H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but you.

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Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I could definitely see Alexx playing Cupid for H and Cal; your scenario on how she would set them up is delightfully sneaky indeed.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

hmmm....I'm going to do the sketch of her in a black dress, the lippy like Emer says....should she have elbow length black silk gloves as well?
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Crys oh my word, that was the funniest thing! I loved your quick "recap" of what we want in a Miami ep...lol, totally made me laugh! Well done! :lol:
And Moriel? Hugh Laurie is damn fine.
Uh yeah he is...gruff and scruffy and fine...oh yeah baby, yes please! :devil:

how about calleigh is dressed as an angel and Horatio in leather chaps..
**Mo doesn't even manage to finish reading that thought before she starts drooling at the thought...and as result trips over her feet and smacks into the gutter! :devil: **

How is everyone holding up for the eppie tomorrow?? I am on tenterhooks! Waiting... waiting... waiting!!
Yeah I'm with ya Emer! I'm waiting, I dunno about patiently! :p Yeah I don't do so good with patience! :lol: I really hope we get something good tomorrow, dang it! Please PTB, please!!!

Ohhhh, yeah BG hon! Or maybe one glove on and one glove held in her bare hand? That could be cool! ;) Can't wait to see this, we do get to see it right?!! Please minion, please! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Yummmm *drools*

I like the hot tub idea *g*

ooh Tarzan and Jane...H in a loincloth and Calleigh in a little leopard print bikini...*giggle*

What you think they'll do for valentine's day? besides the obvious that is *g*
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Lol, Melly I think I'm chasing you around Shipper Central at the moment! :lol:

Yeah DuCaine in the hot tub isn't that a lovely thought! :devil: Sends me straight to the gutter every time I come in here! ;)

I think they'll have a romantic dinner at home, cooked by H and then take a walk on the beach in the moonlight, holding hands and then they'll go home and....have some more fun! ;) Heehee! :devil:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Ohhhh, yeah BG hon! Or maybe one glove on and one glove held in her bare hand? That could be cool! Can't wait to see this, we do get to see it right?!! Please minion, please!
Hmmm.....lemme think about it....... sure! :lol: Yeah, I'm not THAT mean, espescially to my bestest buddies! :p

Hmmm........... Send me a link to the biggest promo you can find haha........I know what she looks like, but I really suck at facial expressions haha........ and hands and different positions... *falls into gutter with Mo drooling uncontrollably* :p hmmmm...... I am going to start tomorrow :D No jokes, I really am haha
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Oooh the hot tub sounds very nice indeed!!! I can see H being all shy about wearing a bathing suit in front of bikini-clad Cal, and Cal is blushing because the whole concept of wearing very little in front of her boss is kind of exhilarating.

I'm with everyone here...I'm on pins and needles about tomorrow night's ep. One of my sorority sisters asked me if I was going to a fraternity auction and I told her: "Hell no...CSI is on tomorrow night!!!"
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

oh bugger you people all just gave me a real dirty mind, more than usual anyway......Now I am going to eventually going to have to do a pic of them dirty dancing someplace :p (and no, it aint the horizontal kind haha :p Tony from NCIS is the cause of that comment too, incase you wanted to know :p)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I can see H being all shy about wearing a bathing suit in front of bikini-clad Cal, and Cal is blushing because the whole concept of wearing very little in front of her boss is kind of exhilarating.

Lol, I can totally see that too EyeH! That'd be so cute to see...HOT of course, but still cute...but you know they'd both get over it quickly and just start making out right there! :devil:

Lol, BG you might be getting better at the gutter than me! ;) Yay that we get to see the sketch! And yeah totally should do one of them "dirty dancing"! :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

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Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Moriel21 said:
Lol, I can totally see that too EyeH! That'd be so cute to see...HOT of course, but still cute...but you know they'd both get over it quickly and just start making out right there! :devil:

Haha yeah...H is sitting there, stumbling on his words, then Cal starts laughing and scoots ever closer to H, which makes him even more clumsy and nervous, then she flashes him her trademark sunny smile, then he melts, gently grabs her and locks her in a big juicy smooch. After that, he's certainly not nervous :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

okay, I'll read them again, just to brush up on my knowledge of them :p

Lol, BG you might be getting better at the gutter than me! Yay that we get to see the sketch! And yeah totally should do one of them "dirty dancing"!
Yeah, I have started it already.... :devil: I got a pic of Emily at the mannequin ball in that purdy dress from the golden globes after party. I got it printed out on a projector slide so that's how I get them so big :D Hmmm....but maybe I'll have to put gloves on both her hands because of the way she "Posed" in the picture :lol:

I am very impatiently and restlessly awaiting the return of my favorite couple on my TV screen, butthe good news is I have gotten really hyperactive and started making a music video. And no, for all those Mods about to gun me down about mentioning it on here, I'm not going to post a link, as per the boards rules I'll mention my user name on youtube and the name of the video. that is all :)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

then she flashes him her trademark sunny smile, then he melts, gently grabs her and locks her in a big juicy smooch. After that, he's certainly not nervous
Awwww, how totally cute is that! :D Nice EyeH I totally agree! ;) As soon as Call is in his arms then everything is A-okay! :D

Ohhhh a vid? Yay, off to youtube to find it! BG may I say, you my dear, are an excellent minion! :lol:

Okay so anyone lucky enough to see our eppy yet? How's it look? Any nice DuCaine scenes? :D Please tell me yes...please, please!!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hello fellow Ducainers - I wanted to post something on tonight's episode, so here it is:
OK - so it was just like i feared - Cal only spoke to H in that one scene, and said about three words to him - how lame! The team was still scattered, and no Ducaine love :( Anyway, I really think our H/C hopes are being dashed here. Why do the two leads not have any scenes together like the other CSIs??? I don't get it.Totally disappointed. One thing I did notice is Calleigh called Horatio "H" - which I've never heard her do. I always heard her call him "Horatio." Can anyone check me on that? Also, the whole "Marisol" thing - while touching - was a bit annoying - I mean Horatio knew Speed for over two years, but no flashback, no nothing! And did anyone else catch that the jewelery store was the same one Speed was killed in? H shoulda been there and had a flashback.

So there it is - please respond, as I'm losing hope here!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I have to agree with you, I too was very disappointed that they had only one scene together...and worse, that Boa Vista was working with him. I just can't see Boa Vista as the tough female cop, gun drawn while moving into a room looking for the bad guys...it seems so fake when she does it. Not at all like tough girl Calleigh moving into a room with a gun drawn. Boa Vista really needs to stick to the labs. My heart did sink when Calleigh referred to Horatio as "H", but then I felt a little better when she called him "Horatio" in the next sentence out of her mouth. And...the scene where she talks to Eric in the hospital, tears in her eyes, fighting not to cry as her nose gets red...very touching and made me want to cry. Anyone notice that the hug in the promotional pictures between her and Alexx wasn't shown?
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