Hell on Earth, the life of Sara Sidle

I'm so sorry I didn't update sooner, I just have so much to do at the moment!

Next chapter:

After they had visited Greg’s and Tracy’s home, they decided to and have dinner before they left Vegas.
“So, guys, do you think we can actually pull this off?” Sara asked her friends
“I don’t know what Tracy thinks, but I think if we are careful with money and get jobs, we will be able to do this.”
“How much do we have left? We bought a load of stuff today…”
“A little over twenty thousand dollar.”
“Yesterday I thought that was huge amount of money, now I have my doubts if it will be enough…”
“I know, I have the same feeling, but since we are all smart and now twenty one years of age, we can get jobs. With the degrees we have, we’ll make a lot of money…”
“I’m impressed, we arranged everything in just one day! We decided to leave and move to San Francisco!”
Tracy hadn’t spoken a word since they entered the restaurant, she was consumed by the thoughts. ‘what if Sara and Greg find out? Will they be disgusted by me? Will they help me? Will they think I’m too emotionally instable to take with them to San Francisco?’

“Tracy? Are you all right?”
“Tracy, please tell Greg and me what is wrong, what happened this afternoon?”
“Oh, eeh, nothing, I’m fine”
“You are not, even a blind person would see that!”
“Well, let’s talk about this later, I want to get out of Vegas before night falls.” Greg said, they decided that he would drive the first stretch, and when he was asleep, Sara would take over.
“Let’s go”
Sara, Greg and a very absent minded Tracy walked out of the building and got in the van.

<Three hours later>
“Sara! Sar, wake up!”
“Uh? Oh?”
“Sara, It’s your turn to drive…”
“Oh, of course, gimme a sec.”
I said as I opened my eyes and put the blanket covering me and Tracy aside.
We were in the middle of nowhere, in the middle of the night. A couple of days ago, this would have scared me, now, I knew we didn’t have any other options. If we stayed in Vegas, we would all die, or we would be tormented to such a level that we would kill ourselves…
I got behind the wheel and started to drive. Five more hours and we would be in San Francisco.
After a few more hours, I thought about letting Tracy drive, but considering the condition she was currently in, I decided against that. What caused her to behave like this? Something must have happened to her…
Well, maybe it is just homesickness, after all, she has people who loved her, her parents. It is probably nothing and I should stop making such a fuss about it.

<two hours later>
“Hey guys, wanna see the most beautiful view you ever woke up to?”
I said to them as she opened the back doors of the van. Greg quickly climbed out and Tracy followed him. When their eyes were adjusted to the light, we had the most beautiful view I ever saw.
The Golden Gate Bridge at sunrise…
Next chapter:

“So, what do we still need to do?”
“Well, we need some kind of home…” Greg said
“I suggest Sara and I start looking for a cheap apartment then…”
“And how are we going to pay for that after we run out of our small fortune?”
“We won’t. That’s why we need to find a job.”
“How do you find a job?”
“I don’t have a clue…”

Grissom didn’t know why he woke up, when the driver started talking, he knew:
“Dear passengers, we have arrived at our final destination! Welcome to San Francisco! It’s currently 71 degrees outside and the sky is ultra clear, so you’ll have a perfect view of the Golden Gate Bridge!”
Grissom grabbed his things and left the bus. There he was, alone in an big city.

“Okay, what should I do first…” he said to himself…
after just a second, he knew. He walked to the nearest Starbucks and got himself a mocha.
He found a place to sit, next to a group of people about his age. He took his notebook out of his bag and went online by using the Starbucks network.

“Hey guys, I want to look some things up on the internet, what do you say we ask the loner here if we can borrow his notebook for a few minutes.”
The others told me that was a great idea. I walked over to his table
“Eeuhm, hey, what do you say if I offer you a drink in return of a few minutes of Internet time on your notebook?”
“Don’t bother, you can use it.”
“Thanks! My name is Sa.. eeuh, Deana, Deana Martin”
“Gil Grissom”
I took a seat behind his computer and logged on to my mail account.
I laughed, Lisa sent me an e-mail to find out where I was. After a moment, I decided to ignore it and didn’t reply, after all, they could trace the IP address back to this Starbucks and that would put me in San Francisco.
After I finished, I gave the notebook back to Grissom and started to head back to Greg’s table.
“eeuh Deana, this might seem a weird thing to ask, but do you know where I could rent a cheap apartment? I just came in from Washington and I need a place to stay…”
Wow, this really cute guy, with beautiful eyes seemed to have the same problem as we had…
“Gil, why don’t you come and sit with us. We seem to have something in common…”

“So, if in essence, you people were forced to run away from home because of this Susan girl and her killer friends?”
“Yes, but there were some other things too. Things that I don’t really want to talk about.” Sara said.
“I understand. This may seem forward, but, wouldn’t it be a good idea if we would work together? I have something you need and you have something I need.”
“What do you have?” Tracy asked him
“A lot of money and my computer…”
“What do we have?”
“A lot of money, a van and intelligent people I can talk to…”
“Welcome to the club Grissom. By the way, my name isn’t Jonathan, her name isn’t Amy and her name isn’t Deana.”
“We got ourselves false identities. My real name is Greg Saunders”
“Mine Tracy Jones”
“And mine Sara Sidle”
Sara Sidle, that was the name of this beautiful, intelligent girl Grissom was desperate to know more about...
I'm so sorry this one is this late, my life's a little busy these few weeks, after friday, I've got all the time in the world to write this...
(Silent hint, please leave the pitchforks at home...)

Next chapter:

A lot of things happened these three months. We all found a job, all except Grissom, and had an apartment. Grissom made a lot of money with his computer designing webpages and writing pieces of software. When we added everything up, we realized that we had a lot of money left at the end of the month, so we decided to have some fun this weekend.

There is one other thing, recently, I saw Tracy and Greg get a lot closer…… Almost every night they sat on the balcony sharing a cup of coffee, talking about stuff. Stuff, I don’t know about what exactly, maybe their future, maybe their past…

Well, I should stop talking about that, let’s get back to the weekend of fun. Were going to take the van and drive out of town, to a deserted part of the beach.

“Do you have everything?”
“I guess so…”
“Hey guys, can we go now!” Sara shouted from the driver seat to the people still throwing stuff in the van.
“Yeah, we’re ready”
“Let’s go then!”

<Three hours later>
“Hey, guys, wanna go for a walk?” Greg asked
“I’ll go” Tracy said immediately
“Griss and I’ll make a fire, and prepare something to resemble a meal…”
Tracy laughed and ran after Greg.

“I saw that…” Grissom said
“What did you see?” Sara answered him jokingly
“You’re right, they’ll be a great couple”
They both laughed and stared at the two people walking down the beach, hand in hand…
Thanks! *climbs out of hiding space under table*

Next chapter:

Minutes later, when they were outside Sara and Grissom’s view, Greg and Tracy sat on big piece of wood that laid on the deserted beach.
“Wow, it’s beautiful out here!”
“I know, that’s why we went for this walk.” Greg answered her
“Well, this is one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen. I’ve actually never seen the sea before…”
“There is another reason I took you for this walk…”
“And that is?”
“Tracy, throughout the last few months I realized I felt more for you than just friendship…”
Tracy looked him in the eyes and saw he meant it.
“So, you too huh? I feel the same way, I like you a lot Greg…”
After having said this, they moved closer. When their lips finally met, they kissed for minutes.

“So, guys, what do you think of what we have accomplished until now?”
“Well, we’re almost finished! We have jobs, we have a great apartment…”
“and above all” Sara said, not giving Tracy a chance to finish that sentence, “we are all still alive.”
“Let’s have a drink to celebrate!” Greg said as he passed a few cans of Coke around.
“There is one more little thing…” Tracy said
“and that is?” Grissom said with a hint of worry in his voice
“Greg and I have a little announcement to make”
“And that announcement is?” Sara said with faked hint of surprise in her voice…
“We, well”
Because Greg couldn’t think of the right way to say it, Tracy said it for him. She pulled him close and kissed him for the second time that night.

“Aah! That’s so cute!”
Tracy looked at Greg and Greg looked back at Tracy, the moment was perfect, the fire, the best friends they could wish to have, everything was just right. Until..
“Tracy, are you crying? What’s wrong?”
Tracy hid her face with her hand and stood up.
“No, I’m not crying, there is nothing wrong with me…”

She quickly turned around and started running, her sobs clearly audible.
The people around the fire quickly exchanged glances.
“I’ll go after her” Sara said as she got up and walked in the direction Tracy had just taken.

She just needed to be alone, she needed some alone time. She couldn’t hide it anymore…
“Tracy! Wait!”
She heard Sara shout from behind her. She stopped, but didn’t answer.
“Hey girl, what’s wrong? Was it something he said?”
“No, it’s got nothing to do with Greg…”
“That what happened?”
“Nothing!” She didn’t sound convincing at all.
“Hey, you can tell me…”
“NO, you wouldn’t understand..”
“I can’t guarantee you I’ll understand, but I’ll try… Tracy I care about you! It hurts me to see you like this…”
“Ok, if you keep your mouth shut to Greg…”
“of course”
“no, I can’t tell, I shouldn’t…”
“Please, Tracy, tell me…”
“Sara, I’m pregnant…”
Next chapter:

Suddenly everything fell to place, her being quiet, her loss of energy, her running to the toilet, and I worried that she had bulimia…

“Oh, Tracy, I’m so sorry. How could this happen?”
“You remember a few months ago, when I disappeared a few hours in Vegas?”
Sara remembered, Tracy had disappeared for a few hours and had acted extremely strange afterwards, and she didn’t want to tell them where she had been those hours.
“I drove through a bad area of Vegas, and, and… A man with a gun approached the van and dragged me out. He, he.. raped me…”
She lost it, her legs couldn’t support her anymore. She slowly started falling backwards, I ran and grabbed hold of her just before she hit the ground. With a little help we sat down and I put my arm around her.
“Oh Tracy, I’m so sorry…”
“He went on for hours, and I was too weak to fight back. I just wasn’t strong enough… Sara, I can’t take it anymore!”
“Shh, I’m here for you. Don’t say things like that…”
“Why shouldn’t I? My life sucks! It can’t get any worse than this!”
“I’m here, and I’m not going to let you slip away!”
“What should I do next?”
“Tomorrow I’m going to take you to the hospital. We’ll sort everything out after we have gone there…”
“What about Greg? He follows me, like, everywhere… ”
“I think we should tell them. They will understand, Greg loves you and Grissom cares about you just as much as I do…”
“I can’t tell him, I don’t have the energy…”
“Let’s go back, If you don’t want to, I can tell them.”
I helped her get up and we slowly walked back to the fire and the others. When Greg saw us coming, he stood up.
“Tracy, Sara, where have you been? Is everything all right?”
When Grissom and Greg saw Sara’s facial expression, they knew something was wrong, terribly wrong…
“Please Greg, let’s sit down…” I figured he would collapse if he heard this news, so sitting down would be the right thing to do.
“Tracy, are you sure you don’t want to do this yourself?”
“I can’t, I’m sorry…”
“Don’t be, no one can blame you for any of this.”
“Greg, Grissom, Tracy just told me something. She is…” Before I could finish this sentence, she interrupted me.
“I’m pregnant…”

Greg collapsed on the spot. Nothing more and nothing less. Grissom’s face turned to anger and he looked like he was going to lynch Greg on the spot.
Just before Grissom was going to explode, I started speaking again.
“No Grissom! It wasn’t Greg. So sit down! Do you remember a few months ago, just before we left Vegas, Tracy disappeared for a few hours?”
“Yeah, she still didn’t tell us where she went…” Was Grissom’s reply, Greg didn’t look like he was able to say anything anymore this evening.
“She was attacked, and raped.”
Tracy couldn’t take it anymore, she buried her head in my shoulder and just cried.