H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but you.

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Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

wtf? :lol:

I am scared of what shell do, seriously.

My auntie thinks even Rory Cochrane is too old for me :(

But oh, no......David Caruso is just right! :rolleyes:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hey all! Wow!! Look at all the chat!! I'm loving the activeness!! :D And onto page 13!! Yay!! :)

Nice to see you back, Footyliz!! Broadband rules, doesn't it?? :) This thread will never die, 'cos we are totally loyal to our DuCaine!! :D

Their dessert... that's a toughie... strawberries!!! :D And cream and sugar!! :devil: Lots of sugar!! :lol: They could feed each other... where's my mind going??!! ;) :lol: I like the milkshake idea... strawberry milkshake!! :lol: And then, oh god, Calleigh will start singing, "My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard," and start dancing around!! :lol: Once again, her hips wouldn't lie!! ;) :)

Vacation for Horatio and Calleigh... hmmm... I would love to see them in Venice, going on a gondola ride, all snuggled and cosy, followed by a waltz in the moonlight!! Soo romantic!! :D I am Irish, so seeing Calleigh and Horatio in Ireland would be my dream!! :D :) Come down South, guys!! It's better down here!! ;) This place I live in is called Cork, we're the biggest county!! I could give you a guided tour!! :D Or you can go to Dublin... :rolleyes: Ireland is an ideal getaway for them, since the weather is so cold, they'll have to warm up all the time!!! ;) :D EyeHeartH, that is a beautiful image of them!! A testament to their love!! :) Here comes the sap and fluff again!! :D

BODY-PAINT!!! That sent me straight to the gutter!! You know that "Paris to Berlin" video by Infernal? Great song, really big here in Ireland and the UK, but there's a part in that video that... ummm... I can't discuss it, 'cos it's too early and the mods will whack me into next year!! All I can say is that mental image popped up when body-paint was discussed!! :devil:

Here are some 'Shock' caps of the champagne scene for you, Bullet Girl. There goes my aching heart!! :( I can't think of any captions, so I'll just give 'em names. This really bothers me, I'm sorry.:










Just look at Calleigh's face in pic no. 7, just look at her!! If the writers would just stop messing around and actually pay attention to their characters' feelings, we wouldn't be in this mess! It's obvious that she loves him, she loves him so much that she's going to let him go... I'm gonna cry! :( Things turned out a bit better in the end... thankfully.

Sorry for the rant. Hope those pics help, BG!!

@ Lynn:A camera... in Calleigh's purse!! Woot!! I gotta get the tape from THAT camera!! 'The Secret Life of Calleigh'... with recurring guest star, Horatio!! :D :)

'Camp Fear'... ahh, bliss!! :D Love it, love it, love it!! Leeches, camera in the dark, hidden camera... *swoon*, I'm in heaven!! :) :D Calleigh's hair was so cute in the beginning, how did she do it??!!

@Casper: OMG!! Those lyrics are gorgeaus!! :D I am so getting that song!! :) Thanks, DuCainer buddy! :)

Looking forward to those videos, BurnedToast. :) Our cravings are unbearable!! :p PM me too!! Thank you!! :D :) And we have noticed the current lack of spoiler boxes... I remember CSI Grissom posting spoilers a while back... oh, well. There mighn't be much happening, but we'll live and dream sweet dreams in the gutter! :devil: :lol:

BG, you are not alone in adoring David Caruso! Who wouldn't love him, love him, love him?? :D

Here's another poem. Personally, I don't feel it's as good as my other one, but here we are anyway. :rolleyes: Nice and fluffy!! It was inspired by 'Under Suspicion', and a quote from Ron Perlman's character, Vincent, in 'Beauty and the Beast'. Hope you like! It can be told from either of their points of view, I tried to be flexible!:

Until My Last Breath

Come what may,
No matter what,
I will be here for you...
Through thick and thin,
Through the rain...
Even if the world caves in,
I'll stand by you,
No and forever...

Whenever you're lonely,
I'll be here...
Whenever you're angry,
I'll be here...
Whenever you're sad
And longing for love,
I'll be here...

Know this, my love...
I will love you
Until the very end,
Until my last breath.

Gotta go! Got a bit of typing for CSI: DuCaine to do!!

Here's an update for all you lovely DuCainers!! :D

CSI: DuCaine - READ ME!!!

Comment on this one, 'cos I know you'll love it!! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

hmmm........I love my red head sex god of miami.....

I made caps for these. sort of lol


Calleigh, is everything ok?

*Inside Calleigh's fuming*

No, Horatio. It's not. I love you. I want you to marry me, not Marisol.
*as she walks away, she mumbles*
Arrogant ass, can't he see that I really do?

hehe.....I was just going weird then :p
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You


I love the first screencap!!! "That's a good year."
Hmmm what about Limerick? If it's anything I saw in the outdoor shots to The Cranberries' video 'Ode To My Family', then it would be the perfect locale for what I was picturing. I don't know where in Ireland the vid was shot, but the band is from Limerick so I assumed it was shot there. The Crans are my favourite band, so that vid automatically came to my mind when the Ireland idea came up and I pictured H and Cal on the cliff by where Dolores O'Riordan dances and the boys stand ^_^

Edited to remove link to a fan made video
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Ok. I still haven't got a vacation location yet, but I have at the moment, got a very vivid mental image of Calleigh standing on the beach in Tahiti with a knee-length white dress on and her hair flowing freely in the wind.

No Horatio however :devil:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

That's because H is in the water getting his red hair wet ^_^
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You


I was thinking he was in their bungalow getting their bed ready for some fun... :devil: I hope that didn't go flying over PG-13 then lol

Calleigh had a far away or distant look in her eyes because she was staring out at the ocean.....:)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hey everyone,

I posted last night and I lost the whole post when i hit submit. It said maintanice, :mad: and i wanted to kill someone because I was sharing a scene i remembered with H and C. Very sweet, Let's see how I do today. :D

Hmm, OK don't quote me word for word here, I am just trying to make you all smile. ;)

After the Fall... Cals concern for Horatio, Oh god I just love that Girl! :D

Waiting with arms crossed as H walks bye and he says "Hey"

She answers, "Hey"

She gives him a questioning look, "Can I talk to you for a minute.

He gives her a look back, "Sure, whats up?" He followes her and pushes his jacket back and put one hand on hip...I think.

"How you doing?" She asked concerned.

"I'm...I'm ok." he answered looking back to her.

"I heard about Stetler and I think he's on a witch hunt."

Horatio nodded, "Well i've got the truth on my side."

"Why don't you let me take a look at the evidence and see what i can come up with?"

I don't want to give him anymore airtime then he deserves. I really wanna find Donna Scott right now.

She gives him that look that says, I don't want to be pushie but, "Technically Stetler ccan have you releived and where does that leaves us?"

He exhalles softly and nods, "Alright, look into it, and tell me what you find."

She smiles feeling somewhat pushy but is happy he said ok. "Alright" She says with a small smile and walks away as he watches her go.

As she is walking he says very softly, "And Thank you."

She turns to him with a smile and keeps walking. :D :D :D

Awwwww god I love that scene, I love them... I LOVE THEM!!!!!!! :D :D :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I know I'm HC RAZY! :cool: :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

very sweet....I dont remember that, maybe because I've never seen it? lol
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Awwww, HCrazy that is such a sweet scene! I want to see it! I'll have to go find it! ;)

Emer hon don't despair about "Shock" it was a blow to DuCaine, but we survived it and so did they! :D

BG I like your captions for the pics, those fit quite well! Good job hon!

I likes how many of y'all are hanging out in here now...it's fun! Yay for our thread, it's hoppin'! :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I just found the scene and watched it...Awwww it's SO sweet! I love how concerned Cal is for H, and she's so cute when she's pushing him...you can tell she doesn't want to pressure him but that it's important to her he agree...and her sigh of relief and the smile on her face when he says "Okay take a look" is so sweet! And then his "Thank you" is so soft and heartfelt and her smile as she walks away is so tender and caring...I LOVE it! Great scene HCrazy!!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I am no longer living out of boxes I am settled in my new home, and hopefully won't be moving in a long time, well not from this site anyway ;)

I love that scene in 'After the Fall' and I just love how Cal gets a one woman crusade going to prove her H is innocent.

Best line of that eppy though is Horatio's:
"Rule number one, Rick: Never mess with Calliegh Duquesne" Ah H knows where she stands ;)

To be fair season one is the one for Ducaine we do have to strach around after that :rolleyes:

I was just thinking of the scene in 'wet foot, dry foot'

H: "Do you have something for me?"
C: "I have a question!"
H: "Shoot"
C: "How old are you?"
H: *chuckles* "45..caliber round right"

I just love the exchange of banter it was so good in tyhe early days :cool:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Footyliz said:

I love that scene in 'After the Fall' and I just love how Cal gets a one woman crusade going to prove her H is innocent.

That's why she is the only one at that crime lab worthy of him!

I was just thinking of the scene in 'wet foot, dry foot'

H: "Do you have something for me?"
C: "I have a question!"
H: "Shoot"
C: "How old are you?"
H: *chuckles* "45..caliber round right"

I just love the exchange of banter it was so good in tyhe early days :cool:

I loved in that scene how he was toying with her. Perhaps it was a not-so-subtle sign of interest on Calleigh's part and a not-so-subtle flirt on Horatio's part. At least that's how I perceive it.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

EyeHeartH said:

I love the first screencap!!! "That's a good year."
Hmmm what about Limerick? If it's anything I saw in the outdoor shots to The Cranberries' video 'Ode To My Family', then it would be the perfect locale for what I was picturing. I don't know where in Ireland the vid was shot, but the band is from Limerick so I assumed it was shot there. The Crans are my favourite band, so that vid automatically came to my mind when the Ireland idea came up and I pictured H and Cal on the cliff by where Dolores O'Riordan dances and the boys stand ^_^

Edited to remove link to a fan made video

It is against board rules to post links to fan made videos. Please familiarize yourself with the Shipper Central Rules. You can find them here . They vary from the overall board rules.

Everyone please read this because I don't want to have to come back in a few posts and post it again.

There is entirely too much chatting going on in here. This is a message board, not a chatroom. If you wish to chat then I suggest you find a chat room. The Shipper Central rule is that posts must contain a minimum of 3 lines of on-topic posts. I'm seeing a lot of posts that have absolutely nothing to do with Horatio/Calleigh. While off-topic conversation is allowed, it is only allowed in small doses and when there is 3 lines of on-topic posting.

With that said, I want to see everybody back on topic with at least 3 lines of posting that relates to Horatio/Calleigh.

ETA: Also, this thread is only on page 13 so it is way too early to be talking about titles for the next thread.
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