Hello everyone!!
I'm really happy that everyone enjoyed the promo for 'Officer Down', and that it made you all happy!!

Hope you enjoyed CSI: DuCaine as well!!
@ Lynn: And it's nice to see you too!!

We're all crazy in our own way. *twitch*

All I'm doing right now is writing, writing, writing!! I wouldn't say it's easy to write for Horatio and Calleigh, but it's certainly a lot of fun! Their characters just gel so well together... it's like seeing S1 and beyond!!
We're still top of that ship canon poll in the Wiki, thankfully. Let's keep the votes coming in!
Looking forward to the big post on the 20th!! BOMBARDMENT!!! :lol:
@ Mo: Looking forward to that eppie already!

Calleigh always looks beautiful, it's impossible for any red-blooded male to ignore, well, apart from Horatio apparently!!

He's such a gentleman... be selfish man!!!

If I'm repeating myself, sorry!
Agree completely with you,
Mo. That has to be the only reason they're apart, because they have to keep their work-romance a secret, so they act all distant to throw people off the scent! If they worked together, the vibes they'd give out would be a dead giveaway... if PTB really want a revolution, this had better be their gameplan... I've got more ideas to write while they're messing with people's heads... and I'm bringing them closer and closer and closer!!! PG-13 withstanding of course.
@ EyeHeartH: All-black is a definite signal for things to come. I mean, Calleigh's being deliberate, sending out a big, massive SIGNAL, saying, 'Come get me!!' :lol:
Here's an eppie to discuss for old times sake and for the sake of warm fuzzies and powerful chemistry: 'Kill Zone' baby!! What can I say... from the moment they stepped under the yellow 'Do Not Cross' tape, I was glued to the screen the very first time, and I still remain fixed on them even after the 3rd or 4th time watching.

Just with their arrival, the atmosphere at the scene changed from complete madness to assured confidence of the situation. They knew what they had to do, and they looked like a force to be reckoned with in their sunglasses... woah nelly!

Okay... I remember capping this eppie, and I just kept clicking the 'Capture' button when I saw a look or if they were close together, or she said 'Hot flashes, but that's just me...' and the 'all-black' quote. It was simply amazing, bottom line. Every scene they had together was a beam of light, and even now I think if it and I smile.

Caps help too!!
Speaking of which,

here's some caps of when they're in the same room together, and it's so unbearable... :devil:
Calleigh first... 'Mmmm...'
Now Horatio... 'Hmmm...'
Horatio on the radio to Calleigh when she says...
Code four, code four. Sniper has been apprehended. The sniper has been apprehended. We have him in custody.
He looks up, smiling...
Towards Calleigh on the roof...
Back soon!