H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but you.

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Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I multi-ship in the gutter, so I remember most DuCaine moments well. That of course is a classic! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Heyhey people! And a warm welcome to EyeHeartH! Your name says it all. Nyehe. Because Calleigh heart H too. :lol: Okay now I'm just crapping.

Well speaking of marriage, I myself have an idea of where Cal might have went to while the wedding was going on...... She was over at my place. Mwahahahah! Naw..jkjk. To me there is only one reason to the marriage: EVERYONE knew that H could not have married Marisol because of love. I bet Eric knew that too. Out of human instinct we try to make a dying person's last few days as pleasureable as possible. And that is exactly what H did. No offence to the H/M shippers yeah :). This is based solely on my opinion.

I bet it kills her inside to see her love marrying someone else. Heck I would die if that were to happen to me man. :eek: Quite sadly, I didn't get to watch the wedding episode. Hmmm...not sure I want to though!

Broken was ahhh....CLASSIC. Golden DuCaine episode. You just gotta love what they do to the screen know. It lights up. Brighter than the lights in Las Vegas. :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Yeah........flashy lights are what I need to go 'night-night' when I'm hyped up on sugar, so I always watch Miami when that happens, I nod right off (coz of the lights not the epi lol)

Yeah, I'd die too if my love married someone else. I simply wouldn't be able to handle it. Keep in mind this is coming from a 14 (nearly 15) year old girl :p

CSIsMANIAC, I like your banner, Valentino Rossi is awesome :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hello my lovelies! I like our H's wedding discussion...but it's bordering on too much angst and sadness for me...total fluffy at heart that I am! :D That said though...I want to say a couple more things about it before I try to move us on to happier topics! :lol:
when I heard Calleigh say "Hello handsome" once she saw Horatio's arm, I knew that there was something there!!!
Like everyone has already said EyeH this is a classic DuCaine scene...this whole episode was full of DuCaine goodness but that moment always stands out to me! Plus I love that Call said it over the headset, not just to herself, but so H could hear her...like his own personal pet name! :D And Emer I totally do the same thing, now whenever I see H for the first time in an ep, I can't help but grin and go "Hello Handsome!" :lol:
"Don't marry her, I LOVE YOU MORE!!!" Horatio was really sweet to her though, and I wonder if he actually knew how deep Calleigh's feelings were really
I honestly don't think he was aware of how deep her feelings run...I mean I think he knows, but I think for both of them it's one of those, I-would-die-for-you-and-I-trust-you-with-my-life-and-love-you-more-than-anything-in-this-world-but-I-don't-want-to-risk-what-we-have-in-case-it-doesn't-work-out....(even though we know it would clearly work out!) So yeah, I don't think H knew just how deep her feelings went or he would have dropped Marisol flat and run back to Calleigh as fast as his shoes could carry him!
It would have been a sign of pure acceptance on Calleigh's part if she did go to the wedding,
Which is precisely why I think she did not go to wedding. She could pretend and tell H she was happy for him, she could pretend and smile when she saw them together...but she could not go to their wedding and pretend that she was okay watching the man she loved marry someone else...even if she was sure he really loved her and not his bride.
I can remember that moment in "Shock" when Calleigh met Horatio, and my heart nearly broke. I really thought the dream, that their relationship was finished.
:eek: :eek: Emer I feel like a bad shipper for asking this...but what moment is this? I don't think I've seen this eppy and if it's so bad, I'm not sure I want to! Please fill me in and tell what you're talking about! ETA: Ooops, I forgot my eppy names, "Shock" is the eppy where H marries M huh...my bad! So you meant which scene the end one or the champagne one?
we are all in love with S1 and every single DuCaine eppie and scene in it.
**Mo nods enthusiastically!** Yup you are SO right! Seas. 1 is like a buffet of DuCaine goodness...and all you can eat buffet that is neverending and full of all sorts of yumminess! :lol:
Out of human instinct we try to make a dying person's last few days as pleasureable as possible. And that is exactly what H did.
Casp thank you! That is exactly what I thought too...but I didn't want to be the only one to say that! :lol: I really do think that's why H married her...nothing personal to anyone who does ship H/M...but that's just what my personal opinion is!

Okay y'all...onto a happier discussion...let's see how about a DuCaine question of the day...hmmmm, Well here's a fun one...What do you think is DuCaine's favorite dessert? and another...If they went on vacation together where would they go?

Okay peace out DuCaine buddies! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hmmm...DuCaine's choice of dessert...it should be something messy so that they can wipe each other's faces off afterward.

If they went on vacation, they would go to Paris. It seems sensible in that it's a romantic city and I can imagine them kissing in the Jardin du Luxembourg. ^_^
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Lol, I like the messy idea EyeH... ;) I'm thinking strawberry shortcake...with lots of whipped cream! :devil: Or ice cream with chocolate sauce...lots of chocolate sauce...either way though...the sauce, the whipped cream...it won't just be on the dessert... :lol: :devil:

As for vacation, I like the Paris idea! Nice, very nice! :D I could see that too...something about them says Paris to me too...although I could also see them going to Ireland for some reason...both bundled up in coats and scarfes and holding onto eachother for warmth...or in front of a warm fire in a stone cottage in the Irish countryside! ;) :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Oooohhh.....now Mo, this is not because I says I'm your clone or anything, but I like the chocolate idea.

Awww....heck, why not just get a jar of chocolate body paint? :devil:

I'm not sure on the vacation location yet, but something will pop up sooner or later...

Oh, can anyone point me in the direction of some 'Shock' Caps? I feel a wallpaper coming on! :p
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Lol, you're cute BG! **Mo huggles her clone and giggles! Chocolate body paint...that's it! Definitely like that idea...DuCaine would love that! :devil:

Mmmmm, "Shock" caps...Emer hon are you out there You're the Queen of Caps...can you point BG in the right direction for caps?!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I swear I saw a jaffa flavoured body paint somewhere once....:devil:

and if you want, for the next thread, I could make a thread warming montage? :p I am a freak for photoshop lol
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You


Oooh...I like the Ireland idea too!!! I can get the picture in my head now...H and Calleigh standing next to the coast, watching the waves crashing against the rocks and holding each other oh so close. I melt.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Footy's back! Its a party now! :D now all we need is Zippy, Palm and Casp. :D

They'd probably go on vacation someplace where they think my cameras won't be there/can't follow, but their wrong!.. I got Calleigh wired..that didn't come out right.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

BG...ohhh yeah, I love montages! Go for it! Sounds awesome! :D

EyeH you can call me Mo...everyone else already does! ;) And yeah wouldn't that be sweet...them in Ireland...I can just picture it somehow, since there from somewhere hot and almost exotic anyway...I could see them wanting something different! ;) Ireland baby! :D
I got Calleigh wired..that didn't come out right.
Lynny I adore you! You are fabulous! :lol: :lol: And that was freakin' hilarious! :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I gave her the nickname! *jumps up and down*

I always have everything ready and wired. and after months of begging and blackmailing, and telling her I'll expose somethings to the world. *looks at nails* Even though I will. *looks back at you* She's agreed, to let my camera in her purse :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

*jumps up and down too*

Whats the name of the new thread going to be? :lol:

Just a warning, I wanna try out a few new styles, so give me a few 'examples' so you can pick from :p
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Yup Lynny gave me my nickname! :D Thanks hon! ;) *Huggles to you!*

Camera in her.....purse? ;) Yeeeeeaaaahhhh....that's the tame place you got one hidden, admit it! :devil: :lol: As long as you share the footage though, your secret's safe with me! :D As always! ;)

Lol, we won't know the new thread name for like another 10 or so pages of this thread BG! Sorry! ;)

Oh and I just finished watching "Camp Fear" AGAIN! Lol! I swear y'all I think that might be one of favorite DuCaine eppy's! Right from the get go where H is hunkered down and says "Calleigh please" and she hears him and immediately replies "I'm coming!"...they are SO intune throughout this entire episode I love it! It's one of most DuCaine filled eps we've seen I think...that and Kill Zone... **Swoon!** :devil:
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