Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology class?]

Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

Hmm-hmm, a frog in a class once. It was horrible. Though, it wasn't as bad as when we passed the dead pigs that the older kids were dissecting. I think I actually was on the verge of tears there, which is why it probably played into me not liking to eat meat anymore.

Keep in mind, I was only about 9 or 10 when this happened...Leave me alone.
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

BurnedToast said:
Hmm-hmm, a frog in a class once.

Yeah, I've done that too. Except I was in 10th year [or 9th grade] when I did it. My friend and I were having an excellent time pulling out and cutting things. But the one think I couldn't stand was breaking it's jaw on purpouse!
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

Yeah I've dissected lots of small insects....and in biology class we've dissected a frog, a fish, a pig's heart, and some worms....personally I thought it was really fascinating.
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

When I was younger, under ten I think, one of the neighborhood kids would kill squirrels and birds with his bb gun then I'd join him with some other kids dissecting them. His father was a hunter and was always dressing deer in the backyard. ewwww. So we learned a lot about anatomy early. We weren't being sick or gross, just curious about what was inside the animals and we'd get the encyclopedias and try to learn stuff [sadly did not learn how to spell well].

In high school I dissected a fetal pig, calico cat, frog, and cow's eyeball.

The thing I remember about the eyeball was that someone next to me lost the lens or something from his eye. The next day a girl I really really didn't like found it on the floor, picked it up, and was studying it when I came by and told her what it was. She freaked out. It was fantastic. Also one guy's fetal pig was really disgusting. When it was being preserved there was obviously some kind of mess up and the little piggie's blood had leaked into the abdominal cavity and coagulated, so that when he sliced open its stomach all this dark, smelly jelly goo came oozing out and he barely made it to the sink in time before smelly jelly good came out of him.

In college biology I dissected another fetal pig. I had to do it all by myself because my big tough lab partner, a star football player, got squeamish and wouldn't touch it and made a lot of gagging noises. That class was really interesting because another student had a brown recluse bite on her hand and we were tracking its treatment and progression.
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

aww my older brother now 23 had to in grade nine he cam home crying! (he had just began to be a vegetarian)
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

All of your stories are funny, I like the one about the squeamish star athlete. I love biology, but I don't like dissecting things (pigs, frogs, worms). A friend of the family had to euthanize a puppy with cancer in med school and then open it up for an experiment. I guess it goes with the territory. Disheartening though.
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

Yes in like the sixth grade, a frog. my lab partner kissed it before we did the opening up!!! (LOL) It was really weird even for a frog, just seing the dead body,BUT het...it was just like CSI autopsy only it wasn't a human ans I wasn't Doc. Robbins...
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

I've dissected a starfish, grasshopper, frog, and shark. My shark had an entire baby squid in the stomach :p .
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

Discetions are banned in Scottish schools. Grrr @ goverment.
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

i have. I've dissected a Bonnett Head Shark, and a Worm... fun stuff. lol. the Shark was so cool, the worm was okay, the organs were really small. The Shark had crabs and stuff in its stomach though, which wasso cool!
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

4th grade-egg (chicken)
5th grade-pig torso
this year (10th)-frog.

It really freaked me out this year, since I'm a PETA member now. We had a girl, and I still have flashback of the teacher just tugging out its ovaries. *shudder* I got all cold but sweating, and light-headed.

But really, the smell didn't bother me or anything. I think most of it was thinking about how disrespectful my partner and a lot of the other class members were being! It was really rude.

Then again, these were the people who thought nothing of discussing shooting the head off a cat from their porch while sitting right behind me, or talking about how they blew apart a goose because they shot it so closely, or even about lighting a bird on fire and throwing it up in the air after to see who could catch it the most times-this being a bird that flew into the school gym.

And people wonder why I'm so cynical.

Hehe....was this the rant thread? *tugs at collar*
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

Oh my gosh I've never been in this forum :D

Anyways, in high school we dissected a frog. Rather my groupmate did, I just handed him the knife :lol:
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

yeah in grade 10 i dissected a crayfish and a worm. this year (grade 11) i was supposed to disect a dead pig fetus in biology but i got myself out of that class cause i already had a heavy workload.
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

GottaLoveVegas said:
Then again, these were the people who thought nothing of discussing shooting the head off a cat from their porch while sitting right behind me, or talking about how they blew apart a goose because they shot it so closely, or even about lighting a bird on fire and throwing it up in the air after to see who could catch it the most times-this being a bird that flew into the school gym.
You have just summed up the collective IQ of my high school in like, 1 sentence.
And people wonder why I'm so cynical.
They do? Why?

Yeah, we dissected rats this year. Fun fun. Mostly it's the smell that bothers me... I think looking at the insides of things is really fun. They always look fake, don't they? Truth be told, I prefer humans to animals. Don't ask me why. I'll be watching the scenes where they do the Y-insicions like "SWEET!" and everyone else will scurry for a bucket to puke in. But that one time on CSI: Miami? Where they dissected the shark? Never.
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

I've disected a grashopper in 3rd grade, an owl pellet in 4th grade, a chicken wing in 8th grade, and a sheep heart in 8th grade....