H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl!

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we could have flirting through the whole eppy (reminiscent of Seas. 1...*Sigh!* ) and H would keep looking like he wanted to ask Cal something, he'd stop by her lab and start to ask her something and then just smile as he looks down and away and go "Never mind" and finally at the end of the eppy, we'd see Cal slip into his office...and ever so softly say "Horatio?" and he'd look up from his desk, and she walk slowly up to him and without any hesitation kiss him softly on the lips. And she'd pull back slowly, eyes locked on his...a smile would break gradually over his lips and eyes still locked on hers, he'd say "I wanted to do that all day..." and just before leaning in again, she'd whisper, "I know."

Moriel21...that is a great idea for a series of scenes! I would love to see something like that evolve over an entire episode. Hmmmm...perhaps Emerald can use the idea for one of her scenes...that is, if you don't mind, and Emerald wants to. :) :D Em...?
Ok guys, everyone is asking me for this pic, so I guess i will post it, but if you guys think I shouldn't just let me know and I will remove it. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks so much for all the compliments and evil smiley, :devil: you guys are great. :eek: :eek:

Please let me know if it's too bad! :eek:

Here it is... :devil:

Picture deleted, lack of courage! :eek: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Tracynn has the link up below this. :devil: :devil: :devil:
OMG I wasn't expecting it in the thread - I just spit diet coke all over my monitor.

So......hopefully you won't kill me. Since you were so brave and since you have already seen it but for everyone else, here is my postcard with this manip....


:D :devil: :D :devil:


hey maybe I should take my down, yeah i think i will becuase yours is up now. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

(Runs off to rip it off the boards!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
I liked it a lot. It's definitely something all of us would enjoy!!!
I have a wonderful idea for a postcard (no one steal it! :lol:) It has the shot of H and Cal's hug from 'Lost Son' with a caption along the lines of 'The Good Old Days'. What do you guys think?
It could also work with my current avatar, as, if you can't see, she has her arm through his.
I just made another one for you guys! :eek: :devil:

It's not as good but the one under it is and that is great for a post card. :D :D :D



Take your pic.
Guys, as mentioned before, posting manips is really considered Fan Art. It's okay now and again, but not when done frequently. Thanks. :)
Hcrazy & TracyLynn wow, LOVE the manips, those are fabulous! :D Wowza...yay for DuCaine closeness...that makes me happy, yay, yay, yay! :lol:

So new eppy...not tomorrow right? :p Bummer! When's the next one...next week? I can't remember...gah I'm bad with dates! :rolleyes: :lol:
OMG Hcrazy they're both excellent!!!
*sigh* I have some more ideas for the postcards I thought of during my sorority meeting.
Hmmmm...should we all send them at the same time once we get a good amount of postcards made, or what's the plan otherwise? I think it would make more of an impact on the writers if we sent them all at once. They'll take us more seriously, I think.
hcrazy -- you are complete love. Great job on those! :D

No new ep tomorrow? then it must be the next week then. I figured it was coming back this week as well.

carwash thread had about someone getting fired. if its Calleigh. I'm pissed.
Hey guys thank you all so much! :D

I love making them because it gives me more hope and something wonderful to look at when i write my fics about them! :D

I have more on my website, you guys are welcome to them if you like. Just click on the link under my profile and go to gallery. It's a Horatio and Calleigh gallery. :devil: :lol:

Thanks again everyone, lets keep H and C together forever... DUCAINE rules!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Lynny!! Yay you're back in DuCaine, hi hon! :D

As far as I've heard...it's Ryan who gets fired and then he goes to work at the tv station as a forensics expert or something like that...don't remember where I read that, but that's what I heard...so yeah, not Calleigh...they couldn't fire Cal, she's WAY too central to the show to fire her! Besides H wouldn't allow it! ;)

And yeah I think Miami is kind of following NY's schedule...so no more new eppy for it until April I think... :p Bummer!!

Yeah, it's been quite a buzz in the S5 thread. Here's what I think...

I would be pissed if it were Calleigh too, but I think it could be Horatio because of the scuffle he got in with that bigwig downtown, or whatever bigtime position he had. Hmmm...wouldn't it be great if H were at his house, angry over his unemployment, when Cal came by to comfort him and they had a "moment"? *sigh*
I heard/read that it was Ryan who gets fired...I swear I heard that confirmed somewhere. I really don't think it will be H or Cal...that'd be like firing Grissom or Mac...Miami wouldn't be Miami with Horatio and Horatio wouldn't be H without his Bullet Girl...so I really do not think it'd either of them...
I haven't read it, but it seems feasible that either Ryan or H would be fired considering the stuff that's happened to the both of them recently. If they did fire H, however, he would most definitely find a way to get re-hired again.
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