H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but you.

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Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hey Emerald,

You're killing me! :eek:

BTW: Are you enjoying his hot, steaming, smooth voice right now? I bet you are! :lol:

That's how you must write these steamy scenes, right after you hear him say... Mmm, Knock, knock, knock. In his incredible silk voice. :devil:

Phew, (fanning myself, taking a breath in) He does have that kind of affect on me and um, YOU Too and just about everybody here! :p :p

Ok, I hope you're enjoying the sound bytes. Now on to better things. :devil: :devil: :devil: :devil:

I made another picture of what I imagined him in when I was writing my FF story. :eek: :eek: :eek:

Calleigh just loves his Mansilk pajamas in my FF, so of course I had to manip a pic. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh and just so you know, now that you showed that pic of them in going under... I have to make them get even closer.

Oh well, I have to go manip another pic now that you teased me. :D

I hope you guys like it, hands on hips and all, but I am new at this, so don't laugh.

Actually laugh all you want! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Oh I forgot, he's staring at Calleigh in this picture. He's waiting for her to come to bed! :lol:

Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

*peeks into thread* HELLO ALL!! :p Been busy off the magic little box so I didn't have much chance to come back round here and say hello to my favorite shipper buddies!! :( Last week has been crazy to say the least. But I be back. :D

HCrazy you and CSIManiac rock!! Such great manipulations you both have made, I think I'll try making another one myself again soon when I find time, but otherwise great work!! :cool:

The thread titles all sound good to me, I can't really choose. Funny about The Best Defense I was watching that not too long ago, boy was H mad at Hagen for giving Cal such a hard time. I seriously cheered when H was getting ready to square off with him. Hagen didn't honestly expect to get away with acting that way toward's H's Bullet Girl now did he? I don't think so. :p :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Bullet_G,when you finish with the video let us know!..
I most certainly will be! It's my first DuCaine one too! :p

@ BG: Cool! A new music video! I'll be checking YouTube!!
*wags finger like Super Nanny* You sdon't even knwo my username! :p I have a directors account, but I want ot change my username... lol

Calleigh just loves his Mansilk pajamas in my FF, so of course I had to manip a pic.
RAWR! :lol:

and as for the maniuplations, I can't do anything without wanting to delete it! :lol: I am so bad at it :p

and whoever does the poll for new thread names eventually, put "Handsome and his Bullet Girl" in it! :D that way... :lol: oh my god I just love that name :devil:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You


Ok, I figured this may be my best chance at some help or advice.

I would love to start my own web site...Ahem- Horatio and Calleigh of course. :D

I would like a place to put my Horatio and Calleigh, NC-17 FF, and My pics and CSI:Miami sound bytes. :devil:

I would like to be able to share with everyone, so they could downlaod from my site. ;)

I know nothing about starting a website. Can someone help me out or give me some advice, or link me up, pleaseee!

I would appreciate it very much. :D :D :D :D

Thanks HCrazy
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I know alot about stuff like that, I have a vacant freewebs account right now if you'd like, I could help? My website (not finished) is www.evidenceneverlies.tk I have put all that is there together by myself. Now for on topic... :devil: my god just thinking about that stuff you're makin' is making me drool lol I'm in the middle of doing some capping for "Dead Woman Walking" I think it has a few good piccies you could use... :devil:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hey Bullet Girl,

I would LOVE any help. I just want to be sure that I can put the NC ratings fic on that site. :devil:

I did check out the free web account but I still don't know if it allows that. Also I know I could put the pics but are the sound bytes allowed also? :confused:

I would love the help, any help at all! :D :D

We need more Horatio and Calleigh sites! Need MORE!!!!! :devil: :devil:

You are all giving me great Ideas for Names too! LOL

Thanks Bullet Girl, I appreciate your help! :D :D :D

Wow, I just checked out your site, very nice.

I want one! :( WAhhhhhhhhhhhhh! (Whaling like a baby) :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Moriel21 said:

And yeah I'm cool with all the potential titles...I thought my minion might especially like the one you did EyeH! :D BG where you at?! :lol:

Sorry...my short-term memory gets the better of me, especially after a brief bout of salmonella (I ate the contaminated peanut butter >_<)...I forgot what you were referencing to and then I realised it was the thread title...I think their 'nicknames' are so cute!!! I want her to call him Handsome again!!!

Great 'Going Under' cap...those eyes kill me every time!!! I bet Calleigh became mesmerised by their sapphire splendour!!!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Here's a little thread title suggestion:

H&Cal #4 - "Angels in the Night"

Inspired by a song I just posted at the DuCaine song thread. :) Or....

H&Cal #4 - Backstage Lovers

I thought of this when I realized the deprivation of DuCaine on-screen and got the idea that they are loving each other off-screen...in other words, back-stage. :lol: Or....

H&Cal #4 - She's Got His Leather Chaps

.....don't even ask why. :devil: :lol: Or...

H&Cal #4:Sapphire Blue, Emerald Green - LOVE colours!

You know why right. Hehehe....

I might have more suggestions later. Heh...see you ladies around!

PS @ Emerald: Lol! I ran away! Hahaha! Hey, I'll try to keep in touch huh. ;) If you ever wanna talk, just mail me huh.

Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You


I have been playing with this pic more now. What do you guys think now? :eek:

Does his hand look real? :lol: :lol: :devil:

Oh, this is just too much fun!

I'm thinking about a name too! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Emer He totally does look like he's gonna kiss her in that scene from Going Under! I bet he wanted to and almost did before the rest of the people got there! I always notice how fast the first vehicle screechs to the scene to find Call, and you KNOW that's H totally panicked that something happened to his girl! :D

H&Cal #4 - She's Got His Leather Chaps
OMG! Casp that is AWESOME! That gets my vote right there! :lol: I LOVE it! I so want that title! ;) Hello hotness! :D

And Hcrazy yeah his hand totally works! Well done on all these manips! I like them! :D

Hey yeah I had to miss our eppy last night! :( So any DuCaine? Anything?!!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hey all!! :)

Casp, you were too fast for me!! :D :lol: I will definitely mail you soon!! :) And I'll mail you my steamy DuCaine scene if you like. ;)

@ EyeHeartH: I like to think it was the light of those sapphires that made her feel bright again... totally romantic!! They pulled her in, and she could breathe again. She probably wanted to drown willingly in those eyes... sorry 'bout the non-intentional pun, so bad!

@ Mo: You've raised a really good point. H must've broken all the speed limits to reach her!! Which also leads me to believe that he WAS on the phone when she went under!! How else could he have known?? She was discussing the case with the person on the phone, and in the back of my mind, my subconscious was whispering, 'It has to be Horatio. It's pretty big,so who else would she be discussing it with?' And in a more shippy frame of mid, 'Who else would make her smile like this??

I rest my case...

We should set up a poll for the next thread title, 'cos they're all so cool!! When we reach 900 posts!! :D

I thought of another title:
H/Cal #4 - Burning Red + Blazing Blonde = DuCaine

*sizzle* :lol:

Here's some pics from 'Slaughterhouse':

The look of love...

Ain't they cute?? :D

Knock, knock...

'Scuse me... *It's Calleigh!!*

Bullet Girl and her Lieutenant...

Cal: You know, Horatio, they're starting a new thread for us soon...

H: Really, Cal? Cal: Yeah. Number 4... H: 4?! Man, they love us...

Cal: Well... not as much as I do you... H: Hmmm...

H: I'm letting you know... I love you more than any 'shipper'... Cal: Aren't you sweet?

Couldn't resist those captions!! :D

@ HCrazy: Just when I thought that pic couldn't be any sweeter, you prove me wrong!! I love it!! :D And Horatio in those PJs... 2 words, 'Hellooo Handsome!!' :D :lol: I would like to think that his voice inspires in many ways... :D :devil: I just feel the chemistry, feel the love between Horatio and Calleigh, I think about their troubles, the wonderful moments, and it 'clicks'. I think 'I must write more moments that will be remembered.' That's about it. I just find it really easy to write for Horatio and Calleigh, beacause their characters are so likeable and so inpiring. I ought to write for the other CSIs as well... hmmm

Here's the link to CSI: DuCaine:

It's Part 2!! Read please!!

And another update tomorrow!! :)

Back soon!! Keep the DuCaine love!!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I agree...the eyes really do pull her in...at least in my fan fictions, where she's always mesmerised by them. On the series of the 'Slaughterhouse' caps you posted where they're talking just to each other, I notice that she's looking right into his eyes on every one and on the first one she looks like she's under his sapphiric spell. She's so cute when she's around her man!!!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Lol, I definitely agree EyeH she cannot look away from those eyes of his...on the other hand have you noticed how often H looks at the ground when Cal's around...I think it's because he KNOWS that if he allows himself to look into her eyes he will get just as lost as she gets in his and they will never break eye contact...ever! :D Gotta love DuCaine!

Emer as always...love the caps! And those captions made me giggle...very nice! :lol: And yeah I always thought she was on the phone with H in "Going Under" too...totally! :D

Love your thread title idea too...very nice one! :D Hot! ;)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

*comes out of hibernation*
OMG you people I leave for a few days...you sure talk a lot...but I love it so it's fine...
Getting steamy in here with all those lovely pics, thanks everyone, especially those great scenes Emerald! *hugs*
Yeah we're going to need a new thread name soon and I like the ones so far. :D
I'll be back, people.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Moriel21 said:
Lol, I definitely agree EyeH she cannot look away from those eyes of his...on the other hand have you noticed how often H looks at the ground when Cal's around...I think it's because he KNOWS that if he allows himself to look into her eyes he will get just as lost as she gets in his and they will never break eye contact...ever! :D Gotta love DuCaine!

Hahaha...that and he gets so nervous around the woman that he truly loves that if he looks at her he's afraid he'll start blushing and Cal will notice that his cheeks match his pretty red hair!!! Then she'll start asking why he's blushing and then he'll start stuttering and she'll realise his true feelings for her!!!
If H saw Cal standing just like this, with her looking right at him with eyes even greener than mine, he would surely turn beet red.
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