H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but you.

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Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You


Thanks for the Valentine gift Emerald eyes! Mmmm Yummies. :devil: :devil: :devil: :D

Hey I just wanted to ask to be sure but I wanted to add some of the Manipulated pics of H and C, to my album over on the Yahoo group, pleaseee. :lol:

I have manipulated a few myself and this gets very addicting, like up all night to 6 in the morning. Then sleeping until 4 in the evening. :eek: :eek: Then the husband asks where's dinner? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Maybe I can print a picutre of it for him. :lol: :lol:

God, I am CRAZY!!!!

Let me know if this is a problem, after all I am just showing off our Horatio and Calleigh! :rolleyes: :D


HCrazy :cool:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I've been a huge lurker forever and only recently made a username if ONLY to participate in this thread. How ridiculous is that? I needed to be around more H/C people!

So I'll share with you lovely folks a Kill Zone cap I took earlier this week to use in my sig because... Well, yeah. No explanation necessary. :D

Hot flashes!

If you want to use it for anything, feel free. I'm sorry the quality isn't top notch.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Me likey :) That's a fave quote of mine too hehe

I think she should call him Big Red *ggl* That'd definately be a funny scene as has been described.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

She should call him a number of things, Big Red being one! :devil:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hey, :cool:

I did it again. I pulled and all nighter playing with H and C pictures. :lol:

I know I am Crazy, hence the name but I did bring our favorite two umm, closer together, so to speak. :devil: :devil: H is leaning into um, cals umm, well you can see. :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

I didn't plan that, it just fit prfect that way! :lol:

Ok, I'm new at this, so don't laugh! Well ok, you can laugh, it's pretty funny! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :D

Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

She looks small beside him!! Sooo cute!!
As small as a button! *squeals happily!* OMG that pic is my new favorite! :lol:

I know I am Crazy, hence the name but I did bring our favorite two umm, closer together, so to speak. H is leaning into um, cals umm, well you can see.
oooohh.... :devil: I feel another "Dream" coming on! yeah, just keep walking..... :p

I did it again. I pulled and all nighter playing with H and C pictures.
Dirty, dirty! :D :devil: Or is it just me? :lol:

If he called her 'goddess', the legion of shippers all over the world would faint, or their jaws would scrape the floor, or they would scream, "FINALLY!!!"
Save your breath sista, I've already had to scrape my jaw off the floor from that Valentines day scene you sent me! :devil: :p

okay, okay, so I haven't got the picture, but please send H over my way tomorrow... :devil: I am trying to find the cord for my moms camera, I really am.....I always seem to lose things that I need the most! :( :p
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You


Thanks! :D

Ok, i am still on a roll and I really think we need new pics of our couple. So here is another one I tried. I am very very new... so yes laugh all you want!!! :lol: :lol:

New pics from season 3 and 4. i am going to have a blast with this. I just learned how to work it finally! :lol:

Be honest and let me know what you think, please! :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hello all!! :)

@ Cal: Hello Cal!! Welcome to the ship!! :D I'm loving your banner, and that cap is perfect! She is so staring at him!! :devil: The only way Horatio would lie down like that with a rifle tucked under him is that he took notice of the 'hot flashes' comment, and decided to grant Calleigh's wish!! No coincidence, I tell you! ;) Something else one wouldn't forget in a hurry. And the all black comment!! :) 'Kill Zone' was amazing wasn't it?? :D
Here's a few caps of the eppie. Beautiful memories... :):

Arriving at the crime scene...

Cal: Looks like a .223. (Horatio hears, but is mesemerised by her hair today...)

A quiet moment...
A moment of shyness...

H talks on the phone...
Fully aware of Calleigh's eyes on him...

There they are...
On the hunt for the killer...

H: So what do you get when a six-foot-tall man lays down with a three-foot long rifle?
Cal: Hot flashes, but that's just me.
H: Hmmm... inside, he's going *Oh, really? Later... I'll give you hot flashes...*

Enjoying the view... down the microscope...

At the quarry...
Calleigh finds the fingerprint...
H: *I knew she would... nice work, Cal...*

Cal: Code four, code four. Sniper has been apprehended. The sniper has been apprehended. We have him in custody. H: *It's over... she did it...*
H: *Thank God she's safe...*

H: Nice work. Ever cosidered a transfer to SWAT?
Cal: I don't look good in all-black.
H: I beg to differ.

Brilliant stuff. They learned a lot about each other in that episode, and really developed their work ethic and relationship so much, by leaps and bounds!! It's lovely to watch, they practically lit up the screen! :)

@ BG: I get so excited!! :D I've had to breathe or I'll faint sometimes!! :p And so glad you enjoyed the V-Day scene!! And Horatio will be over tonight about 10-ish... ;) :lol:

@ HCrazy: OMG!! Those are beautiful!!! I love them!! Keep going, you're really good at it! The gold frame is a really nice touch, and the second one is so pretty! Well done again! I'm smiling so much here! :D :)

Be back tomorrow, and I'll be updating CSI: DuCaine as well. Bye!!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

@ BG: I get so excited!! I've had to breathe or I'll faint sometimes!! And so glad you enjoyed the V-Day scene!! And Horatio will be over tonight about 10-ish...
Ohhhhh...really?! :lol: You crack me up Emer! :D

Hmmm...... *scowl* I still cant find that lead......and I was going to clean the image up in photoshop a little too...... BTW......my picture is now missing her mouth :lol: I can get very fussy sometimes.. :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

*sigh* Why can't TPTB make episodes like 'Kill Zone' again? Those were lovely caps, thanks for sharing. Heh, I just now realised that H probably did lie down with the rifle just to get Cal's imagination going. I didn't notice that before.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You


I'm working on more pics. :cool:

We really need to give these two some time alone! :eek: :eek: :devil: :devil: :devil:

Hcrazy... All the way! Ahhhhhhhhhhh :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Howdy everyone! :D Casper here in case anyone's new or anyone's forgotten. =) Decided to drop by cos I heard my name being called. LOL! Hey Emerald, thanks for the wake up call! Hahaha!

I'm here to post the manipulated pictures that I have done over the period of time that I've been a DuCaine shipper. Here are my archives:

Manip 1
Manip 2
Manip 3
Manip 4
Manip 5
Manip 6: Cal's knight in shining hair
Manip 7
Manip 8
Manip 9: DuCaine, Bob and Bullet
MARRIAGE: Manip 10 and Manip 10.5
Manip 11
Manip 12
Manip 13
Manip 14
Manip 15

Here is a banner that I'd like to offer for anyone who wants to use it. Made it myself of a shot of H in Spring Break if I'm not wrong.


Yeah..it's Spring Break.

Here are random pictures of DuCaine that I've got stored in my Photobucket. :D

DuCaine13: Private Time
DuCaine14: Posh and Becks
DuCaine19: My favourite shot of them forever.

If any of em don't work, do PM or tell me huh. Heh.
Feel free to take em yeah! it's for all DuCainers to gawk at. ;)

Hope you've enjoyed it!

PS: Any of ya'll came up with a good fourth thread title?
PS: Hey, I've missed you lot! Keep the thread alive. I may never be popping in again. I don't know when. Have a good time yeah!

Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I love the first manip...I snagged it :p

never again? *gasp* OMG! :lol: anyways, thanks for the amazing pics!

and for the sketch I promised, I posted it in the fan art thead. I forgot about my Em/Cal montae thread so Cinegirl locke the sketches thread and bumped the old one, so I'm gonna re-post it there for when the sketch post eventualy goes 6 feet under :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Gone? Never again?
Thanks so much for the lovely pics! I snagged them all! Hope you do come back, DuCaine needs those pics.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

HCrazy thanks for the pics. They freakin' ROCK!

Oh Lord, That sucks Casper but I understand. I am busy with classes and such that I don't come as often as I want to either. I am suppose to be studying now and I am not. I am bad today. Thanks for posting the pics. I downloaded some of them. They are really good.

4th thread titles anyone??

How about "Hello Handsome." LOL After all he said the previous title now its her turn. LOL

Well anyway I have missed this thread too much and am trying to get caught up. I found the CSI: DuCaine and am spending too much time reading them. They are very nice to read and when I am having a crappy day they cheer me so.

Hope everyone is doing well. I must get back to my homework now.

The Good Rebecca
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