H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but you.

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Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hi!! :)

I honestly think Horatio's stuttering is so cute! :) If he stuttered around Cal, I'd just squeal! :D And eventually, he'd get the courage to say those 3 little words, *sigh*, if only.

@ EyeHeartH: I'd be surprised if he DIDN'T blush bright red like his hair and melt into a puddle with a look from her like that!! :) If she was wearing all-black, that reaction would be GUARANTEED!! :lol: :D That is one of my fave pics of Cal/Emily ever. She looks really pretty!!

Horatio's shyness is one of his most endearing features, and I think Calleigh would take that in her stride when makng a move. Slowly, slowly... but not too slowly, we've been waiting for 5 seasons!! :p :lol:

I'm gonna turn the tables... ;) I'll bet Calleigh would blush pink and utter 'Oh my Lord', as any of us would, if Horatio stared at us like this.

Calleigh would have her moments of shyness around Horatio too. Who wouldn't under that sapphire gaze?? *sigh*

Just a quick message on behalf of a friend: BG has started a brand new DuCaine discussion forum!! There's fanfic requests, fanart requests, shippy discussion and RP!! And it's all DuCaine!! If anyone's interested, you can click this link and join the fun!! :D

There's another CSI: DuCaine coming up! Keep you posted! :)

See ya!!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

OMG EmeraldEyes06, what a gem of a photo!!! I can see her saying 'Oh my lord!' too!!! The smile carries with it a content yet somewhat tragic glean in it. And those eyes are so intense...even when he's slightly squinting, the light still reflects off of them.
I love the fact that despite Horatio's toughness, he still is human enough to get a little shy every now and then, which Calleigh must find so cute, because she's always smiling at him...I'm thinking she knows that her smile gets him everytime, so she smiles at him even when she's not having a good day just to see his tough-guy demeanour crumble in a second once she flashes that Southern-Belle toothy smile (we are indeed notorious for that).
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Slowly, slowly... but not too slowly, we've been waiting for 5 seasons!!
:eek: we're not going to have another GSR thing are we? I know I'm a shippper of that pairing, but..... 6 seasons was simply too long! PTB damn it! :lol: make it five seasons not six! and certainly not longer! :p

And as for that photo....it made ME melt right here in front of my computer! :D too bad they (admin for here) dont have an "Instant Graemlin" for swooning :p

I love the fact that despite Horatio's toughness, he still is human enough to get a little shy every now and then, which Calleigh must find so cute, because she's always smiling at him...
I find that cute tooo... :D People say I'm really good with little kids..... I wonder if I'd be any good with Horatio? :lol: I'm not saying hes a ltitle kid, but little kids get shy sometimes, just like Horatio :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Emer, EyeH I LOVE both of those pics and yeah you know Cal would blush and stutter if H looked at her like that just like he would stammer and flush if she looked at him like that...although I maintain that they are really smirking at eachother across the room in those posted pics! ;) H is inside the room smirking at her and wanting her and she's leaning on the railing outside smirking right back at him and wanting him! :devil:

I just love our ship...they'll happen y'all! I just know it! They are too perfect and too HOT not to! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

ooh how I missed this thread. I haven't been in here in awhile. Me sorry DuCaine.

Watched Camp Fear and The Best Defense yesterday :devil: :lol: I still love the letches thing. and I love DuCaine when their in a room together, so pretty. Cal's adorable.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Lol, yeah no kidding hon, we've missed you in here! :D

Lol, awwww Camp Fear...good times, good times! I love how stuck on that eppy you are! It makes me grin! :D I mean I can see why, right from the start it's chock full of fabulous DuCaine! :D Lol, yeah them in any room together...totally cute... :D Awww good times! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Yeah....Camp Fear....I have got to cap that episode when I've finished watching NYPD Blue :devil: the first season came in the mail yesterday :D I am amazed it actually was made in 1993 a year after my birth year :p

anyways.....We're up to 6 members already in the DuCaine discussion forums..... thats 6 in two days....I am so happy now lol....but aint I always?
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Minion you're 14/15? Wow...you're making me feel old here hon! ;) :lol: Then again I am only half the age of H, so it's all good! I mean come on the man's twice my age and still smokin Hot! :devil: Cal you are a lucky woman! ;)

I think Dispo Day is my next ep to watch for Miami...that's a good one right? I having a space out moment...that's the totally cute "hummingbird" moment right? Love that! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

hehe... Young, but very, very smart :D

David is more than three times my age, but my god.......:devil:

Yeah, Dispo Day is the "Hummingbird" moment...... I love that epi :D

Cal: I feel like a humingbird on six cups of coffee! *nervous twitch* :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Ahhh...NYPD Season One...good times :D I borrowed my friend's set just for that one particular scene ^_^

Dispo Day was great...H is awesome for saving his damsel in distress...he went out of his way so much to make sure IAB knew that Calleigh inhaled the cocaine on accident. I just wish he would have found a way to calm her down a bit...perhaps a kiss would have taken her breath away ;)

Those two 'stare' pics myself and Emer posted gives me an idea...*opens Photoshop and gets to work*
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hey DuCainers! :)

Yay, more wonderful eppies! They all rank up there among my favourites. Jealous H in 'The Best Defense' saying 'back off!' to Hagen, classic! And is it just me, or did Calleigh seem more cute than usual when Horatio confronted Hagen. She kept her little head down, and then gave H a sweet smile. Aawww... :) She so wanted to complain about Hagen, but thought better, thinking H wouldn't have time to be dealing with her 'problems'. But he'd understand!! I was waiting for her to open up to him in that one, but settled for H sending Hagen off with a flea in his ear. So worth it!

'Camp Fear'... lovely 'Camp Fear'!! :) There were so many looks that passed between them in that one, and I'm just guessing, a complete outsider would ask, 'Hey, are they together? I mean, he's grabbing her ankle there and picking leeches off her, and she looks like she's enjoying it!!' :lol: It's true!! Not everyone would be grabbing someone's ankle for fun, you know, unless there was a deeper sense of a relationship there... hint, hint! ;)

'Dispo Day' was always a good one, where Horatio defended Cal tooth and nail. And Calleigh was so funny when she was dosed! :lol: I wondered at one time when Calleigh was in his office, was a part of her nervous about being alone in the room with him, or she just felt 'confused, angry, confused...' *jitter* And the 'hummingbird' quote was so fitting for her at that particular moment! :)

@ Mo: Go watch it! :) You will love it!! And that's where she said 'my L.T' that got me all hyped a while back, remember? 'Mine, mine, mine!!' :lol: I was hyper! It's happening again! :D

@ EyeHeartH: Horatio was completely the epitome of the knight in shing armour in 'Dispo Day', and Calleigh was a princess with her long golden hair!! :) And she did say her lips were numb!! :D He might have kissed her to see if they were numb!! :devil: And more Photoshop?? :) Hooray!

Back tomorrow! And then it'll be next weekend again 'cos school is calling me... :rolleyes: But I'll have H/C pics set to a song again, and a CSI: DuCaine update for ya'll, so keep the DuCaine love strong!! :)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hey guys,

What happened to the site? :eek: :eek:

I couldn't get on at all but I am so happy we are up again. :D

Ok, big surprise for you all. :devil: :devil: :devil:

Horatio and Calleigh saying... "HI" :eek: :eek: :lol: :devil:


Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Thanks Hcrazy !!..Both are great!!..I really like that scene ;)

Good old Ducaine big moments Emer_ !!..Those episodes are from the best you can remember as an HC fan!...And thinking about it,when I first saw the episodes I wasn't very Ducaine..Now I am lol :lol: ;) :p..

I couldn't get in the site either last night[in my country's hours]..Good,it's up again..

Season4 was not much of a Ducaine..what about the last couple of episodes in season5 that I didn't ahve the opportunity to watch yet?
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Dispo Day, easilly one of my favorite episodes if not alone for the highlarious scene of Cal Cal trying to take the polygraph high as a kite without her knowing it. :lol: She's too adorkable for words. :D

Just finished Season 2, awesomeness. <3 I thought that was so sweet in the one episode where Calleigh injured her shoulder test firing a harpoon rifle and later H comes up to her and asks her outright several times if she's okay. Aww, he was worried bout her!! Love these two.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

So I posted song lyrics in the DuCaine songs thread that was featured in the scene in 'Under Suspicion' where Cal swabs H's hands for Resden's blood, and I have the album that song is on (the artist is Thievery Corporation), and as I was listening to the song, I thought: 'Holy crap! They're singing stuff like catching the other person in their arms in their dreams and asking the other person if it's alright if they always love them!' And this was in a scene with Cal!!! I did notice in that scene that at first she was a tad fidgety, bordering on nervousness, then smiling, then gentle on his fragile heart, then she couldn't even look into his eyes...this is a lady in love!!!
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