H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but you.

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Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Wow y'all have been busy! I see lots of pic links...yay for lots of pics! Wohoo! Heehee!

Awww yeah I would love it if they called eachother something cute like "honey"...I totally see Cal calling H "Sugar" though, like in that great coffee scene! :D And if he called her "Goddess"...yeah I'm with you Emer I'd faint and then scream FINALLY at my tv in joy! :D

I LOVED that scene where Speed mentioned that Cal had a tattoo...you could see H thinking..."Hmmm I wonder if he's talking about the tiny pistol on her hip? Should I tell him I've seen it? Nah, better fake shock!" Heehee! :lol:

Hcrazy!! :eek: Those manips of yours are amazing, absolutely AMAZING! I love them, wow!!

CASP!! NO you can't leave forever! I would miss you too dang much! I like you my fluff machine buddy...if you leave me I won't have you or your fluff machine and that's just unacceptable! DuCaine needs you too...come on, don't go buddy, please?!!

And Palm you need to pop back in here! We need a good dose of DuCaine smut..either by a story or just you popping in here! ;)

Lynny you too, pop in here already! :D

4th thread titles huh...is it that time...hmmm....

H/Cal #4: "She'll walk that road with him!"
H/Cal #4: Handsome and his Bullet Girl
H/Cal #4: The 6ft. man and his 3ft rifle!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

All of the manips are GREAT!!!
Casper, I love the 9th DuCaine pic...that's been my MySpace profile pic for like a month now...my favourite!!!

Hmmm...regarding the name for the new thread, I like 'Handsome and his Bullet Girl' the most.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Yup the manips are great...I love the HUG avie especially, that was such a bittersweet moment for DuCaine!

The 9th pic is good EyeH, I likes that one too! :D

And yeah I'm cool with all the potential titles...I thought my minion might especially like the one you did EyeH! :D BG where you at?! :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hey, :cool:

I'm glad you like the pics I made. I had a lot of fun doing it. :devil:

Horatio & Calleigh forever! Squeek squeek! :D :D :D :D

I am working on more pics too! I have to get them even closer. :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

Thanks everyone!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Yeah I LOVE your pics...they are amazing! And they look real...heehee! It's cuz DuCaine looks so hot together and we KNOW they get that close all the time! :D :devil:

DuCaine forever indeed baby! Mmmmhmmm! ;)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hey all!! :)

Casper, NOO!! Please don't leave! :( All those wonderful manips and caps and your love for this ship... I'll miss all that. :( I'll miss you! I know you'll always be a DuCainer, through thick and thin. Keep in touch, okay? 'Never say never'. :) I remember those pics from the first 2 threads, and the Cal asleep manip you made for me!! Friends don't forget things like that!! :) You've brought so much to this ship, and it won't be forgotten.

Nice to see you again,Rebecca! So happy you enjoy CSI: DuCaine. It's my baby!! :D :lol: Homework sucks, doesn't it? :mad: I have an English essay to write this week, ugh!!

Hiya, Mo!! Caps make me happy too, especially when I cap a perfect moment!! :D Those are really nice thread titles too! :)

I just thought of this title:
H/Cal #4 - Looking Good in All-Black!

We've another couple of pages to go, so plenty time to make up our minds. Right now we're on 799 posts, and mine will make it 800(WOW!!) :D

Just to share my reaction and thoughts about a certain S5 moment: I will always remember how hyped we were for 'Going Under', right? Our ray of hope! :D Nervewracking in the beginning, I was biting my nails!! :p She was sitting on the bank, and she couldn't hear him, until she saw him looking at her. 'Calleigh...' I'll never forget his eyes... *swoon*
He called her 'sweetheart', and I nearly fainted! Poor Calleigh was nearly in tears over the evidence being lost, and Horatio was there, giving her comfort and much-needed support. I always wondered where everyone else was at that particular moment. Probably thought it best not to get in H's way when Cal's well-being is in question. And I believe that nobody else could bring Calleigh back from the brink that she was in other than Horatio, because he knows her too well. He can read her movements, see things others would miss in an instant. That is how deep their bond is. She was so scared, but I think she drew so much courage from Horatio's presence that day. Then it happened, our thread title!!;

CALLEIGH: But it's all compromised...
HORATIO: Yes... everything but you, ma'am.

YEAHHHHH!!!!! :D :lol: I really did that with Roger Daltry on that one!! Guilty! :)

@ HCrazy: More manips, yay! You're the best! Right when we need them the most! Closer, closer!! :lol: :D

Lynn and Palm, we're discussing potential thread #4 titles, so get in here!! :) In the nicest way possible! :p

Back again soon!!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

HellooOO ladies. Heyhey, I've been absent from this thread so I didn't expect to be remembered! LOL! I feel pretty good that ya'll still remember me huh. Thanks for that. :)

As ironic as my first two words in this post had been, I'm here to say Goodbye. I'll come in here if I can, to see the progress of the new thread title and see if I can offer any ideas. Hey, I'll keep in touch....I hope. :confused: Lol!

You're right Emerald, I AM a DuCainer through thick and thin. It's always been that way to me ;).

So....I'm signing out. Keep DuCaine alive.

Love you ladies much but this only dude has to go. Take care everyone!

Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Emer quick grab Casp's other leg! Lynny get in here and grab Casp's arms! Sorry dude, did you think you were going somewhere? Nope, too bad...we just like you too much...too much fun, so you have to stay! :D Heehee! :lol:

Emer you are adorable have I said that lately? Well you are! :D I LOVE that "Going Under" moment as well, in fact that is the moment that made me a DuCainer...up until then I didn't really like Miami...then I watched that eppy and I was like huh...and then that moment happened and I was hooked! I get hooked on shows cuz of ships and DuCaine hooked me big time! :lol: Then of course I went back and watched, or am working on watching all the Season 1 moments of DuCaine and realizing just how absolutely AMAZING this ship really is! :D :D

Ohhh, I like that thread title too Emer good one! I think something this would be cute too...
H/Cal #4: "He Begs To Differ!" :devil:
Oh or...H/Cal #4: Leather Chaps and All Black! :devil: :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

BG where you at?!
Huh? :lol:

the one where they were like standing basically ON TOP of eachother? Yeah..... my eyes were like glued to that one :devil:

anywho........... I still haven't gotten any CSI:MIAMI over here... :( (the new stuff that is lol )

EDIT: I also love the one done by Hcrazy where they look like they're gonna kiss... :devil: can I make an icon out of it? :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I'm going to need more space on my computer with all of these awesome pictures...
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Ohhhh Cal how much do I love your banner, that is HOT! :devil: And minion there you are! ;) I'm surprised you haven't commented on the "Handsome and His Bullet Girl" thread title! :lol: No...yay that's me talk...cuz that's so what I'd be saying! :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I'm surprised you haven't commented on the "Handsome and His Bullet Girl" thread title!

Oh! Oh! that's me and Horatio!! *squeal* :devil: :lol:

Not really, but I should put that on a T-Shirt :p

I'm about half finished the DuCaine music video "Promiscous" It's gonna be really good...... and no links. It's not allowed :p
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You


You had better make a lot of room! :lol:

I'm working on many more. ;)

We can never have enough H and Cal, can we. :devil: :devil:

HCrazy :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I need to get in here more often..

Believe it or not,you'll definitely need space for all those pictures!! :)..
Hcrazy ,I've got to say,nice fic..
Bullet_G,when you finish with the video let us know!..

The scene in ''Going Under'' is really nice and cute..So any good Ducaine in the latest episodes or noooot?

Started already with the thread titles??will be a hard choice! :)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hiya!! :)

*makes to grab Casper, but he runs off* Just joking! You had better keep in touch! 'Cos I'll find you!! *crazy laugh* :D :lol:

@ Mo: Aww, thanks!! If that moment converted everyone who watched it, wouldn't that be so cool?? :) I love your banner, it's too sweet!! :D So many great couples!! Makes me wish everyday was Valentine's!! :D

@ BG: Cool! A new music video! I'll be checking YouTube!!

Just something else I notice about 'Going Under: Horatio was so close to her, I could swear he wanted to kiss her!! *swoon*
Here's the evidence:
"Everything but you, ma'am."

He knows her so well... read me like a book... he knows me by heart... I love how you can tell all the pieces, pieces, pieces of me... All those things spring to mind, for me anyway. Sweet!!

Wasn't "Evidence of Things Unseen" great? I loved Cal's red shirt! And I bet Horatio did too!! ;) Every time the team deal with crime scenes with lots of sexy women, I always think in the back of my mind, 'Does Calleigh feel jealous??' No way, he loves you!! Likewise with Horatio; not in a lifetime, Cal loves you!! :rolleyes: Don't deny it!!

We did see a hint of jealousy with John Hagen, remember 'The Best Defense'?? So protective, and he diffused that arguement simply by clearing his throat... and just his presence filled the room, confronted Hagen, as if to say, 'Step away from Calleigh... NOW!!'
Here's more evidence:

H: *You'd better hope to God she's alright...*

H: Step off!!

Look at her little blonde haed! She can't bear to look in case she swoons at her knight in shining armour saving her from the jealous dragon!!

He's gone... Cal: Thank you... H: Anything... for you.

Wasn't that scene full of such tension. It was practically a showdown between 2 men who both love Calleigh... personally, I thnk the odds were with Horatio, but that's just me!! :p ;)

No one can ignore the evidence... and the evidence never lies.

Here's the link to CSI: DuCaine if anyone's interested:

Read me!!

I'm updating tomorrow, so look out!! :D

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