H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but you.

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Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

jeez, i've been gone for a week and you guys already fill up 3 pages? :p i havn't seen the wedding/champane thing yet but i prolly wouldn't want too :p too angsty...:p hehe

i saw the cap of calliegh...on the verge of crying, she prolly was while she was walking away from him. was that already mentioned? i only skimmed of the those whole 3 pages :p
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Poor Calleigh...all she wants to do is be there to lend a shoulder for H to cry on, to be there for him. And I know that Horatio wants to be the warm and welcoming open arms for Calleigh to fall into whenever her day sucks. I too noticed her about-to-cry look when she gave up her heart for his happiness.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hey, :cool:

I still have Hope the writer's will come to our senses! :D

It is so true that Cal is the only Constant in Horatio life and of course we see that, so do the writers.

Right guys? Hello? Like do you hear us??? :devil: :devil:

I still have hope our H and C will be! :D :D :D I never give up hope! ;)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I agree with y'all...Call and H are the pillars of the show, the two constants that make the show worth watching in my opinion. In fact I was not a fan of Miami for a long time *Mo ducks flying objects!*...until the beginning of this season to be honest and then I happened to catch the "Going Under" episode and saw that beginning where H calls Call "Sweetheart" and I was like, "Awwww!" I could like them! :lol: And then I went back and discovered there was a veritable treasure trove of DuCaine moments in earlier episodes that I had missed and now I LOVE Miami! So my love of Miami is due entirely to DuCaine! :D They are the beginning and the end of it to me...

As for H having an epic romance in the show...if he did, I think it would have to be Cal (not just cuz I want it to be her, although of course I do!!) but because it makes the most sense...more often than not, epic romances end up being with someone who has always been in your life, supporting you, loving you, sacrificing for you and you just never really noticed (in "that" way anyway) until one day you wake up and realize "I am SO in love with you and I can't believe it took me this long to realize it!" And if that's not Call and H then well...I'm a monkey's uncle! :lol:

So last night's ep....any DuCaine? I haven't seen it yet but want to know! ;)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

There were no DuCaine in last night's episode *cry* It was quite depressing.

I'm picturing the blossoming H and Cal romance like Niles and Daphne from 'Frasier'...one of them (I'm betting Calleigh) has been in love with the other (I'm betting H) for so long, yet they are too afraid to say anything. I've noticed a few parallels so far between the two shows:

--Just as Niles was secretly hiding an affection for Daphne for so long, it is my belief that Calleigh is hiding an affection for H.

--Throughout the 'Frasier' series, both characters had been in other relationships off and on, as are H and Cal, before their union. In the natural scheme of things to follow the Miami/Frasier parallel, H and Cal are destined to be together.

--Just as Daphne's engagement to Donny was difficult for Niles, it seems as if H's marriage to Marisol was difficult for Calleigh and that she thought her chance to have him for herself was long gone.

In a perfect world, the writers would be trying to emulate the epic Niles/Daphne model for H and Calleigh. Time shall tell whether my crazy ideas weren't actually crazy but great observation. If only H will come to his senses and realise that Calleigh feels something for him and wants to make him happy. Come on H, get off your high horse!!!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

You are a genius, EyeHeartH!

I love Frasier, and it give a perfect example of how its gonna *hopefully* unfold for them and blossom into DuCaine love! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hcrazy said:

I still have hope our H and C will be! :D :D :D I never give up hope! ;)

of course we will never give up...why else do you think the writers keep killing off horatios gfs/wives ;)

lol all this talk about Fraiser :p i've never seen the show myself...but i never cease to notice how the actor Kelsey Gramer (sp??) is a guy :confused: it also makes me wonder if there are other guys out there named Kelsey...:p
as for the Niles/Daphene thing, how cute! All the CSI's are in the top ten, which means there will prolly be at LEAST 8 seasons or more, i mean just look at Friends, Fraiser ((ik that had 11 seasons :p)) umm... i have no idea :p but we must be paitent fellow DuCainers...:p
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I'm glad that people agree with the Frasier/Miami parallels. And I forgot to add that just as Niles and Daphne were best friends (she tells that to another character in a later season), H and Cal are really close as well to the point that they have their cute moments when it's just the two of them just as Niles and Daphne did. The way they speak to each other shows me that they can tell each other anything and they both know that the other will always be there for them.

Oh, and if you don't know, Niles and Daphne eventually married. I just wish the same will happen with H and Cal :)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Oh yeah I love Frasier and it was the Niles/Daphne dynamic that had me tuning in every week...I'm a sucker for a bit of friendship to romance!
That is definately how I see the DuCaine bt at the moment they are good mates and would confide in each other, maybe Cal more so than H, H doesn't really open up to anyone, but he shows his affection for her when he says "Thanks Pal" a bit weird but it shows the banter they have, they need to get back to that though cause the distance at the moment is grating a little :(

But yeah, never give up hope..we will never surrender ;)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

*gets into defense mode*

Joe what do you mean very nice?..

I thought I heard H call Cal ma'am once upon a time ago. hmm, but I'm still on Camp Fear obsession, so ... if we're moving on from there, you're going to have to pull me away from there. lol.

Cal + Curls = Hottness. She is so adoreable with curls and in blue. I love her. Sorry Casp! :lol:

I never really watched Frasier to know what you all are talking about but I did know about Niles/Daphne. Be nice if DuCaine would do it. or maybe they already have and Casp won't let her out of the hummer long enough to tell. Yeah, you forgot I got Cal wired.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Frasier, the only other show aside from The X-Files that reeled me in, ah memories. Easilly one of the best comedies out there, if I'm ever in the dumps I pop in one of the DVDs and end laughing myself to tears half the time.

But at the risk of going off topic...

The first Ducaine(sp?) :confused: moment I ever came across that grabbed at me was a scene where Horatio comes to Calleigh so he can have has hands swabbed for GSR. Wow. Just watching the way she went about the task spoke volumes to me, I could tell instantly this was someone Calleigh really cared about. :eek:

To pass time waiting for CSI: NY to come on I watch the episodes that are free to view whenever on Comcast's On Demand. Anyway, I saw the episode where Calleigh got run off the road into the marshes, and I was really touched by how Horatio acted towards her when he shows up at the scene to check on her, not seeming to really give a care about the damaged evidence. :D :lol:

Right now I'm plowing through Season 1, and next on my list is the episode A Horrible Mind. I tried to make myself stay awake long enough so I could watch Camp Fear next but I was out like a light. :lol: Still, my gosh the buffet of shippy scenes here!!

Darn Cal's quote about leather chaps I can't watch those bull riding competitions the same anymore. :eek: Horatio though I really wonder about...after the bit about the rubber teddy in an earlier episode. :devil: *Runs off down the gutter before her mind veers off further*
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hey, I'm on the same boat, Lynn.....I love her too! :lol:

I wanna be in your spy van like the FBI or whatever has when they wire someone, it'll be sooooo exciting! :p
Typical me, lol mind in the gutter....:devil: But that's where most of my sudden jokes and comments (a.k.a. BODY PAINT!) come from. So I guess its a bonus? :p
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Cova said:
Frasier, the only other show aside from The X-Files that reeled me in, ah memories. Easilly one of the best comedies out there, if I'm ever in the dumps I pop in one of the DVDs and end laughing myself to tears half the time.

Totally agree, although to stay on topic I'll refrain from more comments :)

The first Ducaine(sp?) :confused: moment I ever came across that grabbed at me was a scene where Horatio comes to Calleigh so he can have has hands swabbed for GSR. Wow. Just watching the way she went about the task spoke volumes to me, I could tell instantly this was someone Calleigh really cared about. :eek:

My all-time favourite DuCaine moment was similar to this one: the episode 'Under Suspicion' where H is framed and Calleigh is swabbing for Resden's blood. The way Horatio was humbled and how he let his emotions flood him for once was so sweet because he was doing it in front of Calleigh. It's highly improbable that he would have shown emotion to anyone else, even Yelina. It must have been really hard for Calleigh to keep control of her own emotions at that time because it was quite evident that Horatio was suffering emotionally...for once, he seemed powerless and it overpowered him. I just know that she wished she could just hold him as he cried onto her shoulder. It probably took a lot out of her to keep her from never letting go of Horatio's hand.

Anyway, I saw the episode where Calleigh got run off the road into the marshes, and I was really touched by how Horatio acted towards her when he shows up at the scene to check on her, not seeming to really give a care about the damaged evidence. :D :lol:

Another one of my favourite DuCaine scenes. This time, it's Calleigh whose emotions that are overpowering her. She felt terrible that the evidence was contaminated, but H didn't care about the evidence...he was glad that she was still alive. You know that he wanted to hold her and keep her warm and let her cry on his shoulder. A role reversal, if you will.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Awww the lovely memories...I love the scenes y'all described...I've seen most of them I think, either just the clips or the whole episodes and I just love DuCaine...they are one of those couples who I swear...well let's put it this way...I'm a total girl, but one of the first things I look at when I get a new job is if anyone in the office is dating eachother or likes eachother or whatever, it's fun ;) ....and if I worked with both of them and saw how they acted with eachother I'd have them pegged as either "In Love" or "married" and most likely both! Their comfort level with eachother, the caring, the smiles, the chemistry....it screams..."WE LOVE EACHOTHER!" to me!! :D
And it makes me happy!! ;)

EyeH I like the Fraiser/Miami comparison...I like H/Cal a bit better than Niles/Daphne but I still like the comparison and think it works! :D

Pssstt...EyeH beware the double post hon, the mod's prefer we don't do that if we can help it! Just hit edit if you can instead! ;) Fabulous pic though, I totally love it! Never seen it before...totally HOT! :D
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