Good morning!!
@ EyeHeartH: I love that poem!! It was used as well in 'Beauty and the Beast', another TV show I love! As you can see, I love romance! 'Might as well face it, I'm addicted to love!' :lol: I can imagine Horatio reciting poetry to Calleigh at night, beautiful love poems full of gorgeaus imagery and hidden meanings. Like this one, one of Herrick's classics:
"Beauty, since you so much desire
To know the place of Cupid's fire,
About you somewhere doth it rest,
Yet never harbour'd in your breast,
Nor gout-like in your heel or toe, --
What fool would seek Love's flame so low?
There, there, O there lies Cupid's fire."
Could you hear Horatio saying that??!!
I remember that scene in 'Golden Parachute'... I kept wishing it was Calleigh instead!! I have the cap of Horatio holding her hips...
this one, but loving the idea of a manip!!
Loving the caps, especially the Double Jeapordy ones! The captions match perfectly! And loving the wedding manip too! Improved the pic by a mile! There's one of Mari leaning her head in as well... any chance of that being Calleigh's head touching Horatio's??
@ bringril2001: Welcome! Hope you're enjoying yourself here!! And you've raised an interesting point. It would seem logical that the writers would put the 2 leads of the show together more often, seeing as how Horatio and Calleigh were a force to be reckoned with in the first 3 seasons. The writers seemed enthusiastic when writing for H and Cal in S1, but then it kind of fizzled out as the show went on. Anyone is free to speculate that H and Cal are seeing each other secretly, and they can't work together as often, because the temptation would be too much. They work together so well, they have such a great professional relationship, that if they worked closely again, there would be a lot of suspicion, especially if Internal Affairs got involved, questioning their ethics or something. If they became involved personally it would be seen as a conflict of interest, and their cases would be investigated... I don't know, it seems so simple to an outsider looking in, but it's obviously really complicated for Horatio and Calleigh... poor things!!
@ HCrazy: Your manips are a beacon of light!

Love the 'After the Fall' one, and the 'Kill Zone' pic too!! Please PM me that pic aswell!! Can't wait to see it!!
I've written a DuCaine fic called 'Days of Thunder'. I wrote this before CSI: DuCaine, and I've posted it in the Yahoo! Group! However, it's a bit much for the FF board, so if anyone would like to read it, you can PM me, or let me know here. Thanks guys!!
Be back Wednesday!!