Hell on Earth, the life of Sara Sidle

Thanks! *turns bright red*

Next chapter:

“Sara, could I talk to you for a second?” Greg asked as he entered the living room of the apartment.
“Sure” I replied and followed him into the kitchen.
“Sara, I’m so worried. Tracy hasn’t really said a word since the doctor came back and said that she couldn’t have an abortion.”
“Just give her some time, imagine you were in her position. You were going to have a gangster’s child, the gangster who raped you his child…”
“I know, but that’s not the only thing that worries me…”
“What’s wrong?”
“I found this when I cleaned our room. It was hidden in a compartment under the bed and just fell out…”
Greg said as he carefully handed me a silver box.
I opened it. Inside were a few items, a few syringes, a number of needles, a tourniquet and an empty vial.
“Is this…”
“I think so..”

“Greg, before we go and confront her about this, are you sure it is hers? Couldn’t it be Grissom’s?”
“I don’t think so… What is the best way to deal with this?”
“Ask her, be honest, say you found it and if she has a problem you want to help her. Eventually, honesty always pays…”
“You think I should ask her?”
“We could do it together, but you should definitely be there, after all, you are her boyfriend. You are the person she loves, and if everything is all right, she is the person you love…”
“Sara, I love her more than I love my own life…”
“When should we ask her?”
“Well, I don’t want to put it off any longer, if she has a problem, and she will allow us, we need to help her…”

Tracy sat on balcony as we approached her, she didn’t see us coming, when I opened the door, she jumped. She dropped something, I couldn’t really see what it was, something small and with a cylinder shape. Tracy quickly grabbed it from the floor and hid it in her back pocket.
“Tracy, what was that?”
“I don’t think it’s nothing, could you show it to us?” Greg asked her
“Leave it!” She shouted… When she looked at me, I saw her eyes were red and tearstained.
“Tracy, have you been crying?”
“Sara, I… I…” She was too weak to finish her sentence and was losing her balance, so Greg helped her to sit back down on her chair.

“Tracy, I know this isn’t the right time, but I want you to know we found something, which we think belongs to you…”

“What did you find?”
“This” I said as I pulled the box out of my pocket.

“shit” was the only thing she said.
“oh, Tracy, how long has this been going on?” She was crying again, she buried her face in Greg’s shoulder.
“Susan… She once had this boyfriend, JW, he was a dealer. He gave Susan some stuff and she gave me some.”
“I’m so sorry…”
A few silent second passed, as I realized the problems this girl faced…
“How bad is it?”
Greg started speaking again
“Hey, I’m so sorry. We just want to help you. If you want professional help, we’ll see what we can arrange.”
“Can you show me what you just hid?”
“What does it matter anyway, you know everything…”
She pulled the cylinder out of her pocket and threw it into Greg’s hands.
When he handed it to me, I saw it was in fact a medication bottle, the label read one, short, shocking word:

My Tourniquet - Evanescence

I tried to kill the pain
But only brought more (so much more)
I lay dying
And I'm pouring crimson regret and betrayal
I'm dying, praying, bleeding and screaming
Am I too lost to be saved?
Am I too lost?

My God, my tourniquet
Return to me salvation
My God, my tourniquet
Return to me salvation

Do you remember me?
Lost for so long
Will you be on the other side?
Or will you forget me?
I'm dying, praying, bleeding, and screaming
Am I too lost to be saved?
Am I too lost?

My God, my tourniquet
Return to me salvation
My God, my tourniquet
Return to me salvation

(Return to me salvation)

(I want to die)

My God, my tourniquet
Return to me salvation
My God, my tourniquet
Return to me salvation

My wounds cry for the grave
My soul cries for deliverance
Will I be denied Christ? (Christ)
My suicide
It is a great song, that's why I posted it...

Next chapter:
“Valium?” Please tell me you just have trouble sleeping…”
“I’m so sorry.” Tracy said while sobbing…
“Sara, it’s too much, I can’t handle it anymore! I lost everything! Susan and her friends ruined my life, I got pregnant of the man that raped me, I have a great boyfriend who I keep letting down…”

“Hey! You never let me down Tracy, never…”
“Shut up, I did. Before Susan tried to kill me, I lived in a different world. A lot of bad things happened, I just didn’t let my mind process them. I lived in a different reality, now, I woke up from that reality and you know what the worst part is? I can’t go back! I’m stuck out here! I got on a one-way train to hell and it doesn’t make any stops!”

“Tracy don’t be like this. We’ll figure something out…”

“Why shouldn’t I be like this, Sara? Why not! My life sucks, I’ve got nothing to live for and a stack of problems that easy outstretches Mt. Everest!
I haven’t got anything left to live for, there isn’t a single reason left for me to live.”

“I am a reason” Greg said with a shaking voice.
“I don’t want to live without you Tracy, I can’t live without you.”

“You don’t know how much I longed to hear that…”
“I love you”
“I love you too”
they said as they pulled each other closer for an embrace.

I decided to go back inside, they needed some alone-time. As I opened the fridge, the front door opened, Grissom returned from the mall. We sent him there to buy some decent clothes for himself…
“Hey Sar, what’s up?”
“Stop calling me that! Have a seat, a lot of stuff happened while you were away…”

“How could this all have happened right underneath our noses?”
“Tracy is a smart girl, she knew how to cover her tracks…”
“Do you think she’ll try to end her life again?”
“I really don’t know…”
“Does she accept help with her drug problem?”
“I think Greg is talking to her about it now…”

The door leading to the balcony opened and Tracy, followed by Greg, stepped into the living room.
“Hi Griss!” Tracy said a little too happy.
“I told him everything…”
A small pause fell.
“So, you know…” Tracy said, dropping the act.
“Guys, Greg and I discussed my drug problem and we both think that because I’ve been clean for almost a week now, I don’t need professional help. I just need a lot of support from you guys.” She said as she looked Grissom and me directly in the eyes.
“I hope you are wiling to give me that support.”
“Of course! We care about you!”
“We’ll be here for you.”
hehe, I love your remarks

It had been a rough one, with a lot of crying, but Tracy stayed clean and didn’t kill herself. Greg and her were going back to work today for the first time in weeks.

“Well, see you tonight then..” Greg said after he kissed her. They now both went separate ways. Tracy walked down the street to the place where the van was parked, Greg could walk to his office. He still found it extremely weird, he had a well paid desk job, while he was just fifteen years of age… He was so lucky, he was fifteen and had everything he ever dreamed to have, a great girlfriend, she had some issues, but these weren’t unfixable, a home, friends…
He walked through the park now, he liked this park. This week he and Tracy had spent a lot of time there, talking, sitting on the swings, just looking at each other…
The park was almost empty now, there was a man throwing a ball which was caught with great ease by his dog, a newspaper stand and a truck with a huge San Francisco Times logo on the side probably delivering fresh papers and magazines to the stand, there was a balloon seller, he sold huge red, helium filled balloons.
Suddenly, a man walked up to him “Sir, could you tell me the time? I need to get on a bus and I’d like to know how much time I’ve got left…” Greg turned around and looked at his watch, what followed went so quickly Greg barely knew what hit him.
A man approached him from behind and grabbed him, the San Francisco Times truck came to life and drove up to the group of people. The man who asked Greg the time and the man who attacked him opened the side door to the truck, threw him in and sped off.

When Greg woke up, he was tied to a chair in what looked like an abandoned warehouse or factory.
“Soo! Greg, you didn’t really think you could pull that trick off did you?” said Tony while squealing.
“huh? My name is Jonathan! I don’t know any Gregs”
“Drop the act, I’ll prove you are Greg. After that, I’ll kill you.”
“How would you prove that?” it couldn’t be done by DNA, they had taken every brush, toothbrush or any DNA rich object with them when they fled out of Vegas.
“Easy! We stole your fingerprint card out of the high school administration archive.”
Now he had a problem, he knew that Tony was going to kill him if he got the chance, he had heard the stories from Tracy…
“Guys, give me a hand, I need to take his fingerprints…” The two people who had earlier kidnapped him, now held his hand still while Tony printed Greg. He walked to a nearby notebook with a scanner hooked up to it and put the card in the scanner. After the image was loaded on the screen, he pulled up the image taken earlier from the high school. After he laid one over the other, the match was perfect.
“OK! You’re on to me! I admit, I am Greg Saunders”
“Great!” Tony said as he opened a small case which was positioned next to the notebook and pulled out a pistol.
“Any last wishes?”
“Please, leave Tracy alone”
“I’m afraid I can’t do that…”
“Then at least let her death be dignified…”
“I’ll look into it, Greg, I’m sorry it had to come to this.” Tony said with a shaking voice.
“Do you want me to tell her something?”
“Tell her that I loved her more than anything on this earth, and that I’m sorry I couldn’t protect her from you.”
“I will, if I find her, I’ll make sure it is fast and painless…” Tony was almost in tears now, he loaded the gun.
“Goodbye Greg”
