H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but you.

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Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

UH-OHHH! Were in trouble! :D :D Sorry I will keep it short and sweet.

After the Fall,
Another good line when Stetler tells Calleigh, "Nice job."

Then she says, "The truth was there the whole time, if you would have bothered to look."
Stetler tells her, "You don't know my job."
Calleigh's responds, "No, but Its a good thing for you, I know Mine!"

I love that scene. :D :D

I love how she protects out Horatio! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

:eek:^^^Not short and sweet. Just three lines or more. There's way too many short posts.

Also, Hcrazy, board rules state that you can either have a banner or text so, one of them has to go. ;) Sorry.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Oh, c'mon!

Next you're going to tell me I use to many smileys! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

^^^Like it or not, you cannot have both a banner and text. So, you're either gonna have to choose one or the other. Also, your banner cannot be bigger than 220x75 and yours is 234 wide.

Feel free to pm me if you have a problem with this.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Sorry about the spamming *runs and hides*

Well, let me theorise on this defending H from Stetler fact...

I believe that she does it because she is of the mindset that she may never get to be with H. Perhaps she thinks that H is into Yelina and is trying to get with her, but she defends him anyway from Rick because she still wants to protect him even if he may not feel what she does.

However, I find my theory slightly flawed in that as I said earlier, he was toying with her when she asks him his age. I've noticed in different episodes that he is a little shy around women and is prone to stutter and corner himself in an uncomfortable position. Maybe he's just too shy to make a move because perhaps he too is of the mindset that Calleigh does not feel the same way.

What do you all think?
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Joe, I suggest you read my post only 6 posts up from yours and abide by it. Also, there is a link to the Shipper Central rules and I suggest you read those too.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

You know, I've noticed the exact same thing. The shyness, the seemigly curse-like ability to back himself into uncomfortable positions and so on and so forth.

I too agree on his mindset. I have been studying some old episodes very carefully and have noticed alot of 'off' behaviour around her. Or is that just me hyped up on coffee and watching it so I can post something of a decent length ? :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I think he is shy around her and I noticed he has become a lot more formal too. Early on he would always use Calleigh or Cal and chat quite easily but he has reverted to that ultra polite Ma'am he uses with all the women :rolleyes: He never used to Ma'am Cal before, maybe he thought he was getting too familiar and decided to distance by being overly formal again.

The only time he has slipped back to a less formal stance was in the wedding episode when he called her 'Pal' which just sounded really weird to me!!

(I haven't watched season 5, we brits are way behind..so apologise observations are on first four series only :rolleyes:)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Footyliz, don't feel so bad, Australia is behind a season as well :(

I half watched an old episode last night, I wasn't really aware of what was happening but I think it might of been blood moon or horrible mind, because I remember something about ancient weapons...lol but it was maybe just my crazy mind telling me it was blood moon? lol anyways, heres a weird little piccie I found laying around the internet....


I hope you like it! :)

Happy DuCaine-ing (done even think that is a word lol)


BG I like your captions for the pics, those fit quite well! Good job hon!

Thanks for that, Mo ans that is my first time doing caps like that! :D Boy, am I proud of myself! (A crazy DuCaine fan whos proud......they are my reason of being proud....WHOOT! :lol: )
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hey all! :D

Footyliz, I sympathise!! LivingTv is only showing S1 to 3, they haven't even started showing S4 yet! :mad: RTE 2 here in Ireland has shown S4, I was lucky to catch those episodes, or I could have been really lost!! :rolleyes: :p "Under Suspicion"'s being shown this week, I think! Looking forward to that! :D Thank goodness for my DVDs, I'd go mental! Get your hands on those box sets, and all the special features too! :)

Loved the pic BG!! To me, it looks like a holiday pic or something, like they're on a beach far away!! *sigh*, lovely scene!! And the eppie you're talking about is "A Horrible Mind", I'm sure, 'cos Cal had to go 'medieval' on some torture weapons. Her hair was in those buns I mentioned a bit ago. She was so pretty in that eppie!! :D And of course, H had to save her from that torture interrogator guy! :lol: Go, H!! :D

Just to pick up on the point about H's 'shy-politeness', I think it's just a reflex action 'cos he's had his heart broken too many times. :( So sad... Yelina married his brother, Rebecca's ethics clashed with his, and Marisol... what can I say? He is so sweet and kind, and he deserves to be treated well, but it is like a curse to him that he backs off around women half of the time. I have begun to see a pattern forming: Horatio dates a girl, Horatio gets close to a girl, girl gets killed or falls for someone else. :mad: So unfair!!

The only woman who has been a true constant in Horatio's life is Calleigh. She has stood by him, defended him against Stetler, congratulated him on his... wedding day... Calleigh has always been there, and maybe Horatio just doesn't realise what a massive piece Calleigh has become in his life. She really is the only woman left from his past that has stuck around him!! Yelina's in Miami, but she's not in the police department anymore, so I guess that doesn't count, does it?? :confused: I don't know... Cal's really the only woman who hasn't left or been hurt badly. What do you think they're planning?? Hmmm...

Things are getting better now, and I think "Going Under" was a definite time for Horatio to build bridges between him and Calleigh again, totally. Our thread title speaks for itself! ;)

Gotta go, just wanted to discuss that part of Horatio that has intrigued us for so long!! I'm in the middle of a creative splurge, so there's more DuCaine hotness coming your way soon!!

Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Ah yes, my brother lives in Canada, so I get full box sets right of the shelf..not the silly half ones two years later like here :rolleyes: they do keep me going!!

Anyway back to the topic that matters, all things DuCaine..

Those observations are too true, they started Miami by trying to use Megan as a counter point to Horatio but I never saw anything there, in fact it was the relationship between H and Cal that made the H/Megan one not really work I think!
Then they introduced Yelina and dulled down H and Cal, which really took a lot of the light banter away from the show, the short flirty scenes that uplifted it and made it fun amidst the real serious bits, they miss that lightness now and the show is a little poorer for it :(

But H does have a tendency to lose his girlfriends quickly and break his heart to keep that angsty characteristic, so I'm torn on this while seing DuCaine as a reality would be cool (although never really likely) it may lead to a nasty end for Cal and/or their working relationship which would actually break my heart, so maybe it needs to remain unspoken and let my imagination and fan fic writers do with it what they will ;)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You


One of my favourite DuCaine pics!!! Good eye!!!


That was a good point you brought up regarding the fact that H has had his heart broken so many times. My theorist side got the better of me and I believe that the writers are constantly having H rejected so that an epic romance shall be in the stars for him in the future that will last for once. Hopefully it's with Calleigh :) I mean, it's Jerry Bruckheimer...he likes to take everything to new heights...hopefully he'll write a nice epic romance for Horatio into the order of the series soon.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Thanks, EyeHeartH.

Even though I'm not Emer, I'll reply to that anyway. Y'know....3 line minimum lol.

I like the idea of the Epic romance thing and Knowing Jerry Bruckheimer, it'll blow us away....even me since I don't even get the least bit excited about my birthday, although that'd be the birthday present of the century - that and meeting the two lol.

If not, we can always complain, complain, complain :lol:
It's like that rule in the shoping centers.... The customer is always right except here its: The Pissy Shipper is always right :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

People! The topic at hand here! :D

Ya know what peeps, I just had a frightening image that Raymond 'died' again and Yelina was coming back :eek:! Wha...I mean..don't get me wrong. I love Yelina but....Ray? Dying again? Spare us the torture man! And I highly doubt that there is a chance that they will let history repeat itself. Poor H. All that sadness!

It's terrible don't you think? That they both had to stuggle with so much! What with that Hagen killing himself. Yelina leaving. Losing Speedle even! Poor things have to go through hell and they can still stand on their own two feet. I applaud them. They're so strong considering what they've gone through.

I think we're seeing two main points of the show here. Both H and Cal. They're like the pillars holding this show together. I mean..can you really see the two abandoning their jobs and go work in a bar or something? Never.

What attracted me to the two was the way they devote themselves, so selflessly, to work. And those sucky people telling them what to do like that Stetler. He obviously despise them. Just cos he didn't get promoted to Lieutenant! Hahahahaha! Big baby he sure is.

H and Cal. They're the only two among the rest that I know I can count on if I got shot...or killed even. I can't even remember the first time I saw them and not think of 'ship' at the same time. I guess I've always knew that I'm a DuCainer at heart.

'After the Fall' would be one of my top ranking episodes mainly because of that Private Time scene that they shared. And then the little spat in the lift between H and Stetler.

It's like the old saying, 'You scratch my back. I'll scratch your back.' Or maybe you can replace the 'scratch' with 'rub'. :devil: Hahahahah! Naw....apologies to the almighty PG-13-o-meter!!!!

Nyehehe...see ya guys around huh!

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