Harper's Island

I really, really liked this episode. The Cal/Chloe death scene was so heartbreaking - between the music, all the "I love you's", & Chloe's "you can't have me" was just perfection. :(

Ok, so, Nikki is obviously ruled out now. Damn...that would've been a nice twist. Sucks the way she went out though, with them all watching her.

Shane - oh man, that was kinda sad too. Just when the guy decides to get a heart, he's axed. Figures.

Sully was even sweeter in this epi. I liked his scene with Cal, & with Danny.

I'm still...as always...unsure about Jimmy. It does look as if they want us to believe he's in on it... but didn't they just give it away if he is?!!

2 more weeks & we get a 2 hour finale!! I'm pretty excited to see the outcome of all this, & I really hope it's not Jimmy cause they pretty much just ruined the "mystery" for me if it is him. :shifty:
Haven't watched the ep yet. Was a little worried about the whole Jimmy thing. But... now ... man that's a big number of people offed in one ep. :lol: And they keep killing off all of my suspects. :lol: Jimmy can't be in on it though, he just can't be. That's way too obvious and predictable and would make Abby/Jimmy the Sidney/Billy (aka Scream) of this story... and if that's the case, it would definitely be a rip-off of Scream. Although Wakefield (which technically would be the Cotton Weary of the story) is actually the one who killed Abby's mom and is one of the killers now. That in of itself is kind of predictable. I have a feeling all along the guy wasn't dead.

Bummer that they've killed off all the ones I thought might be Wakefield's actual child with Sarah. Now the only other chance at someone besides Abby being Wakefields child with Sara... well the only ones left are Henry, Trish and Sully. :lol: Unless it's Shae who is a little older than Abby. :lol: Not quite clear on how old Sara was supposed to be when she was preg with Wakefield's child. But we know that child isn't Abby because Charlie was pretty insistent that it wasn't. So either Sarah aborted Wakefield's child or miscarried (and Wakefield's too psycho to have believed her when she told him) or she gave the kid up for adoption. Is it possible that Shae or Trish are that child? Maybe. It would make the Catherine/Richard thing a lot less yicky. :lol:

Why'd they have to kill off Cal? He was so adorable. Disappointed that they made such a big deal last week about Wakefield not touching Nikki only to have her be a vic this week. What was all that build up for? :two thumbs down on that aspect: Jimmy better not be in on it. Poor Abby. Well even though Cal and Chloe both died, at least in some sense they are together now. And they finally killed off Shane? Wow. That's been a long time coming. Same thing they did with Trish's dad... finally made him nicer then boom, he's dead. :lol: And now Sully's nicer too? So technically the only jerk left is Wakefield? :lol: Yeah, I don't buy that Jimmy's in on it. They're playing a trick on us I hope.

ETA: Okay, I've watched now. Something isn't right here.

The sheriff has a police file on Jimmy yet he wanted Jimmy to remain alive for Abby's sake? :wtf: That makes no sense. I think the Sheriff is just a pack rat and saved all of his police files and the thing for Jimmy is something minor like being in a fist fight or something stupid like that. :lol: It's just too obvious. And then in the preview
Jimmy saying to Abby "I've got something to confess". They surely wouldn't reveal it if he was helping Wakefield.
Where the heck is that coroner guy? He just sort of disappeared. Perhaps he's the one helping Wakefield.

I loved how Cal was all "Oh baby; I've got you, baby" to Chloe. That was sweet. I loved the look on Wakefield's face when Chloe said "you can't have me" and jumped off the bridge. He was like "damnit!" :lol:

So left we've got Shae & Madison, Trish & Henry, Danny & Sully, Abby & Jimmy. And the missing coroner guy.

Wakefield's motive could be that Sarah either aborted his child or put it up for adoption and so he's getting back at her by torturing Abby... or he resents Abby cause she's Sarah's daughter and not his. He resents that Sarah had a kid with someone else, so he persists on making the child's life a living hell.

Boy Shane sure was a tough one there at the end. I loved that he made the girls all leave and he stayed to distract Wakefield so they could get away.

If Jimmy isn't helping Wakefield and he only let Jimmy live cause of the deal with Charlie, then why once Charlie's dead not go ahead and kill Jimmy? I think he's waiting for the chance to kill Jimmy right in front of Abby to further torture her to get back at her for her mother's "sins" against him. He said to Chloe "I almost died for a woman like you". I'm sure he was referring to Sara. I sure hope it doesn't turn out that Jimmy is actually Wakefield's kid and if so, hopefully he's not Wakefield's kid with Sarah, but with another woman. :lol: But, if they do have him be Wakefield's kid with Sarah, hopefully they'll make it to where Jimmy himself is unaware of this (and also not in on the killing, but maybe this is why he's left Jimmy alone).

What happened to the journal anyway? Abby never finished reading it.

And why would Wakefield leave the kid alone? I mean, it's fishy to me that he acts all friendly to her. How old is she supposed to be?

I still want to know what those harpers globe vids have to do with the show. Maybe the one helping Wakefield is that guy that went out with that reporter. But, where is she at? Did they kill her? There were several people in those videos attacking people. Maybe Wakefield has his own band of not so merry men. :lol:
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I think the Sheriff is just a pack rat and saved all of his police files and the thing for Jimmy is something minor like being in a fist fight or something stupid like that. :lol: It's just too obvious. And then in the preview **snip spoiler by Mj**

See, I agree with this. Jimmy could've been arrested for a number of things, & if it was something really big then the other "islanders" would have already known about it. Besides, if it was something truly awful then Charlie would never have befriended him. I also agree about his comment in next week's promo - maybe I'm just used to all the CSI promos being way too off about what really happens in the epi, but it just seems to give a little too much away for it to actually be that he's helping Wakefield.

Unless it's Shae who is a little older than Abby. :lol:
Ya know, I actually did start to wonder about Shae once all my other suspects were dead. She's been the sobby emotional one who's pretty much just sat in the background moreso than the others, & it would make sense considering Madison was "saved" & she did know he was alive from the get-go. Then again, Wakefields reason for not killing Madison may have been because she is a child, & his motive in all this might be because of his own child. Who knows. Now that I think about it though, it very well could be her because haven't you all noticed that whenever someone goes to talk or question Madison, Shae interrupts them & tells them it's enough?! Sure she could be doing it just to protect Madison, but she also could be stopping the discussion before Madison accidentally gives something away. Can you tell I just don't want it to be Jimmy?!?! :lol:

I don't know, for some reason I keep thinking that the other killer/helper is a female.

Where the heck is that coroner guy?
I think he left when everyone else got on the boat to leave the island.
I didn't mean that Shae was helping Wakefield. I don't think that at all. I just think it's weird that Wakefield has befriended Madison and not even attempted to hurt her. She wasn't scared at all when Abby found her. I think it's possible that Wakefield's child with Sarah may not even be aware of their true parentage and therefore isn't the one helping.

I think they've put too much emphasis on the fact that there may be a partner, that perhaps it'll turn out there isn't really one after all. Or maybe Wakefield's child with Sarah is that guy from the globe vids and we've just not seen him on the show as of yet. Cousin Ben was in those vids, but the only way we've seen him on the show is dead under the boat. What would those vids be for if they don't tie in other things besides Cousin Ben (who by the way seemed like a complete jerk).

When watching those Harper's Globe vids, the guy who dated the reporter just seemed off to me. Also, the reporter's boyfriend (in the harpers globe vids) did go off with Cousin Ben and that was the last we saw of Ben until the first ep of the regular show when he was shown killed/dead. so perhaps the reporter's boyfriend is helping Wakefield and the boyfriend is actually the one who killed who was probably the first victim (Cousin Ben). It's possible that the reporter girl is Wakefield's child with Sarah, but doesn't know it (she could be adopted) and the boyfriend bumped into Wakefield and asked to help him get his revene and this is the first task he was given. Lure the girl to some place so Wakefield could talk to her (if she's his biological daughter) and then the bf had to prove he had the skill Wakefield was seeking in a partner, so to prove himself the boyfriend kills Cousin Ben. Walla, he's proven himself and becomes Wakefield's partner in crime.

Oh and what is up with Cal getting shot last week and surviving only to be killed this week? What is the point in that? Why not just have him die last week?

And I still think Richard might have been the one to kill Trish/Shae's dad. Unless Wakefield was just killing off all the older men who seemed like they could be more of a threat. Or maybe he's kind of like Lionel Luthor in a way and helped Sarah put her baby with Wakefield up for adoption, but quietly so no one would know. And Wakefield found out and that's why he wanted Wellington dead.

As for the coroner, I don't think he got on the boat with the others because the people were talking about Jimmy's injuries and saying what Nikki was doing for Jimmy would be enough until they could find the doc. And I believe Sully and Cal mentioned wondering where he was too.
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I posted the link in this post. I thought there were only five vids, but there are like 14 now. I've been watching more. There's Robin Matthews (the reporter), her boyfriend Brent, then there's a user uploading vids under the name "dangerous wreck" and one uploading vids under the name "cheshire cat".

Robin finds Cat's keys at Brent's place (Brent is missing). They have a candlewick logo on the keychain. She goes to Candlewick, talks with Maggie who tells her the keys belong to the guy who delivers shrimp to the island. Jimmy is a fisherman, right? And one of the vids Robin finds at Cheshire Cat's place has a fish being gutted/cleaned on it. Video 9 says Robin comes to realize that Cheshire Cat is trying to help her. I think Cheshire Cat might be Jimmy. The fisherman thing is just coincidental if it's not.

Okay, nevermind Cheshire Cat is named Andy and he was killed. Damnit! Brent's out now too. :sigh: This is getting frustrating and confusing. :lol:

Robin and her three "friends" were drinking (this is the past) and she drove cause she was less drunk than the rest and there was a guy in the road. she swerved to miss him, hit something else in the road and the car flipped injuring everyone inside but her. She tried to undo Ashley's belt (her best friend), but couldn't cause Ashley was stuck or something. So she went to go get help. The guy with the video camera that was in the car got out. The car was leaking something. Robin couldn't find anyone to help, so she didn't know what to do and she ran away. This guy got out of the car and started walking.

I think he may be the other killer. He's mad at Robin for leaving and not returning with help and his best friend died, plus his car was ruined (and he loved that car). So, he's getting back at Robin by posting these vids and killing the people she cares about. They showed his face though and it is most certainly not anyone we've seen on the actual show as of yet. I think he at some point must have met up with Wakefield and became his killing partner.
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I didn't mean that Shae was helping Wakefield. I don't think that at all. I just think it's weird that Wakefield has befriended Madison and not even attempted to hurt her. She wasn't scared at all when Abby found her. I think it's possible that Wakefield's child with Sarah may not even be aware of their true parentage and therefore isn't the one helping.

I think they've put too much emphasis on the fact that there may be a partner, that perhaps it'll turn out there isn't really one after all.

I'm just waiting for the biggie so I'm reaching for anything other than it just being Wakefield, & I go for Shae cause there's something about her I really don't like - I can't quite put my finger on it though (I kinda wish she'd die so Trish & Henry can take over being her parents - Trish is very motherly towards her I've noticed). So far this show's been really interesting, but I'll feel cheated if it's just Wakefield & he's working alone.

If & when Wakefield's child is revealed then it might be a shocker for me, but they've already made us assume Wakefield was dead & he wasn't, then we were to be convinced it was Charlie & it wasn't, then they threw out the possibility that Abby was Wakefield's daughter...& she wasn't -- so yeah, I'm waiting for something big to really be revealed this time around, & Jimmy being one of the killers just wouldn't cut it for me. I admit, I was suspicious of him a few episodes in, but now he's too suspicious & I'd feel it was pretty lame if he was the big mystery. I like to keep guessing til the very end.

It'd be sweet if Henry was Wakefield & Sara's child, then he'd be Abby's brother. :p
It'd be sweet if Henry was Wakefield & Sara's child, then he'd be Abby's brother. :p

But then Trish would be forever mad at him because his birth father killed her father (remember how she acted toward Abby when she thought Charlie was the killer?). If it weren't for that, then yeah, it'd be pretty cool as long as Henry was a good guy.

Speaking of which, did anyone else notice that when Wakefield came in the bathroom where the women had escaped and Trish was still standing there, Wakefield stared at her for a good bit. There was something about the way he looked at her that almost made me think that maybe she was Sara's and his child.
That would be interesting. Because Trish would still have reason to have been mad for the deal of her father, since he would have been the one that raised her.

So basically there are no suspects left. This show just gets more and more interesting. :lol:
Speaking of which, did anyone else notice that when Wakefield came in the bathroom where the women had escaped and Trish was still standing there, Wakefield stared at her for a good bit. There was something about the way he looked at her that almost made me think that maybe she was Sara's and his child.
Could be. But really I thought he did that with most of them. He seemed to stare down Cal, Shane, & Chloe, before killing them (w/ the exception of Chloe, who jumped, but he still stared her down instead of immediatly attacking her). I think he just got off on seeing them afraid.
What sorta irked me was the terrible aim all these people had!! It reminded me of one of those awful horror flicks, ya know when the chick always falls down & refuses to get up right when the killer is about to axe her:rolleyes: In this case it was Cal & Trish who I was screaming at! Why shoot through the door???! She had a damn shotgun & all he had was a long knife/blade thing (what was that anyway?) -- she would've taken him out before he had the chance to gut her. Then there's Cal - he tried to shoot him but missed & then when the guy was right smack in front of him in clear shot, Cal whacks him with the gun :wtf: Was he out of bullets? Did I miss something?
Just one of those little minor things that annoyed me :shifty:

Random thought about promo -
I think/wonder if when Jimmy tells Abby he's got something to confess, it's that he knows who Wakefield's child is & he's about to tell her. Maybe he's known all along because it was somewhere written in that journal? Just a thought to chew on.
Could be. But really I thought he did that with most of them. He seemed to stare down Cal, Shane, & Chloe, before killing them (w/ the exception of Chloe, who jumped, but he still stared her down instead of immediatly attacking her). I think he just got off on seeing them afraid.

He did stare them all down, but there was just something different to me about the way he stared at Trish. It could just be me. :lol:

What sorta irked me was the terrible aim all these people had!!

That's funny that you brought that up because I was yelling at my tv for that. :lol: I kept saying "man these people are terrible shots, none of them can hit anything." :lol:

It reminded me of one of those awful horror flicks, ya know when the chick always falls down & refuses to get up right when the killer is about to axe her:rolleyes: In this case it was Cal & Trish who I was screaming at! Why shoot through the door???! She had a damn shotgun & all he had was a long knife/blade thing (what was that anyway?) -- she would've taken him out before he had the chance to gut her. Then there's Cal - he tried to shoot him but missed & then when the guy was right smack in front of him in clear shot, Cal whacks him with the gun :wtf: Was he out of bullets? Did I miss something?
Just one of those little minor things that annoyed me :shifty:

That blade thingy, I'm not really sure about, It reminds me a little of a machete, but the size is wrong. :lol: I should have shown it to my bro (he doesn't watch the show) and he'd probably know. he's pretty good at recognizing types of blades/guns. :lol: And yeah, I think Cal was out of bullets at that point. I'm not exactly sure offhand how many bullets that kind of gun holds... I can't remember. :lol: But, they probably don't hold that many.

Random thought about promo -
I think/wonder if when Jimmy tells Abby he's got something to confess, it's that he knows who Wakefield's child is & he's about to tell her. Maybe he's known all along because it was somewhere written in that journal? Just a thought to chew on.

Hmmm... that's possible. I just hope that if that's the case he doesn't get whacked right as he'd about to reveal it to her.
The blade was that thing off the wall from the fishing museum thingy or something. They talked about it in the first couple episodes when it went missing, I think.

It was driving me crazy in the bathroom when Trish was standing there with the gun and Wakefield walked in. She totally could have taken the mofo down. That annoyed me greatly! :scream:
It was driving me crazy in the bathroom when Trish was standing there with the gun and Wakefield walked in. She totally could have taken the mofo down. That annoyed me greatly! :scream:

yeah, it was like she was waiting for him to make a move. I half expected her to point the gun at him and say, "Go ahead punk, make my day!" :lol: I mean, hello Trish... this is the jerk that killed your father in such a vicious way and you're just staring at him? :lol: And I believe Trish can shoot too. Wasn't she doing some of that skeet shooting. We know Henry did well at the skeet shooting. But, why did he suck as a shot when he was trying to hit wakefield? Or was it only Cal, Danny, Sully and Abby who shot at him? :lol: But, at that close a range, if Trish had shot and missed him, I'd really have to wonder about him. Abby's supposed to know how to shoot too. I believe she mentioned her father teaching her or something.
I think Abby fired at him in the woods & missed also - I could be mistaken though. It's just kinda funny that all these people are runnin' around with shotguns & they're still unable to get this one person.
Which leads me to more confusion -- Cal was shot, & I think JD was also (though it could've been a knife wound) -- so if Wakefield is the one that shot at them, then where is his gun & why isn't he using it on the others?! :shifty: This is what's making me wonder about the supposed 2nd killer - a female wouldn't likely have the guts to kill the way Wakefield has - she'd do it the easy way.
I think Abby fired at him in the woods & missed also - I could be mistaken though. It's just kinda funny that all these people are runnin' around with shotguns & they're still unable to get this one person.
Which leads me to more confusion -- Cal was shot, & I think JD was also (though it could've been a knife wound) -- so if Wakefield is the one that shot at them, then where is his gun & why isn't he using it on the others?! :shifty: This is what's making me wonder about the supposed 2nd killer - a female wouldn't likely have the guts to kill the way Wakefield has - she'd do it the easy way.

JD was stabbed. Someone mention something about him being gutted if I recall. so, I definitely think Wakefield did that. As for Cal being shot, I'm not sure... it's possible that it was someone else and the same someone else who shot the two cops cause those hands did NOT match Wakefield's and they didn't match Jimmy's either. The hands really looked feminine to me. Only problem is, all the girls are either dead or were with everyone else when that happened, so none of them could have done it. So, it's possible that it could be someone we haven't seen yet.

Wait, come to think of it... the guy with the medium/shoulder length hair from the harper's globe vids (the one that was in the car with Robin and got out after she left), his hands were kind of thin and pale, so it could be him. As for anyone else we've seen, they all have thicker/shorter hands. The hands shown when the two cops were shot looked thin and longish. Or maybe Ashley didn't die in the car wreck like Robin thinks she did and Ashley is the other killer. I don't get why she'd kill all of these people just to get back at Robin, but who knows when someone goes nuts, they lose all logic.