Hell on Earth, the life of Sara Sidle


Next one:

Tony lowered the gun, he could never forgive himself for what he just did. He shot Greg Saunders. A totally innocent boy who had overheard a few girls say something months ago. He was just fifteen…
Tony pulled out his mobile phone and dialed Susan’s number
“it’s done, but you have a problem”
“and that is sweetie?”
“I can’t do this. I took a life, I can’t handle any more”
“oh, you’ll have to, otherwise your little girlfriend will have a small health problem…”
“OK! you win!”
“Good boy! bye”
he shut the phone
“Guys, I’m going for a small drive, to clear my thoughts, you take care of him, ok?”

*Cellphone ringing*
“Hi, it’s….”
“Tracy, I know you don’t want to talk to me and I can understand, but please listen to me, you’ll thank me afterwards…”
“Yes. It’s about Greg, Susan found him and made me…”
“What did he you do to him!!” Tracy was close to freaking out right now, she just returned from work and was alone in the apartment
“She made me kill him, if I didn’t she’d kill Steph.”
“You, bastard, how could you?”
“She’d kill Steph, but Tracy we don’t have much time here, I want you to warn you. Susan knows where you are wants to kill you. I have to kill you, but I will not. You aren’t safe there, get the others and get the hell out.”
“And why should I believe you?”
“Because of this, goodbye Tracy”
Tony threw the phone on the passenger seat, not pressing the disconnect button and picked something up, it was a gun. The same gun he used to kill Greg.
He put it in his mouth and slowly squeezed the trigger. Only seconds later the car drove up against a lamppost, the driver hit the steering wheel with his head.
“Tony? Tony!”
HOLY FU** I decided to read your story.. one of you other stories i read too... a GSR ... an omg ... three in the morning making coffee... andreline rush.... oh god ican't wait for the update... u have an inate talent ....steve...
I think .. wow your story reflects me in so many ways.....Sara is most like me, one difference is I haven't been put in the hospital yet.. but i also have peeps who will back me agianst the chick that wants to kill me... but wow, the scars .. that reminded me of when my ex found out bout my scars.... ur story is so gripping, i've had butterflies in my stomach from the first chapter... keep up the good work *passes out* ... i'm fine ....coffee coffee coffee... and a sandwich
I can't begin to describe how your comments lifted my mood today, especially your comment hit me, CSI_Trainee.

boring chapter:

“Hi Tracy, I’ve got everything we need for this week, milk, cookies, ice cream…” I walked in and didn’t notice she stood frozen with the phone clutched in her trembling hands. “Trace! What’s wrong with you! What happened?”
When I grabbed her shoulders and shook her lightly, she lost the ability to stand up straight, so I helped her sit down on the floor, her back leaning against the wall. While I kneeled down next to her, she started talking in a very shaky, distant, voice “Tony called, he killed Greg… Couldn’t bear it, warned me, he is going to kill us…”
“Oh my god, is this true?”
“Yes, Tony’s dead too”
“I heard a, a gunshot, and a car crash”

I panicked, we needed to get the hell out of here.
“We need to go, help me loading up the van”
“What about Grissom? You can’t leave him behind.”
“Where is he!”
“He, he, went to get something”
“What the hell would he need to get?”
“What something?”
“Something for you…”
“For me?”
“Leave it, I’ll explain it later.” Now I saw what a great effect adrenalin could have on a person, only a few minutes ago, Tracy was a wreck, but now she was functioning normal again.
At this moment I so wished we’d gotten him a cellphone…
We packed the most important things in little over an hour and Grissom still hadn’t shown up yet.
“That’s it, were leaving” Tracy said
“We have to wait till Gil shows up”
“No way, I’ve lost someone today, I’m not going to get killed too!”
She was behaving irrational now, the Tracy I knew would never, never leave a friend behind.
“I’m not going to leave without him”
“Well, I am”
“You can’t leave us behind…”
“Watch me!” she said, she acted like a complete fool now. She got behind the wheel of the van and started the engine.
“I can’t let you leave” I said, and was surprised by the determination in my voice.
“Stop me” She didn’t know what hit her until she was on her back, next to the van. I grabbed one of her wrists and dragged her out of the van.
“I am so sorry I have to do this Tracy, but it is for your own, Grissom’s and my health…”
“Of course, Sara… What’s that on your wrist?”
“Oh, nothing, guess I cut myself when I dragged you out of the van”
I let her stand up again, I could see by the look in her face she saw that she had made a mistake
“I’m sorry, it’s just all the stress and Greg…”
“I understand”
Suddenly, on exactly the right moment, Gilbert came walking down the street.
“Hey guys, what’s this, why is all that stuff in the van?”
“We’ll tell you everything once you get in the damn thing and we can get the hell out of here!” Tracy and I said together, well, I only said the ‘get the hell out of here’ part….
You know when i read your story, i know why i like Sara Sidle and why she is my favourite character: people like you makes me love her ...Thanks

*pulld out pitchfork* I am gonna have to start jabbing if i don't see a update soon. Dang you people and getting me on the dam pitchfork thing, JKJK love ya all ....
*blushes* I love your comments, make me feel good.

CSI_Trainee, I'm not afraid of pitchforks anymore, although SaraSullivan's Pitchfork of Doom would probably do the trick...

Anyhows, thanks for the comments and here's the next chapter:

“Hey girls, what’s this? What’s going on, where is Greg? Why is that stuff in the van, and why are you trying to get me in as well?” sometimes I hated scientific minded people, they always need an explanation for everything. How do you explain to someone that one of his closest friends has died, and that he is going to get killed too? Well, I didn’t know either, but I guess the look in my eyes said enough, he got in.

>> hours>of>explaining>later>>>
after a lot of talking and driving
“Tracy, I’m sorry”
“I’ll miss him so much.”
“We all miss him, he was a great guy” and while he said this, he pulled Tracy closer and put an arm around her. I didn’t like this. I didn’t know why, he was just being friendly, but somewhere I didn’t like it.
“eeuh, guys, where are we actually going?”
“never. I’ll never spend one more night in that house.” I replied, I meant it. My father was out of my life.
“to do what? Join a gang?”
“Miami?” Grissom said while Tracy and I argued
“I’d love the sun”
“I’ve always wanted to go to Florida”

We decided to sleep in the back of the van to save money, since we didn’t have jobs, we’d need to live off our savings again.
It was late, I guess around three AM when I heard a noise next to me. It was Tracy, she was crying. Crying her eyes out. I couldn’t blame her, her life was pretty much ruined, she was pregnant of her rapist, the only guy who she ever loved and cared about was dead and they were out to kill her, and since she had betrayed Susan, she’d have a horrible death.
I tuned around and put my hand on her waist. “Hey, it’s going to be all right.”
“no it is not!” she said, being interrupted by sobs.
“We’ll think of something”
“How on earth will you ever fix this? He is dead, I’m pregnant, I’ve got a drug habit and we’re stuck in a van with absolutely nothing, being chased by semi-professional killers”
Suddenly I realized that she was right. She had nothing left to live for, she hated the child she was going to give birth to, and the only person she ever loved was killed.
“Tracy, I am going to take care of you. You’ll get everything you need and if you want to, we can sign the baby up for adoption.”
“I guess that’s for the best”
After having said that, we slowly went back to sleep.

The following morning I noticed Tracy was gone, wondering where she was, I quickly got dressed and climbed out.
She was sitting with her back against one of the wheels of the van, hugging her knees and burying her face in them.
“What’s next? Should we send a message to his parents?”
“I don’t think so, then we’ll show them that we aren’t dead. I guess since it has been so long now, they will not expect us to be still alive.”
“I see, we don’t have the body, so who would believe us anyway?”
“hey, did you think about the baby again?”
“Yeah, I did”
“Do you know what to do?”
“I’ll give her up for adoption”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m sure, I’ll never be able to love this child, I don’t have a father figure, and I’m in no position, emotionally, to take care of it. Let alone the fact that I’m just 15 and we are insecure about our finances.”
“I understand, but I think Grissom would want to act like a father if you’d ask him…”
A small smile appeared on her face.
“Sara, you’re blind.”
“I’m not going to say anything more, just wait, you’ll see.”
I decided to let it go, this was not the time to interrogate people…
“Tracy, you are a very special person, it takes a lot of courage to make such a decision.”
“What would you have done?”
“the same”

Who Knows – Avril Lavigne

Why do you look so familiar
I could swear that I
Have seen your face before
I think I like that you seem sincere
I think I'd like to get
To know you a little bit more

I think there's something more
Life's worth living for

Who knows what could happen
Do what you do
Just keep on laughing
One thing's true
There's always a brand new day
I'm gonna live today like it's my last day

How do you always have an opinion
And how do you always find
The best way to compromise
We don't need to have a reason
We don't need anything
We're just wasting time

I think there's something more
Life's worth living for

Who knows what could happen
Do what you do
Just keep on laughing
One thing's true
There's always a brand new day

Who knows what could happen
Do what you do
Just keep on laughing
One thing's true
There's always a brand new day
I'm gonna live today like it's my last day

Find yourself
'Cause I can't find you
Be yourself
Who are you?
Find yourself
'Cause I can't find you
Be yourself
Who are you?

Who knows what could happen
Do what you do
Just keep on laughing
One thing's true
There's always a brand new day

So you go make it happen
Do your best
Just keep on laughing
I'm telling you
There's always a brand new day

Who knows what could happen
Do what you do
Just keep on laughing
One thing's true
There's always a brand new day
I'm gonna live today like it's my last day
Yes, my pitchfork of doom would inflict terror in you. HAHA it does. MWA HAHA!

Update, or do I have to get out the PITCHFORK OF DOOM!