I toasted the new thread tonight during Happy Hour. :lol:..Handsome and his Bullet Girl. Happy Hour is now over and I am home...and I must tell you all about a conversation I had with my daughter when I got home...
daughter: Mom...guess what I did today?
Me: what? (somewhat distractedly as I was looking thru the mail)
Daughter: I watched CSI: Miami all day! (DVDs)
Me: Grrrrrrrr! (said with a fair amount of jealousy as I was at work all day where CSI:M was not doable)
Daughter: You're just jealous.
Me: Well...yes I am...but tell me, why did you watch CSI Miami (expecting the H&C answer!)?
Daughter: Boa Vista.
Me: Boa Vista??!!! Boa Vista?!! Why would you watch for her??!!!!!!
Daughter: Because of Eric.
Me: What about Eric? What's he got to do with the price of tea in China?!!!(said with a fair amount of disgust)
Daughter: He likes Boa Vista.
Me: I don't care if he likes Boa Vista...why would you watch the show to see her boobs process all the lab samples (my mind grasping for purchase, thinking of an old post I laughed and laughed over about...thinking my daughter has lost her mind!)?!!!
I think at that point she just rolled her eyes and went back to the Miley Cyrus website she was visiting. And me...I was left wtih the knowledge that my daughter, who previously has always shipped with me, has abdicated to a different ship.