon had talent as a surgeon, but at the same time he was very condescending. And the way he looked down his nose at Sheldon's new 'job' made me angry. So, arsehole, you don't think a person means anything once they've died? I know that death is part of being a doctor, but the way he just dismissed the girl was heartbreaking--it was like 'oh well, we lost one, clear her out so we can bring in someone else.' :( Sheldon telling him that the girl had a name was very indicative of his character. Yes, he's empathetic, but I think I'd rather be too empathetic than be a cold bastard like whatever-his-name-was.

The conversation in the locker room was very nice as well. From the way I understood his mention of the Hippocratic Oath, he took on three high-risk surgeries because he was exercising his right to learn. Even if those people would have died anyway, you know Sheldon had to feel at least partly responsible for their deaths (not sure if it was only one or if it was two...they didn't specify). I doubt that he was ever complacent, but he might have been overly-confident of his abilities and of the power he had as a surgeon...it's an interesting thought.
man, if only changed for the better. :D


The episode mentioned by tanglewood14 is episode 3.11 and airs on November 29.

In this episode, titled "Raising Shane," Shane Casey makes his return and frames Hawkes for a robbery (I believe someone was shot as well). The team apparently gets pulled off of the case but somehow work to clear Sheldon's name...

Thanks for mentioning which epi.

Alright (starts talking like John Cena at 5 Questions with The Champ), well, with the way Sheldon deals with the death, for him to react that way, that's human nature. We deal with death and can't help but think "I could've done something". We get that.

The world is full of hypocrasy and apathy. That is what I see in doctor what's-his-name.

Hmm, it'll probably be interesting to see the wrath of Doctor Hawkes.
I think it's time to sex up the thread with some photos...


wet!Hawkes &...



I can slip & slide on that body all day :devil:.
jorja, I'm starting to believe that you are on a sustained campaign to smuttify all of the threads. I'm all for it.

If he's that oily, we won't need to play too much before we [censored].
I was watching Grand Murder At Central Station and I saw the part where Hawkes was in the break room eating, and watching JLO and Mac is like "Eating is frowned upon" and I was laughing so hard when Mac said that to Hawkes and then later in the episode he goes into Mac's office and is like "Did you know rumor has it that JLO's ass is insured for $1 billion. $500 million a cheek" and then I laughed even more. I think that is one of the best parts of the episode and one of the best episodes of season 2.
Faylinn...You did all you could do, and you're right, we can't make folks post....By the way, Danny looked hottttttttttttt in that locker room, so I can't blame attention for getting shifted...Hill should've evened the score and shown some of that pretty brown skin.
Yes, Springmoon!! If he's that oily......let's just say foreplay can go the hell out the window...nothing like a man who's covered in oil to get my motor running. :lol: All Hail the Raunchy Girls!! Long live and prosper! :devil: :lol:
can't wait until next weeks ep...looks like hawkes is going to be in something really major....glad to know he getting a lot more screen time this season! :)
Springmoon said:
jorja, I'm starting to believe that you are on a sustained campaign to smuttify all of the threads. I'm all for it.

Damn straight! It is my job to objectify almost all the men of the show, & Hawkes is my main stop :lol:.

Nobody better lay a hand on my baby next week. I will be pissed off if something happens to his face.

Then again, I hear prison sex is hot :devil:.
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