Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology class?]

Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

I dissected a worm a few weeks ago, and a frog a few days ago. Apparently I failed the lab, but yet I was one of the two that passed the oral exam in my class. Anyone make sense of that? lol
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

I dissected an owl pellet in 4th grade (and right before lunch too... ick :p), a cow's eyeball in 6th grade, a cooked chicken wing in 7th grade (I still don't know why :confused:), and a sheep's brain during the summer between 7th and 8th grades. Next year, in 9th grade, I'll get to dissect a fetal pig. It always smells worse in my school rather than anywhere else, but it shouldn't be too bad... I hope! :rolleyes:
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

GottaLoveVegas said:
Then again, these were the people who thought nothing of discussing shooting the head off a cat from their porch while sitting right behind me, or talking about how they blew apart a goose because they shot it so closely, or even about lighting a bird on fire and throwing it up in the air after to see who could catch it the most times-this being a bird that flew into the school gym.

And people wonder why I'm so cynical.
I can totally relate. Ugh. People are disgusting. One time my friend told me how his friend stuck a firecracker into a dead cat's ass and BLEW IT UP.
I felt sick when he told me that, especially because he was laughing. I didn't talk to him for like a month, it made me so angry. Call me emotional, but whatever, if the shoe fits..
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

^^No way, you have a right to be angry at that person. Doing that to a living animal is just disgusting, and nothing short of criminal. I wonder if you can send I person to jail for that. How much you wanna bet that you can, or at least get them fined.
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

:D I've dissected a worm once in 8th grade Science class. As a matter of fact :rolleyes: I was the only girl in my class that actually thought it was kind of cool. I'm taking 10th grade Bio. next year and I look forward to dissecting some frogs.
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

Cool, cool...
I dissected a sheep's eyeball in the 8th grade.. a wolverine in the 9th grade, a worm and a rat in the 12th. I'm pre-med now, so eventually I'll be dissecting human corpses. Exciting!
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

^^ You're going to be a pathologist???
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

ilovegrissom1 said:
^^ You're going to be a pathologist???
Lol, everyone going into the medical field dissects cadavers. My mom did, she's a pharmacist.
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

ahhhhhh........well, have fun with that! lol good luck!
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

I've dissected a sheep heart and kidney in biology class which was pretty cool...oh ya and in grade four we dissected a cow eyeball....we went in groups of three/four, but by the end it was just me left :p
Yeah: frogs, cats, & juvenile sharks...for comparative vertebrate anatomy. Formaldehyde can really make me teary-eyed so I'd use contact lenses during dissection. It helps.
Heh...I've actually been dissecting things in class since I was 9, ever since the fourth grade. I've dissected (including single organs):

- 1 Dogfish Shark
- 1 Earthworm
- 1 Cow Eye
- 1 Sheep Kidney
- 1 Fetal Pig
- 2 Frogs
- 2 Sheep Hearts
- 1 Sheep Brain

and, most recently

- 1 Pregnant Cat

I've done it for so long that Formaldehyde doesn't even bother me, neither do any of the other preservatives. What's more? I've realized I can identify certain dissections taking place simply by the smell.

Crazy as it sounds..I know, but I've gotten so used to it I don't even care anymore.
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

I've dissected a frog. Boy, was that fun!
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

I had to dissect a pig in Gr.11 Bio, like most people.

It was pretty gross at the beginning but it was pretty education and fascinating really. I didn't like the idea of cutting into something that could've been a living creature but it was a really good way to learn about anatomy and where everything is.

I also, dissected a squid when I was about 8, it was pretty neat but unlike everyone else my ink didn't work :lol:
Re: Have you ever dissected an animal? [like in biology clas

UGH its soo unfair we dont get to do stuff like that in Scotland its agesnt "heath and safty"

so screw that and bring on college! Hopefully well get to cut things up there