Lab Technician
we could have flirting through the whole eppy (reminiscent of Seas. 1...*Sigh!* ) and H would keep looking like he wanted to ask Cal something, he'd stop by her lab and start to ask her something and then just smile as he looks down and away and go "Never mind" and finally at the end of the eppy, we'd see Cal slip into his office...and ever so softly say "Horatio?" and he'd look up from his desk, and she walk slowly up to him and without any hesitation kiss him softly on the lips. And she'd pull back slowly, eyes locked on his...a smile would break gradually over his lips and eyes still locked on hers, he'd say "I wanted to do that all day..." and just before leaning in again, she'd whisper, "I know."
Moriel21...that is a great idea for a series of scenes! I would love to see something like that evolve over an entire episode. Hmmmm...perhaps Emerald can use the idea for one of her scenes...that is, if you don't mind, and Emerald wants to.