"Hell Night" Discussion Thread (Will Contain Spoilers)

Re: Can't we all just get along.

Posted by Destiny:
I would have to check but i believe yelina stated that Jr was with her mother because her and stetler were out of town, which is why she couldn't go looking for him.

According to the reviewer on this site, you're correct. Ok, that answers my question too. Yelina's trip out of town with Stetler was a good opportunity to introduce RJ and his growing pains and to highlight that RJ and H are actually relatively close. Close to the point that RJ does really miss Horatio's visits to the house. I'm glad the writers had RJ and Horatio talk aboout the reasons H doesn't come over much...namely, Stetler. This leads us to RJ sort of telling his uncle he doesn't care at all for Stetler <like that was any surprise! The boy's a Caine!>.

I also thought that RJ's position of not telling on his "friends" to save himself, despite the seriousness of the situation, was also added insight into RJ's character. Loyalty to friends, whether they deserve it or not, means something to him. More Caine characteristics peeking through.

Yelina being out of town with Stetler, was the method used by the writers as an obvious and believable plot device for Yelina not to be around when RJ got into trouble. So road trip is a good one. One presumes unless we are told specifically otherwise, that after she asked H to look for RJ, she and Stetler were on their way home.

I'm pretty sure instantaneous teleportation devices are still limited to the Trek world, so Yelina not being immediately there to look for her son is not a logical, plausible or reasonable argument to smote the character for being a "bad mother". :rolleyes: Think plot device. Besides, from the pics it seems that H had the same suit on for the entire episode. I use his change of suits over the episode to gauge time compression for the storylines. :)
Re: Can't we all just get along.

Posted by elusiveblue:
thanks Top41.

So please, csipuertorico, shadow take a step back and breathe. We are all friends here so lets not insult one another or wish anyone ill will. -k-

Fine - sorry csipuertorico, it's just that these sharp 90 degree turns in Speed's character are giving me vertigo.
Re: Can't we all just get along.

Thanks Tally i wanted to make sure i wasn't imagining that part lol.. it was like but i thought she said.. Now i feel better she did :D

As to speed, personally that was the evidence he had at the time, and sometimes even the best can over look something in the evidence, calleigh caught it because of something that apparently was said while she looked at the picture.
Whose if that hadn't have happened that she would have found it, they had no reason to suspect or even second guess speeds conclusion on the evidence.
Maybe it was speed that helpped calleigh figure out the problem, think about the voices drowned out like that and calleigh looked like she lost sometime there, and was focused on this one thing, i don't know.

I loved Ryan's talk with Alexx, i am not trying to replace speedle i just want to do my job, i think in a way she respected him for saying that.
she was having fun with Ryan when she said "you can touch him he ain't gonna bite" lol i laughed at the look on his face, ryan is learning and she just helpped him some, a sign that he earned some of her respect IMO.
Re: Can't we all just get along.

I'm going to have to go with the minority... I liked it. As a matter of fact, I loved it. It was intersting and compelling and of course, CALLIEGH HAD A HUGE PART IN THE EPISODE!

WHOO! The part at that interview with the killer-junior and they started doing all this echo, faded voices and Calleigh looking down. Oh, I was drooling. "Oh, Calleigh, what do you see, my love?"

I picked the daughter from the minute Calleigh interviewed her. BTW, during that interview when they did the close up C, why did she start pulling at her ear and start playing with her earing? I understand actors are supposed to act natural, but what the hell was that? Honestly, when I start pulling at my jewerly or hair, I'm nervous or ansy(sic). So, why in the God's name did they let EP do that during the scene? I was asking why she was doing that from the minute she started that. Hm. It may have been better if she just looked her because honestly if anyting else was done, like tapping a pen or drawing on a peice of paper would have been again a nervous habit or showing that she bored. But what do I know? Though I must say, the directer was pretty good. I loved the wide shots and the use of weird angles.

Going with something the funny guy said and the alledage abuse on Yelina... Maybe she was sitting there because she was too afraid to go do something about it because of his abuse... Stetler? Is that his name? Like I care...

Another thing... If Yelina and H start dating, possibly marry, what the hell will happen to that kid? His step father will be his biological uncle... I'm sorry, that's crazy, the poor kid. Please tell me I was not the only one thinking that when Ray Jr. said "Uncle Horation". That has limited ring to it, if you understand what I mean.

I'm starting to notice less and less of Delco, is it just me or am I just freakin' out? Hm... Anyway. I was glad to see Alexxx again, I love her. I adore her from head to toe. She is not only beautiful physicall but also a beautiful actress.

The mention of Speedle was strange... When Wolfe-Man said something about Speed, I was like, "WHAT? Did they just mention Speed?" Did Alexx not look like she was going to cry at the mere mention of Tim? Strange little me again. Hm.

I'm still not digging Wolfe-Man. He's weirded me out. He just knows too much. It's like he's been on the job fourty years... Longer then H, almost.

I just had this strange thought, with Calleighs break though on the baseball case, how long do you think it will be till she's a head CSI. There you go, another shootoff. She gets her own team and sloves all these crimes. Maybe she'll be the first female head CSI. *drools*

Anyway, off topic... 'Hell Night'. Again, the Ray Jr thing... Little too over the top. H's Kid-dar turns on instantly... Beep... Beep... Beep... He's at the airport, GO TEAM GO! I really couldn't care, it was interesting and I loved the way Alexx said, "This man was litterally SCARED to DEATH!"

Ohh - - Boogly-Boogly! Scary-Scary. I was thinking the other day there should be a full on halloween epi, like death at a halloween party where C is something strange but respectable, not a french maid, thank you very much. And Eric is there as a cop, you know he couldn't be something orginal. Oh... C could be a vampire... That would be sexy... *drools* You can bite me anytime you like. Ryan would have to be a power ranger and if you remember the first one, like the orignal, he would be the blue one, Billy, the smart one who always showed off. They could all be power rangers, orginal show though, not this off shoot crap.

H - The Red One - The leader, the one that always shows off.

Calleigh - The Pink one - tough but cute and charming.

Eric - Green one - Had a huge crush on Calleigh and was tough and HOT.

Ryan - The blue one - Billy, the smart one wiht good karate skills but always what's the word I'm looking for... Meger, left behind, last in the credits.

Alexx - The Yellow One - She was always very caring, always said "sweetie and darling" just like Allexx

Yelina - She can be Rita... Evil and suductive. Ugly and mean.

I think that's it for everyone. I can't remember that then again I loved that show when I was kid. I think I've babbled about the power rangers enough. If you watched the show then you know what I'm talking about.

Megan :cool:
Re: Can't we all just get along.

There could be many reasons why EP pulled at her ear.
1. it itched
2. she has water in her ears
3. need to pop it (it sound was blocked)
4. the earring was uncomfortable
5. ear infection bothered her till she fineally did that.

who knows, maybe she just does that occassionally or maybe she was singling someone about something off set.
Re: Can't we all just get along.

Did Alexx not look like she was going to cry at the mere mention of Tim? Strange little me again. Hm.
No, I thought that too.

Ryan: Knife missing from this block could be our murder weapon.
Alexx: Nice work Ryan. Think you may have cracked the case.
Ryan: Thanks. I have a keen grasp of the obvious.
Re: Can't we all just get along.

Posted by ThisIsMe:
Ryan: Knife missing from this block could be our murder weapon.
Alexx: Nice work Ryan. Think you may have cracked the case.
Ryan: Thanks. I have a keen grasp of the obvious.

:lol: LMFAO i thought that was so funny and top it off i was taking a drink of pop when that took place and i almost spit it out because i started laughing. :D
Re: Can't we all just get along.

Posted by Destiny:
:lol: LMFAO i thought that was so funny and top it off i was taking a drink of pop when that took place and i almost spit it out because i started laughing. :D
I'm careful about eating or drinking while watching any of the CSIs. Once I was having dinner while watching one of those lovely scenes in which they show the wound track with the long metal poles they shove into the body...that's a way to lose your appetite! :lol: :D
Re: Can't we all just get along.

now see that doesn't bother me to eat and watch shows like that, now my sister if she walks in and sees me eatting say a ham sandwich while watching them describe like they do the track or arteries blowing she goes running from the room you would have thought someone said boo to her and i am still sitting there eatting my sandwich and chips and watching :lol:

for some reason in shows the funny scenes seem to appear when i am drinking something and the funnier they are the harder it is not to spit out said drink :D
Re: Can't we all just get along.

Posted by Destiny:
now see that doesn't bother me to eat and watch shows like that, now my sister if she walks in and sees me eatting say a ham sandwich while watching them describe like they do the track or arteries blowing she goes running from the room you would have thought someone said boo to her and i am still sitting there eatting my sandwich and chips and watching :lol:

for some reason in shows the funny scenes seem to appear when i am drinking something and the funnier they are the harder it is not to spit out said drink :D
I don't get squeamish with the stuff on the show. I think I just wasn't expecting it that time. :D I just figure, better play it safe! :lol:
The scene with Alexx and Ryan was good. That one took me by surprise. I figured Eric would be the one to resent Ryan. Alexx is such a nice person. Maybe Eric just loves people. Alexx may have thought Ryan took advantage of Speed's death based on the conversation.

They may not have been trying to blame the mistake on Speed. They may have been trying to set up the scene between Alexx and Ryan. Doesn't Calleigh tell the guy who was in charge of the jurors that the team just gathered the evidence, but it was the prosecutors who decided to charge the husband. It sounded as if the prosecuting attorneys were the ones who rushed to charge the husband.

Maybe Yelina called from the bedroom, because she didn't want Stetler to know Ray JR. was missing. She may have been in a hotel, which would explain the ugly room. I thought it was her bedroom. I thought her bedroom would be more feminine, but if it is a hotel room that would explain it. It looks like Stetler is too cheap to take her to a nice hotel. She may have been hoping Horatio would find Ray JR. before Stetler found out.

I don't have a problem with Horatio fishing. He may not like fishing, but will do it for his nephew. How many of you have played candyland over and over for a kid? I do wonder what he will wear. He always seems to wear the same suits everywhere. I would love to see him dressed like a fisherman. It would seem funny. He does seem to want to spend more time with Ray Jr. He may like fishing. His motivation is to spend time with Ray Jr., but he will probably find out what is going on while they fish.

I couldn't see the bruises, but it did look like Horatio did suspect something. It was great, when he reminded Stetler that Ray Jr. was still his nephew. Maybe Yelina and Stetler just got back or Yelina may not have been allowed to see Ray Jr. or she was trying to stay out of the way.

I was dissapointed with Rebecca. I know the actress is pretty, but she didn't look great in the episode. Hopefully they will give Rebecca more personality in the future. She has to be real competition for Yelina in order for me to believe Horatio is interested in her. His comment about being full of surprises was interesting. I can't believe he his going to date the woman who was going to see to it his nephew was prosecuted. Ray Jr. will probably need serious counseling after this season!

I am wondering if Rebecca will be involved in the investigation of Horatio if she isn't already? Maybe she will fall in love with him while investigating him. That would be kind of twisted, but I kind of like the idea. Let us hope Horatio is as good in bed as he is with a gun. Maybe that is how Horatio saves his own hide. He seduces the person handling his case.

I can't wait for Crime Wave. :cool:I have got to see how the writers save the people in the bank vault. The confrontation about the abuse should be good.
I really liked the episode - much more than last week's too. It had that classic Colombo vibe and was more suspenseful because there're more suspects to eliminate - I liked that they chose to refer to all the jurors by their professions instead of their names too. Also liked that they had all the cast worked together in the episode more - Eric, Calleigh and Ryan at the same time. And Ryan got to work with Eric and Alexx instead of just being with Calleigh all the time. And its good that pretty much all the main characters and recurring characters were featured in this episode. Oh and they mentioned Speed finally.

I liked the scene with Alexx and Ryan. It was funny when Ryan said "there is a knife missing - it could be our murder weapon" and Alexx snapped at him, "nice work Ryan. I think you may have cracked the case." Then she was pleased with him after he gave his analysis of the dead body. And she smiled and said "look at you go." And Ryan smiled too.

It was nice to see J August Richards on the show. (He was the guy from the state attorney's office who took the jurors to the house.) He was on "Angel" which used to be one of my favorite shows until it was cancelled last season. Maybe when they have to deal with the state attorney's office again they'll have him back. Very good actor too. I liked his rapport with Calleigh at the end when he said it makes them look bad that they now say the husband is not the killer. He said, "terrific, are you trying to get me transferred to traffic court?"

Ryan Wolfe dressed better this time with his contemporary-casual black outfit - it's more age appropriate too, and he blends in more with the others a bit. Definitely needs cooler outfits because the layered polka dot shirts and grey jacket he wore in previous episodes just made him look old fashion like some insurance sales man. He seems to be getting into the groove with his acting more and more.

Yeah, that's a new kid playing Ray Jr. cute kid - kind of chubby with the thickest eyebrows. The original Ray Jr. seemed like a better actor though. Oh I saw that Rebecca lady that's supposed to be the potential love interest for Horatio on an episode of "Medical investigations" a couple weeks ago. She did well on it.

Anyway, enjoyed the episode. But then again I always like episodes co-written by Steven Maeda the most -- like "Wannabe,' Stalkerazzi and 'Grand Prix' for example.

Two more weeks and we get the big tidal wave episode. Its gonna be exciting and I have the tape ready.
Re: Can't we all just get along.

If someone has not said so already, Yelina and Stetler were out of town, so that's why she couldn't look for Ray Jr. Also a very quick and effective way to make their relationship a lot more serious than it was up till now.

I thought Alexx was overly harsh with the newbie. Her whole job is about emotional detachment and collected rationalism. She must have expected at some point they'd bring in someone to fill Speed's position. I know Alexx was close to Speed, but I still thought it was out of character for her to be that nasty.

I thought the deal with the juror was that they were sequestered for months. I could certainly see how that could put a lot of stress on a marriage, and I thought the juror implied he owned a small business, which certainly would have lost significant revenue, if not failed completely in his absence. I didn't think that motive was all that far-fetched.

Did anybody else find it problematic that Horatio treated Ray Jr differently than the other suspects? I would have expected a lot of heat from IA on that one. How could he possibly justify giving his nephew preferential treatment?

One other thought:
If ever you are at the scene of a murder, and the cops are interrogating people, do NOT tell the police that you think the victim got what he deserved, and talk about how glad you are that he's dead. Duh.
Re: Can't we all just get along.

Posted by SmooveG:

Did anybody else find it problematic that Horatio treated Ray Jr differently than the other suspects? I would have expected a lot of heat from IA on that one. How could he possibly justify giving his nephew preferential treatment?

One other thought:
If ever you are at the scene of a murder, and the cops are interrogating people, do NOT tell the police that you think the victim got what he deserved, and talk about how glad you are that he's dead. Duh.

It did seem problematic that Horatio treated his nephew different. It would probably make the nephew look even more guilty. Wouldn't the prudent thing be to get a good lawyer? I am sure Horatio knows who the good defense lawyers are. I wouldn't think he would be allowed near his nephews case.

That was pretty dumb of the juror to say the suspect got what he deserved and that the juror was glad the suspect was dead. I wonder how dumb real people are in that situation.If I was a juror in that situation, I would be afraid to open my mouth except to answer questions. I would still be afraid of saying something incriminating. :eek: