H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but you.

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Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hmmm......I don't really think so, they'll have their rough times, their fights (definantly) but they'll be together. And to me, thats what counts the most :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You


Interesting. So you think that the ride shall be rough (as it has been) and their relationship will be slightly flawed? I never looked at it that way before. Hmmm...that would make it all the more interesting :)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hello!! :) It's so nice to see so many DuCainers about!! :D

I love Frasier!! :) And Daphne and Niles are so like H and Cal, totally! Great comparison!! Hopefully, that'll happen to us very soon, here's hoping!!

Hey, Cova, I'm the same about leather chaps!! :devil: That moment was gold!! His face when she said it!! :D It's almost like the all black comment, though not as direct... hee hee!! :lol: You know, they never revealed those 'fantasies' to anyone else but each other, have you noticed that?? It's like they're dropping hints... :devil: :lol: I can picture them discussing oh-so naughty things that would make anyone blush!! *evil laugh*

@ Casper: Woah! What a dream!! :eek: Cool! Don't be worried about angst, it was only a dream! Very dramatic, yeah!! It's the stuff CSI: Miami should be made of!! Okay, maybe not! :rolleyes: I remember "The Nanny", very funny! Another parallel between our own couple, yay! We're not alone in our suffering, 'cos other TV shipper fans went through it too! Feels good to know that now.

@ BG: OMG, that is scary!! And Horatio and Calleigh saving the world!! :) That could so happen in a sci-fi flick!! Like Neo and Trinity in "The Matrix". Woah...

"After the Fall" was a real milestone in S3 for DuCaine, because Calleigh showed how much she cared for Horatio in that episode so much you'd have to be blind to ignore it. If only Rebecca was out of the picture then, it would have been perfect! Cal would've been comforting him after with candles and holding his hands, not her!!! :mad: Oh well, we had the wonderful scene as described by HCrazy, who I agree with totally about Calleigh protecting H from Stetler. She got right up to him in that scene, bet he felt queasy after that!! :lol: "Rule number 1, NEVER mess with Calleigh Duquesne, Rick..." as said by the main man Horatio himself!! :D :)

Hey, BG, that would make a great fic, and with Mo and EyeHeartH as creative collaboraters, it's gonna rock so hard!!! :)

@ Lynn: Hello, gutter sister!! :lol: Nice to see ya, and don't worry, I burst out laughing at that comment as well, so no shame!! It was pretty funny!! :lol: :D

It's true that it has been a bumpy ride, but no love, however true and wonderful though it may be, it can have its imperfections. If they never argued before, they'd have to someday. It can't be all dinners and intense nights together, there would be sonething wrong otherwise if they DIDN'T argue. And I'm not saying I like seeing them tear into each other, glasses being thrown and cursing, all I'm saying is that there is a fair amount of good and bad points in any relationship. Without the bad times, we would never learn to love the good times. We have our amount of good times and bad time, it's all part of the lives Horatio and Calleigh live every day. But whatever happens, I just hope they're happy. Right now, I'm not too sure either of them are extremely happy, but in time, things will turn out okay... okay? :) I agree, BG. Nice point. We should alos consider the dark side to their realtionship too. Ought to make for interesting discussion among angst fans!! ;)

Here's the link to CSI: DuCaine:


Hee-hee, I tried to get attention with that link!! :D :lol:

Gotta go, YouTube is calling my name!! :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

AHA!:lol: I knew I was on to something! :p as mentioned on the D/L thread, I'm a flungsty (fluff & angst lover) I also like my share of smut (whatever I can get lol)

I am the kind fo person who can't stand those perfect relationship stuff all the time, (like on CSI'S rashomama) But DuCaine, I think is perfect for me.....espescially when we go CANON! :D

I think I have confuzzled myself now. I am going to go read the DuCaine song thread :p
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

OMG guys! :lol: This is my first time being in this thread but I found this video on YouTube and you guys have to see it :p It's obviously in spanish but it's still hysterical with subtitles :lol: :p

edited to remove links to fan made videos
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Aww I love it!!! You know that's what she was thinking. She's a strong woman for giving it all she had to not fall into his arms.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Awww BG I love it! Well done minion/clone! ;) **Mo pets her minion happily!** :lol:

Yeah she's strong but even a strong woman has a hard time not dissolving into a mess when the man she loves marries someone else! Calleigh is amazing in my book, more than strong...she's...yeah, amazing! Good thing she wins him in the end, she sure deserves to! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I would just like to see an episode where someone hurts her emotionally, and after Horatio beats the crap out of the guy that did it, he races over to her place to hold her.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Oh honey, you and every other DuCaine shipper! We would all love to see that! :D Cal's handsome knight on a white horse riding to her rescue and then carrying her off into the sunset! (Okay so it's a little fairy-tale-ish but you get the idea! ;) )I would love to see something like that! It'd be fabulous! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Funny you should mention the knight on a horse...in one of my fanfics, Horatio has a dream that he's a horsebound knight who captures Princess Calleigh's heart. He then subsequently uses that dream to get her in real life.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

OMG!!!!!!!!!! :eek:

That was Hysterical. I loved it! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

H and Cal, Even in spanish is fine with me. :devil: :devil: :devil:

SWOONING Happily. :D :D :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks Raven ;)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

quoth_the_raven said:
OMG guys! :lol: This is my first time being in this thread but I found this video on YouTube and you guys have to see it :p It's obviously in spanish but it's still hysterical with subtitles :lol: :p

edited to remove links to fan made videos

It is against board rules to link to fan made videos. You can say where they are but you can't link to them. FYI, CBSTV1 is not affiliated with CBS.

ETA because I had to remove this link first.

Why am I seeing post after post of everything under the sun exceptHoratio/Calleigh? The majority of which are on the previous page. What's the deal? The rules are easy to follow. You must have at least 3 lines of ON TOPIC posting. I definately don't see that. Some off topic posting is ok but NOT if it takes over your post.

Now, if you guys wanna mention a fiction, icons, banners, or whatever you must include 3 lines of on topic posting. You guys need to stay on topic and talk about things relating to Horatio/Calleigh. I don't want to have to come back in here but I will if necessary.

This is not a chat room. This is a message board. If you guys wanna chat, I suggest you go to MSN or AIM or whatever else you guys mentioned but this thread needs to stay on topic.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Awwwww EyeH that's really cute! I want to read that fanfic...can I find somewhere? :D

Modie hi hon! *Snuggle!* Lol, ya know you're lucky I likes you so much, cuz that whole Danny chained to your bed thing... :lol: Guess we can share! :D :lol:

So we need a DuCaine question of the day...we need something to distract us! :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I'll PM you my fanfiction.net address...I would post it here but some of my fics are rated 'M'.
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