Hell on Earth, the life of Sara Sidle

Thanks for the remarks,

Next chapter: "I'll be there for you"

Sara was working and Grissom was attending an evening course on something with computers, so I was home alone. It was late at night when I turned on the TV, it showed a police bulletin.
“Good evening, the FBI and San Francisco Police Department would like your attention for the following.” A picture appeared on the screen, Greg’s picture, he laid on a metal slab and had a bullet hole between his eyes. “If anyone knows who this….” I pressed the off button on the remote, I couldn’t look at him any longer. I curled up into a little ball on the couch and cried, I just cried for half an hour. Finally, I got up and made a decision.

I tried, I really tried, but I, Tracy, can’t try anymore. It’s over. I’ve got nothing left except the child of the man who raped me. I still remembered everything he did, everywhere he touched me. He had so much power, and dominated me so much that he didn’t even need to use Rohypnol.
The only one who made me feel better, the only one who truly cared about me was dead. Killed by the man who wanted to kill and rape me. I shouldn’t have escaped back then, I should’ve killed him. If I did that Greg might still be alive. I deserve to be on that metal slab, not Greg. Now I’m the emotional idiot Sara and Grissom need to take care of, if Grissom knew Sara had to work tonight he wouldn’t have gone to the course. I’m a burden, although Sara and Grissom would never say that. They are good people and I am just this emotional wreck. Pieces of what once was this popular girl who was best friends with the school queen. The same friend who now tried to kill her, well, I’d save her the hassle. I ran to the bathroom and found a fresh new pot of Tylenol, extra strength.
I grabbed it and a razor and walked to the kitchen. I took a bottle of water out of the fridge.
After a few minutes, I decided to go and sit on the couch in the living room, if I was going to die, I wanted it to be comfortable. One, two, three… fifteen. That should make me pretty numb, and if the razor didn’t kill me, the liver failure caused by the Tylenol would. There they laid, on the table, fifteen small white pills of comfort.

So, class finished earlier than we expected, it wasn’t that late, maybe we could go to the movies or something.
“Hey Tracy, we finished early tonight, wanna see a movie? Where is Sara?” As I walked in, I saw Tracy sitting in the living room, her face was red and tearstained, then I noticed something different, on the table. A box of Tylenol and a razor. So not good…
I sat down next to her on the couch and put my arm around her.
“Oh, Tracy, please, don’t do this.” She buried her face in my shoulder, I should have been here with her tonight, then this wouldn’t have happened
“why not? I’ve got nothing left to live for.”
“You’ve got us…”
“Oh, come on Gil, we both know I’m more of a liability than an asset to you and Sara.”
“You aren’t. You are my best friend, I care about you”
“Please don’t leave me.”
“You think I’d let such a beautiful girl end her life? No way…”
A small smile appeared on her face, what would have happened if I hadn’t walked in on her? Would she be dead now? I’d never be able to forgive myself if she ended her life.
We sat next to each other on the couch until Sara arrived, Tracy explained everything to her and Sara sat down next to her on the other side. Tracy would make it through, even if I’d mean that Sara and I couldn’t leave her out of our sight for a minute.
So, it has been a long while, Tracy is at the hospital right now, ready to be discharged. Grissom and I’ll pick her up later today. Luckily, Tracy finally saw that life was too precious to waste on suicide. She realized that Greg wouldn’t want his death to mean that the only person he loved died.
Grissom was starting to behave more and more nervous around me the last few weeks and, strangely, I care. I noticed that I am a little too happy to see him every day, I can’t get him off my mind.
Would this be like having a serious crush on someone?
Well, anyhow, back to Tracy.

“Hey, you got everything?”
“Yup, clothes, toothbrush, the lot.”
“Let’s go then, here’s the wheelchair.”
She totally ignored my last comment and started walking down the hallway
“well, ok…”
“Where’s Gil?” She looked happy, cheerful, I doubted if that was how she really felt…
On one hand, she just gave up her child, the child she carried around for nine months.
On the other hand, she finally was relieved off the much hated child of the rapist she carried around for nine months.
“Sara? Where is he?”
“Oh, he’s outside with the van.”
“Finally, I can get out of this hospital”
“Are you sure you are all right?”
“Yes… I feel relieved, I can move on.”
“You’re a very special person”

When we walked out the front door, Grissom came walking up to us almost immediately.
“Hey girls, you okay Tracy?”
“I’m fine Greg, better than I’ve been in a long time.”
She didn’t notice she just called Grissom Greg and judging by the look in Grissom’s eyes, he wasn’t going to tell her either.
“Let’s go home”
“No! I’ve been stuck in a hospital for over a week, I want to do something fun, let’s go to the movies.”
“Tracy, you absolutely sure? I mean, you just came walking out of a hospital.”
“Yes I am sure Sara! I just came out of a hospital WALKING, not in the stupid wheelchair they want me to be in. I want you and Grissom to drop the ‘poor Tracy’ attitude and treat me like a normal human being again. Leave me alone, I don’t need someone to watch me 24/7. If I really still wanted to kill myself, I’d have done it in that hospital, plenty of opportunity, of even before, do you really think it’s that difficult to escape two unarmed teens in a cheap apartment?
I put that chapter of my life behind me! No more suicide, no more pills, no more good conversations, no more morning sickness, it’s over, past tense, when I walked out of this hospital, I left my life in Vegas, the rape and even Greg behind me.”
Grissom and I were silent for a few seconds, we didn’t expect this. Maybe she was right, it had been months now, she didn’t pick up her drug addiction again, she didn’t overdose, didn’t cut her wrists, she was normal, she deserved our trust. When Tracy opened her mouth again, to add a second chapter to the tirade, I interrupted her.
“That was, very, very clear…”
“thank you”
“You are right, Grissom and I told each other not to leave you out of our sight a single second, but you deserve our trust. Even if you decide to kill yourself, it would be your own choice…”
“A choice that I’m not going to make. Now let’s go see that new movie!”
“which one?”
“I’m clueless, I just want to have a good time with you guys” after she said that we all laughed out loud and knew we had Tracy back, our Tracy.

Avril Lavigne – Who Knows

Why do you look so familiar
I could swear that I
Have seen your face before
I think I like that you seem sincere
I think I'd like to get
To know you a little bit more

I think there's something more
Life's worth living for

Who knows what could happen
Do what you do
Just keep on laughing
One thing's true
There's always a brand new day
I'm gonna live today like it's my last day

How do you always have an opinion
And how do you always find
The best way to compromise
We don't need to have a reason
We don't need anything
We're just wasting time

I think there's something more
Life's worth living for

Who knows what could happen
Do what you do
Just keep on laughing
One thing's true
There's always a brand new day

Who knows what could happen
Do what you do
Just keep on laughing
One thing's true
There's always a brand new day
I'm gonna live today like it's my last day

Find yourself
'Cause I can't find you
Be yourself
Who are you?
Find yourself
'Cause I can't find you
Be yourself
Who are you?

Who knows what could happen
Do what you do
Just keep on laughing
One thing's true
There's always a brand new day

So you go make it happen
Do your best
Just keep on laughing
I'm telling you
There's always a brand new day

Who knows what could happen
Do what you do
Just keep on laughing
One thing's true
There's always a brand new day
I'm gonna live today like it's my last day
Wow what a good chapter steve..... really touching.....great writing you have such good talent keep up thre great work.. i'm rooting for you *pulls out normal pitchfork* do i see another update.....dam i realy need a pitchfork of doom.....
“Hey Tracy, I’m finally going to ask her tonight”
“Ask who what?”
“I’m going to ask Sara to be my girlfriend”
“aah, that’s great, she deserves a good guy like you Gil”
“Who says I’m good? I can be a bad boy..”
“Sure” Tracy said with a huge grin on her face “where are you going to ask her?”
“I want to take her to a movie tonight and on the way back I’ll ask her”
So, this was it, Gilbert Grissom was finally going to ask Sara Sidle if she wanted to be his girlfriend. Only, how should he go about it? It should be a little original
“Do you have any tips?”
“Well, I guess she knows you have a crush on her so I suggest you ask both Sara and me to the movie, otherwise she’ll get suspicious, then, I decide to stay home because of this killer headache.”
“Great idea, thanks”
“So Tracy, you wanna go to a movie later” Grissom said in an extremely playful manner.
“Sure, only this headache” Tracy said, playing along

While sitting at my desk, writing pointless drabble (I don’t get what keeps this place in business), my cell rang.
“Hey Sara, it’s Grissom”
“Oh hi Gil, what’s going on there, I’m bored.”
“Well, I was going to ask you and Tracy to go to the movies tonight”
“That’s a great idea, which movie?”
“What’s it about?”
“A group of teens who are playing games with a serial killer”
“Hmm, déjà vu….”
“You wanna come?”
“Okay, seems like it’s gong to be nice, meet you at eight.”
“Oh, Gil, how’s Tracy?”
“She’s fine, you worry too much.”
“I know, we should stop being paranoid”
“Bye Sara”

Everything went perfectly, Sara returned home at six to find Tracy with a huge headache and Tracy convinced Sara that she should go and leave her behind in the apartment, if she felt better she could do some much needed grocery shopping. Grissom went to his computer class and afterwards traveled straight to the cinema.

“Hey Sara, where’s Tracy?”
“She decided to stay at home, she has a headache and wanted to do some shopping if she felt better…”
“Ok, we need to get back…” this was not the deal, Tracy was just going to tell Sara she felt sick and was going to bed, not shopping. What could happen if she decided to buy boxes of medication and took an overdose?

When he started to leave, I grabbed hold of his wrist, he needed to realize he should leave Tracy alone.
“We should trust her, what do you think will happen to her confidence if we barge in and she is just watching TV? She will know we don’t trust her but she deserves to be trusted by us.”
“You’re right, I’m just being paranoid, let’s go and enjoy the movie…”
Great next chapter..... I am left on the edge of my seat *falls off* oooopppppps I didn't think I was actually that close...*rubs tush* that hurt, I think I landed on a fork!
I hope to see what you think about this chapter:

Next one:

Chapter 32

“Wow! I never saw that coming, she seemed like such a nice girl!” Grissom said as they walked out of the cinema, still surprised by the end of the movie.
“That was her strength, she looked innocent so people believed she was”
“Good strategy...”
“Let’s walk back through the park, It’s beautiful in the moonlight”
“I didn’t know you were interested in beauty” I said teasingly.
“I’m not and you have a huge pimple on your nose!” he teased right back
“Oh, come here!” He stared running, so I chased him, he really needed some running lessons because halfway through the park I caught up with him and threw him on the soft grass next to the pond.
“What? Don’t like a girl beat you?”
As he stood up and tried to find his balance, he already started to run towards me “You didn’t beat me, the fight hasn’t even begun!”
I wasn’t fast enough, so he walked past me and grabbed my waist, he tripped and landed on his back in the grass, pulling me with him.
After laying in the same position for a few seconds, he tried to push me off him.
“Could you get off of me?”
“No, you offended me, say please”
He looked me in the eyes and said “Does this do the trick?”
He moved closer, and closer, eventually, he kissed me. I answered.
After this, I got off of him and laid on my back beside him.
“Where did that come from?”
“My heart, I do have one you know”
I grabbed his hand and held it in mine.
“Sara, do you want to be my girlfriend?” Wow, this was something I only dreamed about, a guy actually wanting me, me, a weird geek girl.
“Gil, you are a really sweet guy and I’ve always had feelings for you, so…. I’d love to”
The next few minutes we were both speechless.
“Grissom, how did this happen? Have you planned this?”
“Yes, I’ve thought about this day for a long time, the so called fight however wasn’t planned” I laughed, I never pegged Grissom as someone who planned stuff like this.
“Was Tracy’s headache real?”
“No it wasn’t, I however planned with her that she would be in bed, heavily sedated. Instead, she is going shopping.”
“So your concern before the movie was real?”
“Yes, but hey, she is over this, we need to give her some freedom.”
“Let’s go home and tell her, she has been part of this I hear…”
“Not yet, I want to give you something…” Grissom had actually bought me something?
“Here, I am sure it will look beautiful on you”
He took a small black box out of his pocket and handed it to me, when I opened it, I saw an amazing silver bracelet. I took it out and put it around my wrist, it was really pretty.
“Oh thanks Grissom, you shouldn’t have”
“I wanted to, there is one thing though”
“On the day Greg died, you remember I was away? I bought it then.”
“Poor Greg”
“Yeah, let’s go home, we have some news to tell Tracy”
“ok, let’s go” We slowly walked out of the moonlit park, hand in hand. Things finally seemed to get better for Tracy, Grissom and me, unfortunately, they only seemed that way…..
Sorry for the delay, had some problems in the family, again...

Next chapter:

“Hi Tracy! We’re home!” no answer…
“Tracy?” again I was greeted by ice cold silence.
As I walked through the house and didn’t find her in the living room, nor in any of the other rooms, I assumed she went shopping.
“She’s just gone to the store”
Grissom nodded after he heard my comment, but suddenly his face turned to a near white shade, I followed the direction in which he was looking and on the table were Tracy’s cellphone, purse and keys…
As I walked to the table, I noticed something different, under her cell laid an envelope.…
I opened it and took a letter out, this is what it said:

Dear Sara and Grissom,
I tried, I tried really hard for weeks, but I just can’t try anymore.
I can’t cope with waking up without Greg next to me anymore,
I can’t cope with sitting in the van Greg, Sara and me escaped in,
I can’t cope with Susan trying to hunt us down,
I can’t cope with another dream in which I live through the rape again,
I can’t cope with the world anymore

I decided to put an end to it all, I tried and failed in every possible sense of the word.

I’ll make sure my body is never found and you and Grissom will not be questioned or in any way related to my disappearance. You know me, you’ll never find me, so don’t try. Don’t notify my parents or any of my family members, I don’t want to give them the satisfaction of knowing that they finally drove me to suicide…

Don’t hold yourself in any way responsible for this, you helped me so much, you were the reason I managed to get this far. I thank you two for everything.

See you in heaven/hell/afterlife or whatever there might be on the other side.



“Ow god no! No! Why did we leave her alone! She killed herself!” Grissom screamed, his eyes tear full of tears
“I don’t think so” I said, equally emotional
“Why not?”
“Because that’s not Tracy’s handwriting”
OMG she is dead? :( awww god that's too sad....Anyway that's an excellent chapter, i didn't let reviews for the others cause i didn't have time, but i want you to know that i really really appreciate your story, there is something really powerfull behind your words and everytime i read it , the only thing i can say is "Waouh"...

Bravo and take care fo you

As you wish... :p
Next one, I don't really like it but still, I wrote it after another night without sleep....

“What are you suggesting? Susan took her?”
“I don’t know anyone else who would go through so much trouble letting her disappear in such a realistic way…”
“If this is true, we need to get the hell out of here!”
“And leave Tracy behind? Never.”
“Then what are you going to do?”
“call Susan”

I know, this is the worst thing I could possibly do, but something inside me said that there was still a chance to save Tracy. Susan went through all this trouble to get her, she at least wanted to have a little “fun” with her. I needed to save her, Grissom and I couldn’t survive alone, we needed her. I mean, this “thing” Grissom and I have is nice and cute, but in the end the only thing that really matters is letting as many people as possible of us survive, if Tracy got killed and I jumped off a building, that would leave only one. It was the least difficult way for me, but I couldn’t leave Grissom alone in this mess.
“Are you out of your mind?”
“I am, but I can’t let Tracy get killed and walk away! I don’t think she’s dead yet…”
“And what do you plan on doing? Call Susan and ask her to let her go?”
“No, I am going to offer her something in return.”
“What? What do you have that she would want in return for Tracy?”
“You what? Sara, you can’t do this to me!”
“Then what do you suggest? Run away, again? Walk away from this and everything Tracy did and stood for? And what are you going to do next time, when they are going to take me? Walk away from my dead body?”
“No! I want to get the hell out of here and get us to safety!”
“Wake up you blind fool! Last time it was Greg, now Tracy, each time we were extremely careful and covered our tracks. They are going to find us again, wherever we go!”
“I won’t let you make that call”
“You don’t scare me! If we have one amongst us who stands a chance in a fight it’s me, not you.” I was so mad at him now, I know my plan was in essence kamikaze, but my life had less value than Tracy’s, she was so much stronger than I ever was, she lost everything and was back on top of her game now. I never lost anything and still I was a total mess.
“I give you one minute to come up with a different plan”
“You know what? I don’t give a **** anymore if you die! Or if I go with you for that matter…” Was he really this blind? Was it possible that he still didn’t get it?
“You still don’t get it do you? I don’t give a damn if I die, I do it all to protect you and Tracy”
“You are the one who doesn’t get it! I love you Sara! You are the reason to live for me…”
“I can’t live knowing I didn’t do anything to save Tracy, so, Grissom, you decide. The ball is in your court, or I make the call and get Tracy out of there or I kill myself….
So, or you give me that phone or you give me a…”

“please, don’t finish that sentence” Grissom said with a new found peace in his voice.
“Let’s make the call, but remember, I’m going with you.” The tone of his voice made me realize that there was no way I could change this person’s mind.
“I know I can’t keep you here, but realize Susan is going to cut you into little pieces when this goes down the wrong way…”
“I realize that, now make the call.”
OH GOD UPDATE SOON I AM AT THE EDGE OF MY SEAT AGAIN! Your such a good writer steve! Such raw emotion, such talent, I envy you! (Don't worry I don't sleep much either....dam insomnia.....)
