H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

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Whoop's! Ok, Sorry!

I tend to get carried away in our shipping thread here.

Very carried away!

Big Hugs, Hcrazy, I know how hard it is not to get carried away. :p

WE truely try to be good MiamiDade. You know that right :lol:

Anyways, I was watching Kill Zone again, and I love the part were Calleigh and "H" are in the Snipers home, and they are standing beside each other. If you watch carefully, he nevr takes his eyes of her when they are by the dresser. I could see his fire , and I could hear his voice saying, %^&%^& %^^&^ ^*&^***^%%* . God I almost melt with their energy.

Keep the Faith Girls.

DuCaine Forever :D

And remember girls, as "H" would say.........

When you're in DuCaine Thread........"WE NEVER CLOSE"

LMH: I know it's just that look that H has. Some how you know what he's thinking when you look into his blue yes! :devil: ;)

MiamiDade: I am sorry! Like Hcrazy, I too forget myself! :)
Hey I'm back. (stupid real life) anyway I am checking in to say i STILL love duCaine and i am happy so many new poems , pics and fics are here and ready for the reading. I have to go away again for a school related workshop( for the next few days) but i am hoping i will be back to read and enjoy on this Thurs or Friday. so keep writing and keep the faith. Season 6 is right around the corner and we are sooooo gonna get some good scenes. I can feel it!
Hey Ladies,

Thanks for the support! :D

Thanks for the compliments on the pics too! I made a whole bunch more and Icons that are now up on my site. Just click on my profile to find the link and check under Gallery and Walls and Icon. ;) :devil:

H and C are my favorite and I--we have to keep them happy together! :D :D :D

Hench my manips! :lol:

Thanks again everyone, you gals are GREAT! ;)
Always Hcrazy.....Forever.

Just finished watching "Lost Son", couldn't resist the hug between "H" and Calleigh. It would have been more wonderful, if they had them embrace at the scene, or when they looked at each other while "H" was bent over speed and have Calleigh touch his cheek.

*sigh, double sigh**** Forever DuCaine :)

Let's go girls, two new poems in the Poetry thread. I want some response.

@Hcrazy, forever and always DuCaine.

@Bringgirl, Welcome back, nice to see you again.

@ us all. *Alway's keep our Faith*
Like George Michaels said "You got to have Faith", so I'm just waiting for TPTB, to come to their senses and finally realise that H and Cal belong together!

I guess, only in fanfic can we DuCainers get any DuCaine Love! :devil: :lol: :cool:
Morning my Ladies.

Welcome to a new day of DuCaine love. :D :D

@Melty_fan. We don't need TPTB to come to their senses. They already know they belong together. Have you ever heard the expression, "Save the Best for Last" Well that's what they are doing. When a couple is as hot as ours, they have to build them up slowly, *otherwise they would combust into flames from the DuCaine electrical currents* :devil:. Trust me they know our couple is the hottest out there. So keep reminding yourselves everyday.


DuCaine Love, is True Love.

DuCaine Forever. :D

P.S Another Ducaine Poem is ready. :D, Make that 2

I've also updated "Going Under".
Thanks for the advice LMH! I really needed that. H and Cal will get together because they are DuCaine! :cool: ;)

"I got the Faith" :lol: ;) :cool:
Hi!! :) 'Lips Of An Angel' is up on YouTube if anyone wants to take a look! :D

Wow, that's an interesting question! :) Here's the perfect scenario which would never happen 'cos I wouldn't have the guts to go up to them!! :lol:
I'd gape at them for a few seconds, then I'd say, "You rock! Your scenes make me smile, your love inspires me so much, and you're just amazing, I love you!" :D Something like that, but at that moment, I probably wouldn't know my own name!! :lol: Especailly if Horatio looked at me!! :)

If anyone else wants my PM of my DuCaine scene in the Hummer, let me know, and I'll PM it right away!! Get the cold showers ready!! ;) :lol:

You know in 'Pride and Prejudice' whene Lizzie remarks that she and Darcy are so similar, I'd like to think that since Lizzie and Darcy are such a wonderful love story, that similarities are par for the course! :)
Now, some of you are shaking your heads, saying, 'Emer's off her rocker!' but listen well... I believe that since both Horatio and Calleigh's personalities and traits are similar, that they would relate to each other really well. Think about it for a second. I began really noticing similarities way back along when I first saw 'Kill Zone', and now seeing all HCraxy's pics with LMH's poems has refreshed my memory! :)

Here's what I've noticed:

1. Both wear incredible sunnies. (Remember in 'Death Pool 100' and 'Kill Zone'? Cal had sunnies as well!! :))
2. Both have been a mentor at some time, i.e Horatio to Speed, Eric, and Cal herself, and Calleigh to Ryan and Officer Jessop.
3. Both have had trouble with their families in the past.
4. Both have had a slew of failed relationships, either culminating in death or leaving, which is sad.
5. Both prefer to keep their personal problems away from work.
6. Both have a devotion to their jobs, and to the pursuit of justice.
7. Both are deadly with firearms!
8. Both can be quite stubborn in revealing their feelings to others.
9. Cal was once acting Lieutenant, so both have had the title of Lieutenant!
10. Both have faced off against hardened convicts and won, i.e Calleigh against Hank Kerner, and Horatio against Antonio Riaz.
11. Both have wonderful hearts, and are willing to go to any lengths to avenge the innocent victims.
12. Both are charming, wonderful and gorgeaus!! :D
13. Both are leaders of the team.
14. Both are senior CSIs.
15. Both are the leads of the show.

Need I go on? ;)

With all these similarities, and the fact that they can look to each other for support because they've both been throught it before, it's amazing that the writers haven't woken up yet to the fact that pairing them together would be a great idea! :rolleyes:
Personally, I wouldn't let the chance to put Horatio and Calleigh working together again pass me by, because David and Emily act well together, Horatio and Calleigh have so much support, and it's be a shame to let the fans down, and no show's leads never speak to each other! Their scenes are a joy to watch, and it was because of H and Cal that I became interested in forensics because they make it look so interesting when they work together!! :)

Man, I could write an essay on this subject with their characters alone!! :lol: :D

Making a new vid right now, and it's set to be romantic!! :D

See you all real soon!! And head over to the Poetry thread to check out all LMH's brilliant poems!!
Wow, that's an interesting question! Here's the perfect scenario which would never happen 'cos I wouldn't have the guts to go up to them!!
I'd gape at them for a few seconds, then I'd say, "You rock! Your scenes make me smile, your love inspires me so much, and you're just amazing, I love you!" Something like that, but at that moment, I probably wouldn't know my own name!! Especailly if Horatio looked at me!!

I'd be right there with you Emer, though I'd pretend to faint, so he'd pick me up :devil:. :lol: :lol:

And you haven't gone off your rocker, I agree with you on every point you made. They have the passion and the chemistry to last a million lifetimes.

*P.S, thanks for the story, it rocked** Just like your new Vid****** :) :)

Keep the Faith girls, DuCaine Forever :D
Hi Ladies!!!

Lots of activity in here today!!! :D

I wanted to let you all know (if you care :D) that I have posted a little song/pic/fic thingy in the DuCaine songs thread. It's pure H/Cal fluff, but I was in a fluffy mood today. :) :) :)

Hope you all enjoy it. It's my first one. :D It gave me lots of practice on my photoshop. :p

Enjoy ladies!!! :cool:

As always LMH, loveya. :) ***big hug***

Emerald I also agree with the points in your post. You're awesome!!!:) Oh, and Em I'd love a PM on your story!!! :D

***off to check out Emer's new vid at youtube***
Watched Going Under tonight. Though I still like my in between the scene better, than there's. Just to see Horatio carry her to the Ambulance would have been like Heaven. But his "Sweetheart are you okay", in that dreaming voice, always makes me sigh. Which is why I always sneak away to HCrazy's and Emer's sites. :lol: :lol:

Hey Horatiosangel, great job on the pics and song. *Big Hugs back*** :) loveya too.

I think we're all a little fluffy today. I did like 4 DuCaine Poems, in the Poetry thread. Emer did her Yummy story which rocked.

So big hugs all around. Especially for HCrazy's awesome pics.

I'm Back for a little while anyway. You gals are all terrific and I thank you all agina and again. :D

I love the fics and the Poems and the vids and now i run off to go read Horatioa Angel's fluff! :p

DuCaine forever!

Hey I can't believe July is right around the corner...I can't wait for next season. I do believe TPTB will listen to their fans and give us all some H and C... I hope a lot of H and C! :eek: :eek: :eek: :devil: :devil: :devil:

This way we'll have tons of more pics! :D :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hello girls.

Just to let you all know, there is another new ducaine poem, in the Poetry thread.

@ HCrazy, I can hardly wait myself for the new season. It should be promising.

I think, with all the work we've done, and the Petition Emer did, plus Tracy's postcards, someone is bound to listen us.

So please, let's all Keep the Faith and this Ship alive.

DuCaine Forever, In my Heart, my Soul, my Dreams. :)

See ya ;)
Hey Ladies!!!

Thanks for the compliments on my song/pic creation (for lack of a better name :D) I'm having a ball making all these pics and banners and icons and stuff. It's great. :)

Oh, and LMH (per your request) I am attempting to turn my H/Cal creation into a slideshow vid with the song for y'all to enjoy. Wish me luck. ;)

I have to agree also, LMH, your version of Going Under is much more satisfying to us DuCaine fans. And I too just get little butterflies in my tummy during that H/Cal scene by the water. If it were me he was talking to, I'd probably just pass out from the sheer sexiness of it all (after I'd finished DROOLING all over myself, that is :lol:)

OK Ladies, the video is up on youtube under the song title. Please go check it out and let me know what you think. :D

I can PM you the link if you let me know you want it. :)
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