H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but you.

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Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Thanks for the heads up on the double post Mo.

I can just imagine Calleigh and H trying to keep their relationship a secret from evil Stetler and Internal Affairs...sneaking around and when they're alone in his office they sneak in a secret kiss. That makes me happy!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Heyhey Ladies! Nyahaha...how's it' rockin' in here!? o_O? I better rephrase that in case anyone misunderstands and take it as 'rockin in the Hummer'. :devil: :lol:

I've been meaning to post this dream I had of our beloved couple here. The funny thing is that it was not something that I expected. For a DuCaine dream.


I was at a stairwell. Looks like it was one of the stairs in the CSI building. So I was sitting there, dark and gloomy setting. It was raining outside. Then I heard the exit door below me open and two people's voice were heard. One woman, one man(Cal and H DUH!) They were arguing! The words 'woman', 'fight' and 'possesive' were the ones I remembered among all that heat of the fight! Then they ascended up the stairs, seemingly to not have noticed little o me sitting on the stairs, staring at them.

Cal: I'm always the one at fault Horatio. And I've tried to tell you that it's not me. It's someone else!
H: Calleigh...I knew what I saw.
Cal: You saw WRONG!

And then they disappeared through the exit door behind me.



Huh???? What is the meaning of this??? SOunds like Angst! Drama! ANd Jealousy! Me likes! But it was weird. Why would they fight? Gah! Got me thinking the whole day this dream.

WEEllll welll.....while most of you are busy comparing Frasier to DuCaine.. I'm thinking more on the line of 'The Nanny'. Heard of it? It's so funny! And I think that is the way I'd like to see my DuCaine as. Two wackos who are madly in love, dancing around each other, and still doing nothing to take the first step. And they have one VERY sarcastic butler! Hahahah! Good days.

Lynny dear, you know you distract me with things like that. Gaaahahahaha.... But no complains here! :devil: It's evil know. It's as though the weather is not hot enough. Then they had to go and add in CALLEIGH! Temperature rises over the rainbow man! Hahahahah! Poor H, I wonder how he deals with all the heat. Okay...DON'T answer that you gutter goons! :lol:

Somehow, I can't imagine my lovely Cal with a whip. Nyehehe!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

*points* I'm a deaf Gutter Goon, but I can lip read! :lol: :p

I had a nightmare last night that the moon crashed into earth and without it, strangely the whole earth went into eternal darkness, then H and Cal sacrificed themselves to save the world! bless my heroes!
:eek: ok, that was embarrasing. Moving on?

I almost got bones S1 on DVD today, and I realised if I didn't have acne and I could do my makeup like the professionals, I'd be nearly identical to the star that plays her :D (mos avvie inspired me to take a looks at a pic of her and compare. I'm crazy :eek::lol::eek:)
Then I realised if I just curled my hair and had a clearer complexion I'd be like a brunette Calleigh! I have confuzzled my self lol.... :p

Oh yes, mr.Scheffield and nanny fine...... mwah! I wanna get it on DVD hehe.......

I can see the simliarities in the nanny dynamic as well as the DuCaine one. wow am I having a good day lol :p (besides all the confuzzling hehe)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

EyeH no prob hon! ;)

Lol Casp nice dream! Wait did you say you like angst drama and jealousy? *Gasp!* :eek: What happened to my Fluff machine buddy?! I need you to help me battle the angst that our lovely Lynny loves! ;) Lol, I love that you brought the Nanny into this! :lol: I loved that show, got freaking frustrated that they took sooooooo long to get together (hmmmm kind of like I feel now with H/Cal)! :D

BG you are hilarious!! Wow you look like a brunette Calleigh or Temperance Brennan from Bones? Holy cow chica how jealous of you am I right now! They are gorgeous! Go you!

DuCaine is the classic tv love story...two main leads with a ton of chemistry and everyone knows they belong together, but the PTB keep them apart as frickin' long as possible to enhance tension and keep the viewers watching because "maybe this week will be the week!" (examples...Harm/Mac on JAG, Jack/Sam on Stargate SG-1, GSR on CSI...all couples who took FOREVER to get together, but you always KNEW they would!) DuCaine I feel is/will be the same way! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I guess time is of the essence...it took seven years for Niles to get Daphne, and it's only been five for H ^_^


As much as your dream of apocalypse was frightening, the fact that H and Cal sacrificed themselves for the world is so sweet!!! I can see it now: they're holding hands against the backdrop of dark skies, Cal looking into H's deep blue eyes, knowing that this must be done, they say their I-love-yous, then save the world.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

why is that pic so cute? :p i would gladly put my head where Callieghs is any day, that is if i knew how to do mannips :p

all this talk about dreaming?? idk if i've ever had a dream about them, but maybe somthing close when i listen to songs that remind me of them :p:D they're visons of sugarplums dancing in my head :p nah, i'm kidding but ya'll know what i mean...no? ok than :p i'll shut up :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Yeahh......I actually was crying when I woke up for some strange reason, I was in the dream as Horatio........ :p

Yes, I am lucky Mo, But mum is a cheapskate so thats why I said nearly; she made me get the nutty professor instead! :( :lol: But Eddie Murphy is kind of funny...:p

Ok, back on topic...sort of....:lol:

I had another DuCaine dream last night :D
This time it was a happy shippery one :D
Ok, it went like this: Horatio and Calleigh went on an undercover mission as a married couple. They were following a married couple of terrorists (go figure :rolleyes: ) And to complete it, they had to become friends with them, then arrest them. The first night they were on the job, they ended up kissing and all the usual smut that comes after a lusty kiss. They eventually capture the bad guys, then Horatio proposes to Calleigh.


:lol: I would go into more detail, but I can't remember all of it :eek: :p
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You


I think the picture's cute because the facial expression Calleigh wears is that of I-finally-have-H-and-I'm-the-happiest-girl-in-the-world-because-we-look-so-cute-together.

She looks like a giggling schoolgirl ^_^
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Lynny dear, you know you distract me with things like that. Gaaahahahaha.... But no complains here! It's evil know. It's as though the weather is not hot enough. Then they had to go and add in CALLEIGH! Temperature rises over the rainbow man! Hahahahah! Poor H, I wonder how he deals with all the heat. Okay...DON'T answer that you gutter goons!

Spoil my fun, you know that was coming!

Lets see how does H deal with the hotness. Well he, takes cold showers, takes more cold showers, then takes a hot shower with Calleigh.. oh right, non gutter thoughts. *tries to process, processing, thought forming, complete* He takes just plain cold showers and thinks of not what to do with Calleigh?.. Yeah, I got nothing non guttery answer for you.

Damn BG for being a brunette Calleigh.

Anyways, sure you can come hang out in the van with me. As long as you don't whisper things in Calleigh's ear. Thats my job dangit! .. I mean H's.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Poor Horatio...I won't go into detail about cold water.

I wish that dream were to be emulated on the show. That would be AMAZING!!!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Yeah......I'm starting to make a fan fiction about it, I just need to put fingers to keyboard, is all :D

So.......yeah, hmmmmm........ Thinking very shippery, smutty thoughts at the moment, you guys will be the first to know when I finished the first chapter :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

BG gah chica, I'm so freakin' jealous of you! ;) Fabulous fluffy/smutty dreams of DuCaine and you look like a brunette Calleigh...it's a good thing you're my minion! ;) (You are still my minion/clone right? :D )

Lol, Lynny don't even bother trying to have non-guttery thoughts when it comes to DuCaine...it's not possible hon! ;) May as well embrace the smutty guttery-ness and enjoy it! :devil: **Mo giggles and huggles her Lynny!**

And yeah as much as I hate to admit it...but I think it'll be a bit longer before H/Cal get together...it should be today, really it should be like years ago...but I think we've got a bit more waiting in store...but it will happen! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Yes, I am your minion still, Mo! hehe :D I love it! :p

Yeah, I am pretty lucky, I've got the face but not the hair. Calleigh face, Sara hair :eek: I'm growing it out, like when I'm 20 it'l be as long as hers is right now lol, or I could get extensions but they're expensive lol.

ok, I am going to need to know how to write like a crazy person (aka terrorists) because I tend to end up being a hugh laurie wannabe when I write things that are supposed to sound evil :p
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hey don't knock Hugh Laurie and his "nasty ability" the man is pretty good when it comes to being nasty! :D (Okay I just re-read that and that could sound SOOOO bad! Gah I'm such a gutter-freak! :devil: :lol: )

Lol, yeah I have a minion still! Wohoo! :lol:

I just watched the episode with the flash mob...there were a couple really cute DuCaine smiles in there...they SO love each other! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I wasn't knocking him, I was just saying I hate that al I can be is funny, I mean Horatio with male PMS? that just poped into my head. I am awful :p

Oh, yeah/......mos getting down and dirty with the laurie!!! *ducks flying objects* I'm starting to write it, any ideas for the start though, Mo? :D

mah master always gets a say :lol:
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