Henry admitted to poor Trish that the whole marriage thing was just to get Abby to come back to the island. Jeeze, what a guy! :lol:
:lol: I read on the harpers globe site that Henry was in love with Abby. EEEEWWWW! She's your sister, man! :lol: When MJ said Henry told Abby he loved her, I thought that meant as a sibling. But, not according to the people on the globe site. :lol: I did kind of think the show would end up with Jimmy and Trish dying and Henry and Abby surviving and then words come on the screen saying that they eventually got together and were married or something cheesy like that... which is why I didn't suspect Henry of being Wakefield's son. :lol:
So, Henry's in love with Abby, finds out she's his sister then goes nuts and starts killing people, but doesnt' give up being in love with Abby and thinking she'll be with him even after discovering they are half sibs? Yeah, real loony toons, that one. :lol:
Okay, I'm off to do the dishes and then going to go watch the ep. I will leave the comp up though cause I may have some thoughts afterward.
Oh and by the way, I still think Richard rigged the swimming pool cover to come up on Trish so he could rescue her and she would be indebted to him and possibly keep his cheating to herself.
Why does this thing keep showing me as offline when I"m not? :lol:
Anyway, I've watched now. Kinda wish I hadn't come to this thread beforehand though. :lol: But, I wanted to make sure it wasn't Jimmy.
I'm a bit disappointed that the Harpers Globe thing didn't tie in with the Island storyline like we were told from the beginning that it would. And the brother being in love with the sister even after he found out he was her brother is disgusting. Of course there was a true story where this couple in love found out they were half sibs and they decided to still stay together (gross). It was supposed to be true anyway. It was on some talk show. :lol:
I kind of wish at the end we'd gotten to see a scene where Abby and Jimmy met up with Shae and Madison to let them know they were still alive and that Henry was the killing partner. But at the same time, it might be best for Shae if she didn't know that aobut her sister's last moments.
Okay, I think I'm gonna go to bed now or here pretty soon. Plus it's raining and thundering. Might start lightning soon so I should probably shut the comp down.