H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but you.

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Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hey all! How are we after last nite? :( Ah, I see... no worries now, V-Day's tomorrow, and romance is never dead!! *fights to remain optimistic* Pessimism kills my creativity... :rolleyes: You'd swear that TPTB WANT a shipper revolution!! Don't fear... shoulder to shoulder now..

Sweet scenario, EyeHeartH, gorgeaus. He wouldn't be all 'umm' and 'uhh' after that!! Calleigh always gives his confidence a boost. I'll bet he melted at the 'Hello, Handsome' in 'Broken'. *looks at BG's banner* Yay!! He needs someone who DOESN'T intimidate him or make him nervous. He's always been that way around attractive women other than Cal for some strange reason... hmmm... He's comfortable around her, which is what he needs right now. Even around Yelina he was awkward... Calleigh's so different. She's in tune with Horatio at every step, it's beautiful to watch. *sigh* The romantic in me talking... :p :lol:

Hey, Mo!! Hope you're well, and don't lose hope. 'Hang in there'... I know what'll cheer you up!!

I have a Valentine's Day present for you all! This is the first part: a pictorial tribute to Horatio and Calleigh, set to S Club 7's wonderful song, 'Never Had a Dream Come True'. Dedicated to DuCaine, and to every single one of you DuCaine shippers! *big hugs* HAPPY VALENTINE'S!!! :D

Never Had a Dream Come True

Ooohh, oohh

Everybody's got something they had to leave behind
One regret from yesterday that just seems to grow with time
There's no use looking back or wondering, how it could be now or might have been
All this I know but still I can't find ways to let you go

I never had a dream come true 'til the day that I found you
Even though, I pretend that I've moved on, you'll always be my baby
I never found the words to say, you're the one I think about each day
And I know no matter where life takes me to a part of me will always be
With you, ooooooohh yeah

Somewhere in my memory I've lost all sense of time
And tomorrow can never be 'cause yesterday is all that fills my mind
There's no use looking back or wondering how it should be now or
Might have been, all this I know but still I can't find
Ways to let you go

I never had a dream come true 'til the day that I found you
Even though, I pretend that I've moved on, you'll always be my baby
I never found the words to say, you're the one I think about each day
And I know no matter where life takes me to, a part of me will always be

You'll always be the dream that fills my head
Yes you will, say you will, you know you will, oh baby
You'll always be the one I know I'll never forget

There's no use looking back or wondering
Because love is a strange and funny thing
No matter how I try and try
I just can't say good-bye
No, no, no, no

I never had a dream come true
'Til the day that I found you
Even though, I pretend that I've moved on
You'll always be my baby
I never found the words to say
You're the one I think about each day
And I know no matter where life takes me to, a part of me
Will always be, a part of me will
Always be with you, oooooooh

Now the second part of my present is posted in the Fanfiction forum. Here is the link:

CSI: DuCaine - Valentine's Day Special!!!

I'll also PM you all my 'other' steamy scene if you want to read it. Of course you do!! ;)

Have a nice day tomorrow, and enjoy all the DuCaine lovin'. :D I'll be in Dublin on a date with 'Othello'! :rolleyes: There's a bit of romance... nah, I prefer 'Romeo and Juliet'!! :p :lol:

Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Calleigh always gives his confidence a boost. I'll bet he melted at the 'Hello, Handsome' in 'Broken'. *looks at BG's banner* Yay!!
Yay!! people actually take the time to look at my banner :lol:

I have done alot more work on that sketch, it might have to be a little post Valentines treat? :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Nice pictures...they totally fit with the lyrics.

I keep forgetting to comment on your sig, but now that people have mentioned it...very nice!!!

I bet that H smiled whenever Cal called him handsome once she saw his hand. I kind of wish that he had met up with her afterward to discuss her choice of adjective. I can see it now: he comes up to her with a subtle grin, and she smiles at him, and he says: "So...you think I'm handsome?" and she'll say "Well, I mean, it's OBVIOUS, isn't it?"
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

yeah........ Has Horatio given Calleigh a nickname? :lol:

I have updated my DuCaine fan fiction - "Woman"

I haven't had the chance to until recently, because of school and stuff, but now that the update is.....up :lol: go check it out! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

^^^ I've heard him call her 'ma'am', but then again, he called Rebecca Nevins that, but then again, Rebecca Nevins was a love interest. Hmmm...
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

H did call her "Sweetheart" in Going Under, I LOVED that! I totally melted when he called her that, it was SO sweet! :D

Emer you totally ROCK hon! You're fabulous! :D That pictorial to the lyrics, was SO beautiful and your V-day DuCaine treat...I already told you I loved it, but seriously, you are AMAZING! :D

And don't lose hope y'all...every ship hits rough waters...heck I've had ships that were just as bad or worse but the chemistry was undeniable and in the end the couple got together! There is hope for DuCaine, really! :D (And for the record, I DO think the PTB want a shipper revolution! :p ) :lol:

Until we get DuCaine, feel free to all join me in my lovely fluffy bubble! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Yeah, I meant one that he calls no one else, one that is unique to his feelings for her :devil:

hehe.....I feel PG13 smut coming on... :p

'ma'am' is okay, but She doesn't like it, I remember in "Spring break" the girls squealing over Eric taking his shirt off were calling her that, they asked, "'ma'am', can we talk to you?" and she said "As long as you don't call me 'ma'am'" :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Lol, I'm sure he has names he calls her and no one else BG! I'm also pretty sure they're names that we can't really say here for fear of getting whacked...ya know, special, private nicknames! ;) Heehee! :devil: But I'm sure they have them! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Yeah..... "Oh Calleigh.....I have something for you..... (insert pet name here)" :lol: I make myself laugh and yet I can never make anyone laugh in my drama class....... :p I should really take a picture of how much I've done of my sketch and show it to y'alls....but my moms cam isn't working :( oh well, I think I have one laying around someplace :p
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Lol, you make me laugh! ;) Heehee! :lol: Yeah personally I see them having "bedroom" nicknames, that they call eachother and they tease eachother about slipping up and one day calling eachother them in the lab on accident! Seriously I'm waiting for the day when one of them slips up and calls the other something really private and smexy...I could totally see it happening! :devil: Heehee! :lol:

Yeah you should show us the sketch! I wanna see!! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

hmmmmmm.................. "Sexy Kitty" ! :lol: not really, ever since I saw that old fart in a blue cat suit on "Fur and Loathing", that name has lost its appeal! haha :p

Anyways, I'd love to hear Calleigh slip up as shes trying to talk to Horatio about a case or something, or when they're alone in her lab.....they get a bit too "Comfortable" ;) and someone comes in and sees them....mmmm :devil:

okay, I'll get you a pic by tomorrow! promise! and if I don't you can spank me! (or call Horatio to do it for you :p)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Lol, nice hon.... :lol: :lol: you crack me up! ;) Not quite what I had in mind, but it's funny! :D And yeah I so want to hear them slip up and call eachother a pet name in the lab, and have everyone kind of stop and look at them and be like, "Um....wait, what?!" And then you know everyone else would look at eachother and go, "It is about dang time!" :lol: You just know it! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

^^^ That would be especially funny if the other didn't know that they had a pet name. Imagine Horatio going all wide-eyed, mouth agape if Calleigh called him something off-colour like Tamale because he's so red hot hot HOT!!! Or imagine Cal grinning ear-to-ear if H called her something classily subtle as Beautiful or, referring back to the show Frasier, if he pulled a Niles and called Cal Goddess.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hello all! How's everyone in DuCaine land? :D

Great Valentine's Day! So happy you enjoyed 'Never Had a Dream Come True'. *sigh* :) They are just gorgeaus, aren't they? :D Here's hoping they had a nice Valentine's Day too!!

Loving the talk about nicknames. :) I can't get over 'Hello, Handsome'! Or 'sweetheart'!! :D I must see if she called him 'Handsome' in another eppie other than 'Broken'. Hmmm... *eyes S1 DVDs full of DuCaine heaven* I'll get back to you on that one. ;)

One name I wouldn't like them to use is 'babe'. :rolleyes: Too corny... 'Honey' or 'tamale' are sweet! And I totally agree, EyeHeartH. Horatio is HOT!! *hiss* *sizzle* :D :lol: If he called her 'goddess', the legion of shippers all over the world would faint, or their jaws would scrape the floor, or they would scream, "FINALLY!!!"

I just saw 'Forced Entry', and omg, Speed mentioned Calleigh's tattoo!! Horatio's face!! :lol: And when Speed said, 'It's not like she's going to let anyone see it', I could see Horatio thinking, 'Someday, I will!!' *squee* What are the odds of Calleigh casually popping up in conversation, huh? And her tattoo?? Come on! Totally shipper-riffic!! :D OH YEAH, BABY!!! I'm high on their undeniable chemistry tonight!! I capped the look on his face, priceless!! :lol: :p Do you think he'd ever bring that up to her in an intimate setting? That's not something you'd forget in a hurry!! ;)

Inspiration for my DuCaine scenes has come from the most unexpected places this week!! I was passing this store, and I looked in the window, and it just hit me!! Let's just say it was sparkling and leave it at that... ;)

Here are two promo pics that I love:

Crimewave DuCaine

She looks small beside him!! :D Sooo cute!!

Camp Fear DuCaine

Their hands are so close!! :D

No one's seen Casper or Palm around for a while? I really miss them! :( Let's keep it going...

Let's pray that next week will open a new door for Horatio and Calleigh's relationship. And as Mo says, we're heading through stormy, rough waters, but together, we'll steer this ship back on course!! You'll see!!

See you tomorrow!!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hahaha if H ever called her Goddess, I know I would be in tears, I would be so happy :lol:

H (after Cal gives him a critical piece of evidence): Thank you...my Goddess.
*Cal yanks him close to her and drowns him in a deluge of kisses*

Hahaha I remember that scene in 'Forced Entry'...his eyes got so big...you know that he was saying to himself: 'She has a tattoo...that's so HOT!!!' (I have two tattoos, and let's just say it's quite a nervewracking experience, as I passed out from my first one and was close to passing out on my second one as well...she has serious props from me for being a tough one :D)

I'm loving that first pic EmeraldEyes06. She can't bear to look at him because he's so freaking beautiful in that scene that if she dares look at him, she wouldn't be able to control herself and would jump on him begging for him to be hers. Cal has some serious willpower...I would succumb to his hotness the first day working for him! But, I don't know, it looks to me that it's getting harder and harder for her not to look at him...she has a strained look on her face.
In that second one, though, once again big props to her willpower. Her right hand is soooo close to his hand, I'm surprised she hasn't let it slip and fall onto it yet.
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