H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

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Yeah, totally! I mean she's always pretty in the eppy's...but for some reason during this ep she practically glowed! I seriously was just staring for the first little while! :lol: And yeah H looked good as always...he's one of those guys that just gets better with age ya know...the older they get the more you want to jump them! :D And yeah Cal's been wearing black alot...it's a sign to us that DuCaine isn't dead...the PTB won't give us much but they'll give us that! :D
Hello everyone!! :)

I'm really happy that everyone enjoyed the promo for 'Officer Down', and that it made you all happy!! :) Hope you enjoyed CSI: DuCaine as well!! :)

@ Lynn: And it's nice to see you too!! ;) We're all crazy in our own way. *twitch* :p All I'm doing right now is writing, writing, writing!! I wouldn't say it's easy to write for Horatio and Calleigh, but it's certainly a lot of fun! Their characters just gel so well together... it's like seeing S1 and beyond!! :D

We're still top of that ship canon poll in the Wiki, thankfully. Let's keep the votes coming in! :)

Looking forward to the big post on the 20th!! BOMBARDMENT!!! :lol:

@ Mo: Looking forward to that eppie already! ;) Calleigh always looks beautiful, it's impossible for any red-blooded male to ignore, well, apart from Horatio apparently!! :rolleyes: He's such a gentleman... be selfish man!!! :p If I'm repeating myself, sorry!
Agree completely with you, Mo. That has to be the only reason they're apart, because they have to keep their work-romance a secret, so they act all distant to throw people off the scent! If they worked together, the vibes they'd give out would be a dead giveaway... if PTB really want a revolution, this had better be their gameplan... I've got more ideas to write while they're messing with people's heads... and I'm bringing them closer and closer and closer!!! PG-13 withstanding of course. ;) :p

@ EyeHeartH: All-black is a definite signal for things to come. I mean, Calleigh's being deliberate, sending out a big, massive SIGNAL, saying, 'Come get me!!' :lol:

Here's an eppie to discuss for old times sake and for the sake of warm fuzzies and powerful chemistry: 'Kill Zone' baby!! What can I say... from the moment they stepped under the yellow 'Do Not Cross' tape, I was glued to the screen the very first time, and I still remain fixed on them even after the 3rd or 4th time watching. :) Just with their arrival, the atmosphere at the scene changed from complete madness to assured confidence of the situation. They knew what they had to do, and they looked like a force to be reckoned with in their sunglasses... woah nelly! :) Okay... I remember capping this eppie, and I just kept clicking the 'Capture' button when I saw a look or if they were close together, or she said 'Hot flashes, but that's just me...' and the 'all-black' quote. It was simply amazing, bottom line. Every scene they had together was a beam of light, and even now I think if it and I smile. :) Caps help too!! :D

Speaking of which, ;) here's some caps of when they're in the same room together, and it's so unbearable... :devil:

Calleigh first... 'Mmmm...'
Now Horatio... 'Hmmm...'

Horatio on the radio to Calleigh when she says...
Code four, code four. Sniper has been apprehended. The sniper has been apprehended. We have him in custody.

He looks up, smiling...
Towards Calleigh on the roof...

Back soon!
Hey DuCaine pals-- those caps were great by the way- and oh yeah Killzone remains one of my ALL time favorites--
I am so excited for our campaign and can't wait to send the post cards when we all get it together
I just wish they would let them work together even for one or two scenes--- but hey YOUR idea that TPTB know that their chemistry would be off the charts- and sooooo
anyway- I am just soooo thankful for the fanfic writers becuase you guys really lift me and keep my hopes and dreams alive---
Let's play a game-- let's name our top 3 DuCaine epidoes and why
1. Lost Son-- I guess we all know why- the hug- the closness- yeah even the sadness they shared
2. Under suspicion(I think that is the one in which Calleigh examines his hands- when she says that about having " blood on your hands"-- and oh the sweetnes of her " tell me the truth H" and he DOES-- so many great moments- they even play a sweet song while she is tending to his wounded hands-(sigh)
3.I love Killzone- but i am going to have to go with " After the Fall"-- when Calleigh fights so hard to clear H of the assault charges---- she even has to " convince" him to let her look at the evidence-- although this one ran a close call to the episode-- where calleigh falls asleep and H is there and flirts withher-- I LOVE his laugh at the end of tat scene---
It is HARD to pick just 3-- we had such a FEAST- season 1 and some season 2
Great caps!!! I just finished watching that episode at the radio station. I loved that ep because they worked alone a lot in that one.

Great idea. Here are my top three:

1) 'Under Suspicion' -- the last real DuCaine ep, unfortunately :( She wanted so hard to help H catch Resden and to help clear his name. The hand swab scene is one of my all-time favourite DuCaine scenes.

2) 'Kill Zone' -- all of the alone scenes they had together was enough to grab my number two spot. The alone scenes were so personal, they connected so well and they were so comfortable talking to each other. It was cute :)

3) 'Lost Son' -- two words...The Hug. That and when they were all gathered around Speed's body, H looked up only at Cal and no one else, not even Alexx when she said: 'Give him to me, Horatio'. There was also a tender moment then when he handed her his and Speed's guns. It was almost as if he was handing his heart to her to protect.

bringirl2001 said:
2. Under suspicion(I think that is the one in which Calleigh examines his hands- when she says that about having " blood on your hands"-- and oh the sweetnes of her " tell me the truth H" and he DOES-- so many great moments- they even play a sweet song while she is tending to his wounded hands-(sigh)

If you listen closely to the lyrics playing at that particular scene, the singer is singing:

In my arms I'll catch you
Do you mind
If I always love you?

If you're interested, the song is 'Heaven's Gonna Burn Your Eyes' by Thievery Corporation.
Since I really want to partake in this postcard operation, I have a few questions, namely what kind of materials or whatever will I be needing and also what I should put on the thing. We need to get TPTB attention and show them we care about our characters dangnabit!!

No Ducaine action in the new episode, sounded like poor Horatio was getting over a cold. Hint hint Cal Cal go help nurse him back to health. :devil: Oh great now I suddenly have the urge to read a sick fic. :lol:

Speaking of fic, I'm going to write some more come tomorrow, that is if my fellow nutcase Bullet_Girl isn't on MSN. :lol: We have way too much fun RPing as Calleigh and Horatio. :D :devil:

Plus if I had to pick a favorite of those three episodes offered? Mmm I'd say probably Kill Zone, though Broken has some sweet moments too, Calleigh falling asleep in front of Horatio and the sugar comment? Priceless.
Speaking of fic, I'm going to write some more come tomorrow, that is if my fellow nutcase Bullet_Girl isn't on MSN. We have way too much fun RPing as Calleigh and Horatio.
Oh, you're calling me a nutcase? :lol: Nahhh...you're right...I even added myself as Cals friend.. :p

Emer... Yummy caps :p We definatly need a UTT best of album or something :lol:


You're joking, right?! :lol: I can't choose just THREE!!! :lol: okay, but if I really had to....

Dispo Day - The bit after Calleigh tests positive for cocaine and Horatio takes her aside, his concern is sooo obvious for her, its really sweet.

Broken - I've got two words for you... "Hello Handsome" :devil:

Going Under - "Everything was compromised. Every thing but you....." Not only was it the namesake for our last thread, but its my favorite line of the epi :p
Cova said: Since I really want to partake in this postcard operation, I have a few questions, namely what kind of materials or whatever will I be needing and also what I should put on the thing. We need to get TPTB attention and show them we care about our characters dangnabit!!

Card stock .....or pre-cut postcard stock if you want. Basically, you can take the postcard graphics we post and cut and past them into a Word document so there are 4 per page, like postcards.

Stamps .. postcard stamps [a little less expensive]

That's really it. If you don't want to do the postcards, you can use the graphics on a plain piece of white [or colored] paper and just write on that and mail in a normal envelope.

I'll provide the addresses, and some tips on what to write in the big post tomorrow.

Go DuCaine !!!
Hey guys!
I'm definitely psyched about the postcard mailing - let's bring it!

EmeraldEyes06- Where'd you get that great pic of Cal and H (the one by your name) - I can't place that episode, and was kind of hoping it was a future epi pic ?

OK - does anyone know if Cal and H will EVER work together again? This is getting rediculous, I don't remember any other characters who didn't share a scene for this long. I was trying to keep track, and I honestly don't think they've had a meaningful scene together since the episode where Natalia's sister is kidnapped. (I'm not counting the 2 seconds they were on screen together in "Man Down," b/c that was nothin' - but even in those 2 secs. you could still feel the chemistry!) Anybody have any thoughts on this?

So, I'm sure most of you have seen or at least heard about the infamous pictures from one of the upcoming episodes - if not, head on over to the Spoilers page...
It's a pic of Cal kissing Eric on the cheek - oh, geez, here we go! Get those postcards out quick! before I cry! :(

Anyway... I'd have to say my three favorite Ducaine episodes are as follows:

"Under Suspicion" - This is where TPTB had an opportunity to let our ship set sail - Cal was defending H til the end, and did a great job of showing her loyalty. She'd do anything for the man, and everyone knows it.

"Lost Son" - Definitely the look shared between H & C just after Speed's death. What a moment. Both of them leaning on each other to stay strong - holding it together - and of course, the hug.

"Kill Zone" - This epi showed the undeniable chemistry these two have. Loved the shooting range scene, as well as H at the end talking to Cal over the radio. He knew she'd get the job done - and yes, he thinks she looks good in black :)
I just saw the pics you were referring to, miamirocks. She's not wearing all-black :( I'll be making many postcards now :lol: I'll also be sending some to David. He was the one that apparently made The Hug from 'Lost Son' come to be so maybe he'll listen to a few restless DuCainers and ask for a scene between Handsome and his Bullet Girl!!! :D
Hcrazy, we need some manip magic to pick up our spirits!!!
I'm here and what poll did I miss? Where do I vote? Someone point me in the right direction.

This is for all the believers! Keep Believing, it will happen... END GAME PEOPLE... END GAME H & C FOREVER!!!!

My Wall :D

Walking off into the sunset...holding hands :D :D :D

Just Believe! DuCaineeeeeeeeeee! :lol: :lol: :lol: ;)
OMG Hcrazy you just made my evening with those manips!!! Awesome as usual!!!

Here you go:
The poll...

DuCaine has an huge lead over all of the other couples...I think this is evidence enough for TPTB. Hmmm...that just gave me an idea: I'm going to do a screencap of the huge lead and use that as a postcard with the words: 'The Numbers Don't Lie'. :D
Hey Eyeheart,

I just voted, and thank you very much!!! I live to make others happy! :D

Awesome Emerald, as always. :D I loved the pics, Ooh :devil:

So were gonna bombard them huh. :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey Writers and producers, guess who's coming to dinner! :devil: :devil:

Loving every minute as I think of you
wishing they'd put us together very soon
So we can enchant each others sweet lives
that our fans devotion have spread world wide
Hello everyone.

I hope you're all holding up okay, because I... *deep breath* I am feeling really sick... and you'll know why... but guess what... TPTB have handed us a basket of lemons, right? So... LET'S MAKE SOME LEMONAAAADE!!! Had to say that... back to what's important...

@ HCrazy: Fantastic images, loved the 'Death Pool 100' one. I always had a feeling that they were contemplating just grabbing each other's hands and running off into the distance, :lol: but I guess we had to settle for a look and a smile. :) Thank you for those! And I am coming to their house... with a samurai sword tucked in my back-pocket if things get any worse... which is practically impossible. You brightened my day up, just letting you know! :)

@ luvingmyHoratio: Beautiful poem, and lovely image! Thank you! Our feelings in a nutshell!

Choosing just 3 favourite eppies is hard!! :p I love them all, but if I had to pick ones that truely stood out for me, here they are:

1) 'Kill Zone' because they worked so hard and so close, as i have described above in a lengthy post. I adore this one!

2) 'Lost Son' because of 'The Hug' and just the sheer emotion emmanating from the two of them. Still gives me shivers to this day, whenever it's in a video or in a clip, I just smile. Especially if it's slow-motion!! :D

3) 'Under Suspicion' because she swabbed his hands, and they had several conversations together. She was his support, and he opened up to her in that one, never fading, always constant.

Those are ones that stick out for me, all DuCaine episodes do, but those are my Top 3 at the moment. Among my favourites as well is 'After the Fall' because Calleigh defends Horatio, and asks him if he's okay. Then we have that tender smile as she leaves... good times

I've already set-up my postcards for printing, just to get the addresses, and I'm going to write a long, long letter for good measure. This is bothering me so much I had nightmares last night, shippers trying to outdo each other constantly, posting, deleting, posting, deleting at the Wiki page, just a constant vicious circle!! Blame that on lack of sleep! :p :rolleyes:

I'm okay... I'm okay now. :) Let's get those postcards sent... time is running out...

Bye for now!
Hey Emerald,

Thanks! :D

My Favorite 3 would have to be Under the Influence, After the fall and of course Under Suspecion. :D :D :D ;)

All my favorite scenes with my two favotrite people in the whole wide world!!! ;)

Nevr say die, DuCainers, hang in there like H would say! :D :D :D :D :D
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