Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology class?]

Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

I disected a lamb's heart, lungs and trachea. I was surprised considering I'm a vegetarian because it didn't bother me in the slightest! I was practically the only girl in my class who was seriously getting into it etc....not that I'm a psycho or anything *sneaks away*

Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

Man, you guys in America seems to dissect everything! All we got to dissect in England is lung (year 10), cow's eye (year 11), lung (again), eye, heart, squid and a rat (all in sixth form). I wish I can dissect a frog, that sounds like fun.
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

Well I'm living in England and I'm in 9th Grade (Year 10 here - I'm American, it's confusing! lol) and we did the lamb's heart, lung and trachea *shrug*

Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

I've disected a pig's heart. We were also supposed to disect a cow's eye, but for some reason we didn't get to do it :(
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

in highschool i did a cow eye in physics (because we had an optics unit) a worm withouth touching it (i forgot gloves, but i still did a good job! i was proud of myself) and a frog. in grade 12 we did rats. we had a female rat that was super fat and we were all afraid wed cut her open and thered be babies :( luckily there werent
i took a vertebrate structure class at university in the fall, and we had a dogfish shark and a mink. we called our shark alonzo and our mink howard. ill be taking many other anatomy classes in my next two years, and hope to go to vet school so there will be plenty more dissections for me
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

I have dissected heart,lungs,eyes,frogs and rats all at school, and then when I moved on to university I studied medicine so we got to move onto humans for the pathology modules.
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

Yup :) I've dissected a frog, squid, fetal pig (it made me think of Grissom!) a crayfish, grasshopper, cow heart and a worm. I didnt do much of the actual cutting but I helped my lab partner! :D We were so into it :p
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

I pretty much did what so many other people have done. I dissected an earthworm, owl pellets, and a frog.
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

I escaped it in high school but college bio lab did the fetal pig. Again, not much actual cutting, my partner did it.
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

I did all the cutting when I did a fetal pig in the 9th grade. My lab partner just about spewed all over me.

I felt so bad cutting open its tiny skull. Then we did a fish and that was gross because I squeezed it and all these eggs came out of it.
I have only disected a sheep's heart and eye ball, the jelly stuff inside the eye ball was discusting and the stuff it was preserved in was cancerous so I wore like 3 pairs of gloves.
I've done lots of dissections. Worms, fetal pigs, cow's eyes, etc in high school. I've done a lot of mice and rats in labs I've worked in during college.

I'm in medical school now, so I've actually dissected a whole human body. It's a really amazing experience! The only bad part is the smell, it just sticks with you for quite some time after a day in the lab, but it's worth it for everything you get to see and learn.
Wow km444, I'm gonna be studying medicine next year and I can't wait! People have said that the smell is definitely the worst thing.

I've dissected a couple of pig's hearts, and for A-Level had to do a rat and an eye. Really fascinating, but a couple of guys in my class fully ripped the poor rat to pieces. It was horrible.

For open night this year (it shows off the school to kids who are moving from primary), the Biology Department got in the organ systems of a pig. It was so interesting!! And I was the only girl who would put on a pair of gloves and have a look at it! :D
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

ugh, the smell. sooooo bad! in vertebrate structure and function we had the same sharks and minks for the whole semester. they were kept in bins at the front of the lab. although some people didnt put their animals all the way into the fluid and they would get a little moldy. i couldnt go near the bins. or there was a garbage at the side where we put the material that was cut off and we didnt need to keep. couldnt go near there either. i could spend 3 hours scrapping fat of our mink (he was super fat) or pulling out his intestines but i almost tossed my cookies after getting too close to the bins :lol:
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

Never!!! And I don't think I could do it... :eek: