H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but you.

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Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hey all!! How's it going? :)

Loved that pic, HCrazy!! :) They look so hot, and they should be like that in the show, totally!! They are so adorable!! :D Loving the link to more David pics! :)

Nice to see you on the thread, BurnedToast!! Anything to do with DuCaine can stop us in our tracks!! And Lynn's tapes of course!! We have it bad!!

Hey Casper!! My pleasure for those caps. Didn't Calleigh look lovely?? ;) And H of course! :D Photo manipulators, like that massive group of talented people such as yourself who manipulate pics for ships and DuCaine, such as this one from the 2nd thread:


Still love it! :D I could never do anything like that, it's so good! :) I think captioning pics is my calling. And writing new scenes for Horatio and Calleigh that should have happened after "The Hug". At least in my mind, anyway!! :p :lol:

I really hope there is a scene for us tomorrow night. I'm currently stuck on "Camp Fear", like Rebecca was a while back!! It is just a perfect DuCaine episode!! She is so cute with her turning away and giggling, and Horatio is so smooth spraying the saline solution!! :D :lol: Loving it!!

Here's some S3 caps from "Hell Night". Caps from Miami Style :


Horatio looking at evidence, but it's not a true scene...


Until Calleigh's by his side...


The perfect pair...


Cal: So, what do you think?


H: Ummm... I think your outfit's lovely...


Cal:... That's sweet, but I meant the crime scene... *is secretly thrilled to bits!!*


H: *kicks himself repeatedly* Okay, umm... I meant it, by the way! Cal: I know, Handsome. I know...

Nice... for what little there was... anyway.. :rolleyes: The episode ruled for the whole Hallowe'en celebration. Currently, I'm really into "The Nightmare Before Christmas", so anything Hallowe'en perks me up right away!! :lol: Might do a Hallowe'en special DuCaine scene sometime! Have them dress up in costumes... I'm going to stop now, 'cos Hallowe'en's not for another 9 months!!:rolleyes:
Enjoy the caps, and feel free to caption them if you want to! Looks like Lynn's caught them again!! :lol: They'll never get any privacy at this rate!! Sorry H, Sorry Cal, we're desperate for love!!! :p :lol:

I loved Horatio in New York! Gotta love that coat!! And I believe you, Kelsey, it's so cold in NY, and Horatio had no long coat, so Mac being a nice guy lent him one!! Funny thought!! :lol:

Gotta fly. School is a drag, but hopefully I might be able to post again during the week. If not, see ya next Friday(hopefully!! :()
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Kelsey hon...no worries, Lynny and cameras...well let's just say, she's got the hang of how they work! Ain't that right Lynn honey!

*whistles*.. Again, *points at Ryan* I do NOT have anything wired. *whispers* He doesn't know I have certain places wired. :D

Lol, Call likes the tapes cuz she gets to watch them with him later!

I have sent her Clips to blackmail with before. She's probably got them saved. Little devil her.

Now now ladies. Please, there are only two men here and that is H and myself. You know, it ain't easy dealing with girls.

*mumbles things behind your back*

-steals all of Mo's tapes-

Mo's gonna whip you, Al, but you know better then to take mine, don't ya? Good girl.

And Lynn's tapes of course!!

hehe, My tapes are gonna be great blackmail this season. I'm putting a few together for Calleigh :D .. *then sees Eric* I don't know what you're talking about.

EE lovely caps as always, they look hot together!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hey guys, please keep in mind that you shouldn't be posting more than 3 pics at a time. The rest should be links. Some people have slower internet connections and it takes a long time to load that many pics.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Sorry about that!! :eek: I think I'll stick to links!! *embarassed* Thanks for the reminder, 1CSIMFAN.

Nice to see you, Lynn!! :) Ooohh, blackmail!! Has it really come to that? *looks back at lack of H/C this season* Yep, let's dish some dirt!! :devil: And play nice!! *gives *Horatio* stare, with hands on my hips* I don't want to come back again and find you've all whacked each other to Kingdom Come!! :p

More caps now(in links this time!!). This time, from "Murder in a Flash". Not as much DuCaine as we would like, but it's there!!

Cal: Hey ya, good looking... H: *Please let her be talking to me and not some creep on the phone!!*

Cal: Did I say that out loud? 'Cos I meant it! H: *YESSSS!!*

In the morgue:

Cal: Horatio, I need a hand in the Hummer... right now...

H: Umm... Cal, I'm a bit busy... later?

Cal: *Darn!* Okay... later...


Calleigh comes to make sure Horatio remembered his 'promise'...

Cal: It's 'later', Horatio... how bout now...?

Horatio checks to see if anyone's watching... no one...

H: Okay... let's go!

Hope you like! Courtesy of Miami Style.

I liked that eppie. It had 4 good scenes with them, including a questioning. S3 was okay, but what we had was good, with "Lost Son", "Under the Influence", the aforementioned eppie above, "After the Fall"... that's about it. Even then, I could see Horatio giving Calleigh more authority in the lab, and she was slowly starting to work more without him, which is sad!! It's like a break-up or something, *sad sigh* :( Must have a positive outlook, and continue to watch the good ol' days. Great stuff! :)

Gotta go, be back at the weekend. I'll be posting a new DuCaine scene real soon. It's an extension of a much loved scene, something we all wanted to see in that eppie, but I won't tell which one!! ;) Wait and see!!

Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hello my guttery DuCaine buddies! :D **Mo grins and trips happily down to the DuCaine gutter...happy to be home in the Gutter again! :lol: **

Love all the caps and captions, Emer hon, you rock with those as always! You really do have a calling/talent for capping and captioning those pics...well done! :D And can I just say, as always...H/C are so amazingly attractive! Gah...they are so stinking hot together! I LOVE it!
-steals all of Mo's tapes-
Alexx! Hey hon! LONG time no see, you should so delurk more often! Wait a second...*Mo does a double take...* You so did not just steal my tapes!! :eek:
Mo's gonna whip you, Al, but you know better then to take mine, don't ya? Good girl.
Lynn's right hon, you dang well better give me those tapes back! I likes ya and all...but they is MINE! :lol: Lynny help me out here! :D

Kelsey yay for being a new NY addict! I LOVE NY, you will too...I'm sure! :D See ya over there too then, yay! :lol:

Okay y'all...I'm on like Ep.9...don't remember which one that is exactly, all I know is that "Kill Zone" is in like 2 or so more eppys and I really want to get to that one today! :lol: It's about dang time I finally see that eppy! Gotta love DuCaine...they are undeniable chemistry! For sure! :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Ally give Mo back her tapes or I'm gonna tell you a story.

I'm not gonna whack anyone in particular. Just mostly Eric for stealing my tapes, and Ryan for tattling.

EE what would we do without you and your caps of the lovely DuCaine to get us through these weeks with no eps and no DuCaine. ...

Sent 2 tapes to Calleigh, Eric ran off with the other one to do his blackmail for a raise
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

And you'll whack me, you always do, because you can't accept that Mac is mine. *whacks you* So I'll whip you :p

The 100th ep is on tonight...do we get any H/C in it? I don't know one way or another.

*whispers to Ryan* the cameras are everywhere. Just ask CatNip and Smacked. And D/L. *whistles innocently*

*runs away with Macky*
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

MacsGirlMel said:

The 100th ep is on tonight...do we get any H/C in it? I don't know one way or another.

we'll prolly get like an all teamer or somthing lol. but when theres 100 ep, theres a party...so maybe someone will find some david/emily party pics XD *hint hint* ;)

i can't wait for the ep tonight! :D why do all the CSI's have to be sooo late? :p

I'll see ya in the NY threads Mo, once i rent the rest of season 1 :p ((i rent em at the movie store cuz its cheaper, and i won't be tempted to watch all in one night :p))
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

I think EE or Zippy or someone else posted the David/Emily pics on the last thread of the party.

I think we had a part of something in it. I really don't remember.

Mac's mine woman! How many times a day do I gotta tell ya that? and great, just tell Ryan.. Why couldn't you tell Eric?!?!.. You know Ryan's gonna tell.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

LOL 'Cause I like to torment you, that's why :p


Oh ok I'll try to keep an eye out tonight.

ooh party pics, nice :)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

DuCaine gonna parta. Cause their going backwards, and gets to see their 100th eppie agains. :p

Keep glaring woman, it ain't gonna happen.

Yes, you keep an eye out for the hot DuCaine ness *mumbles, that they better have*

I'll pay you back.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

oh! i thought this was a new eppie *blushes* ik that...:p i'll go search thru the 25 pages of thread 2 to find those pics :p:D hehe

lets tie up the writers and and throw rocks at them if we don't see any H/Cal next week..jkjk :p((next week is a new eppie right??))
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Guess what I finally saw?!!! **Mo pops in giggling and dancing happily!** I finally saw "Kill Zone"!! WOW! Talk about an eppy that practically drips with Ducaine! I mean I'd seen some of the clips, but they are practically together the entire episode! It's FABULOUS!! I love it! Great great eppy, classic lines, the stares, the looks, the smiles, the closeness, the flirting! Good times, good times indeed! :D :D :D

Thanks for defending me and my tapes Lynny! "ppreciate that! :D

Kelsey I haven't watched any of NY's first season, so pop in over there anyway! It'd be fun! :lol:

I'm loving this Miami marathon thing I've got going...I told my brother it's dangerous for me to have these on DVD, cuz I just watch and watch and keep watching! I likes it!
It's all about the DuCaine baby! And there's a marathon on A&E right now too...but it's a Seas. 4 not much if any DuCaine, so it's kinda not fun! :p
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Yeah it ain't going to for YOU *thwap*

I did see a slight H/C-ness in that group shot at the end there.

Is it cold in Florida too? They can find creative ways to keep warm, I'm sure :devil:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hello everyone!! :)

Fighting over tapes again! We ought to make DVDs so everyone is able to burn copies for themselves. How bout that? High quality, easy to store, less chance of being ruined, just have to mind the disks for scratches. Or not... :p

"Death Pool 100" was a great eppie. We did have one scene about halfway through, I think. And at the end, they were walking side by side and smiling!! Gorgeaus! :D :) And Cal was in all-black!! :D It was really emotional to see them after 100 episodes still having that chemistry. Well, for me anyway. It's such an achievement that they have come all this way together on the lonely road, and we've walked it with them every step of the way. Wow... so many episodes, so many moments... and it's not over yet. As David Caruso said himself at the 100th episode party, "We're just getting started." Yes, we are!! :) :D

Here's a CSI DuCaine update!!

Please tell me what you think. It's the scene extension I was talking about!! Enjoy!! :D

Gotta fly, back soon!
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