

Police Officer
Anyone else out here watching this show? I think they did a fairly good job with the pilot. I hope they can keep it up. I like the premise (of course I love the X-Men, to which they paid homage, as well). What are your thoughts?
I watched it but didn't really get into it. The only one I was interested in was the girl who could heal herself, but other than that not too interested, but still might watch a few more to see if any better.
Actually I found this very interesting. I'm sure the pilot was a little iffy for some people because it was basically just introducing us to the characters. I know I'm going to continue to watch, I want to see where the story goes. :D
I was interested, but I think a two hour pilot would have been smarter. I saw some clips from next week's part featuring Greg Grunberg (not giving anything away here, so don't worry), and I've loved GG since "Felicity." Watched him in "Alias." Just think the guy is mucho talented, and I'm really interested in his stuff next week...

I'm curious, and willing to watch the second episode since I have no shows on Monday night, but, we'll see if it holds my attention.
I liked the second episode. I've been a fan of Greg Grunberg's for years, so it's always great to see him in a series. Loved how his ability was unveiled, as well.

I keep seeing promo pictures, and there's one character in them that we have yet to meet. I hope we meet him soon, becuase I'm curious about what his abilities may be.
xforce11 said:
Anyone else out here watching this show?

I am. :D

Super Hiro is the best character, so far. I like his geekiness, his power and his comic book cover.

Claire the Cheerleader is alright. Her power has a cool factor to it, especially the tackle neck snap.

Hopin' that the introductions end soon, and the actual story can get goin'.
Watchin' it and lovin' it.

The most recent episode seems to have "set up" the premise for the season, but it really looks engaging.
The second episode was even better than the first, giving us a few more characters, plus background on the characters we've already met. I'm interested to see where they take the story and how all the characters fit in it.
Seriously, is anyone besides me watching this show!? It's amazing so far and it just keeps getting better. My favorite character is definitely Peter, he's so interesting in my opinion.
I enjoyed last night's episode! Hiro and Nathan's exchange was cool--Nathan flying in after breaking the sound barrier in just a pair of pajama pants! Ando got let down easy by Nikki--awww... Claire's dad was TOO MERCIFUL on Brody in my opinion. Is Nikki's ex the guy that erases people's memories or his he someone else?

Overall, I'm really enjoying this show--HIRO ROCKS!!!
Nikki's ex isn't the guy who erases everyone's memories. That guy creeps me out, along with Claire's dad. Future!Hiro is freakin' awesome!
I love this show. (Why didn't I find this thread before?)

I'm really interested to see how everyone comes together, since that seems to be what's going to happen.

I'm curious about Hiro's friend. Is he just there to drive and teach Hiro English? :p

I wonder if Nikki's son is going to have some sort of power as well? It seems pretty likely considering his parents (maybe something to do with him being so intelligent).

I'm not liking Claire's dad. But is he totally bad or not? :confused:

I thought it was interesting that Peter didn't need drugs to paint the picture in Isaac's apartment...

I'm just really excited to see where the story goes from here. :D Heroes has become one of my favorite shows to watch every week.
I swear I didn't see this thread the other day. Glad I'm not the only one watching it. I think the character Hiro is such a good humorous sidekick. ;)
I love that Hiro is sort of a dork, but you get the feeling that he's going to end up being one of the major players in this little game. His power is definitely one of the most intense, that's for sure.

What are your thoughts on Sylar? He's one of the biggest enigmas on the show so far, I think.

Have you seen the "Heroes" section of nbc.com? Lot's of interesting stuff there. Check it out here. :D