H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but you.

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Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

^ I wouldn't. I already get paid in blood. =\

Besides. paying for DuCaine love is like.. what's that word. Prostitution? It ain't right. DuCaine love is free. Like a rabbit. Except, unlike rabbits, they don't sleep. But they do meet Coyotes and Mutiple like crazy.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

^^ palm............i dont know what to do with you, :lol: you always crack me up

anyways, popped in to say hello, i just had to let y'all(<-------for cal) know that i got S1 of miami for a gift and so now im catching up like mad, i have to say, nothing better than good old fashioned cal and H moments, i sorta feel like i can speak better to this ship cause i have now seen S1

S1 also kinda renewed my hope in DuCaine cause this season has been rather quiet as far as they go, only a few things have really happened, so seeing all of S1 for the first time is really nice

last but not least, i have to say i was quite disappointed with officer down, i mean cal gets shot, and absolutely nothing happens, we dont even get a phone call from H, i was really ticked, but moving on, i wanna know if any of you have heard anything about any upcoming moments between them cause this season really needs some DuCaineness(yes this is a word, i declare it one) going on

also....HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! yay, ok im done now, cya later
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

D: GIIIIBBS! *hackcough* I mean GRISSSSOM! *glompage*

Officer Down... Officer Down. Oh right! 3rd season eh? Where she gets shot and H is being all dumb and "La la la. =D I'm pretty." And Cal's all " ... >: Save me Superman." While Ryan appears all Heroic, but I could tell he was totally thinking "....ohnoohnoohnoohno... D: BLOOD. Stay Cool. Think of Ducks. >_>;"

=\ It's too early.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You


The tortures of writing... poor you, Palm! :( 5 stages?!! :eek: I only go through the first 3!! I have no idea of pain!! The result is worth it in the end, right? Especially if people say great things! People should give us writers the cookies!! :p

All I ask for , Kelsey, is a few nice words about my work, and knowing that I made a difference. I know, I'm wierd. At least scriptwriters get paid... waaahh!! :rolleyes: :p It's all worth it... for me anyway!

Still watching S1, and I'm in heaven! I saw "Broken" last night, and I smiled so much! Hey, Grissom, enjoy all the moments!! And I heard Horatio say "oral sex", and I fell over!!! :eek: I didn't remember that at all!! :lol: Caugfht me completely off guard, and of course, Calleigh popping up everywhere when Horatio calls her name. :)

For example, from "Wet Foot Dry Foot":

HORATIO: I want to hear about it. Hang on one second.

(Calleigh is walking toward them.)

HORATIO: Calleigh, the bullet?

CALLEIGH: I'm working on it.

(She walks past them and down the hallway.)

HORATIO: Let me know.

Classic stuff. We will get more moments, I am sure, but we'll have to wait and appreciate everything we've already seen. Here comes my cheeriness and optimism back again for 2007!! For now, it's all re-runs, I hate that and waiting!!

To bring back a few memories, here's their very first scene together. Transcript from Crimelab.nl :

[EXT. LEVEE 67 -- DAY]

(Calleigh Duquesne fills Horatio Caine in on the latest information about the air craft as they walk along the levee. Other personnel are there.)

CALLEIGH DUQUESNE: The jet was registered to a Scott Erik Sommer. He made the Fortune 500 insuring half the gulf coast.

HORATIO CAINE: Did you get a flight plan yet?

CALLEIGH DUQUESNE: It went straight to N.T.S.B.


CALLEIGH DUQUESNE: They've got a go team flying in. They'll be here within the hour.

HORATIO CAINE: What about fire rescue?

(They stop in front of what's left of the plane.)

CALLEIGH DUQUESNE: They just went out to look for survivors. Delko's with them.

(They both turn to look at the wreckage.)

CALLEIGH DUQUESNE: Is it as bad as it looks?

HORATIO CAINE: It's actually worse than it looks.

They looked so cute!! Good times, good times...

Here's a scene of praise... literally! :)


(On the monitor is a close-up of the bayonet pin. She compares the two pins
side by side on the monitor screen. The computer slices the tip off of one pin and compares it to the other. The scoring marks match.)

(Camera pulls back and we see Calleigh looking through the scope and working on the bayonet pin comparison. Horatio stands next to her.)

HORATIO CAINE: Good as good?


HORATIO CAINE: Nice going.

(Horatio turns and leaves. Calleigh smiles.)

Going to watch "Breathless" and "Slaughterhouse" now. Maybe even "Kill Zone"... DuCaine marathon, WOOO!! :D

See ya!!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hello my DuCaine buddies! Happy New Year! 2007...it's gonna be the year of DuCaine...I can feel it! :D I'm excited...haven't heard many spoilers, any really...but I just know it's gonna happen! How can it not, they're SO into eachother! ;)

Emer. Palm you two make me smile, alot! I just love it! :lol: Palm hon, I've had a freakishly bad cold that has kept me high on cold meds, hence it looking like I'm ignoring your ficcie...I will attempt to give you more ideas tomorrow though okay! And can I just say cold meds, can give a girl some pretty weird dreams! :p It's just too bad they weren't "good" dreams! :devil: Those would have been more helpful! :lol:

And I heard Horatio say "oral sex", and I fell over!!!
Okay see, when does he say this?! Totally have to see that! I'm making my way through Seas. 1 too and loving it, totally! The pleathora of DuCaine is amazing! :lol:
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Going to watch "Breathless" and "Slaughterhouse" now. Maybe even "Kill Zone"... DuCaine marathon, WOOO!!
Hmmm. I'm going to do that too. Thanks for giving me the episode names. Bye guys! I'm going to copy what the beautiful Emerald is doing!!
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

A very Belated Merry Christmas and also a very late Happy 2007 to all you DuCaine freaks! :p I've been away and I suspect that I'll be away even longer as time passes.

How y'all doing!? Mwhahaha! I see that you've kept yourselves busy. I also read that DuCaine will be the featured ship. Cool. Let's see what others have to say of the DuCaine. :)

Emerald, you know you always amaze me but those scenes...ahhh...you've done it again. Fluff, me likes! Hahahaha! I kind of had a brief image of that part where she ran to him. Speaking of which, I have a song. I wanted to post it at the song thread but it's short and sweet so might as well post it here:

Bee Gees

'Run To Me'

If ever you got rain in your heart,
someone has hurt you, and torn you apart,
am I unwise to open up your eyes to love me?

And let it be like they said it would be -
me loving you girl, and you loving me.
Am I unwise to open up your eyes to love me?

Run to me whenever you're lonely. (to love me)
Run to me if you need a shoulder
Now and then, you need someone older,
so darling, you run to me.

And when you're out in the cold,
no one beside you, and no one to hold,
am I unwise to open up your eyes to love me?

And when you've got nothing to lose,
nothing to pay for, nothing to choose,
am I unwise to open up your eyes to love me

Run to me whenever you're lonely. (to love me)
Run to me if you need a shoulder
Now and then you need someone older,
so darling, you run to me.

So there you have it. Another oldies classic 'cos I'm an oldies freak. LOL!

Damn, I miss you guys know. Hang in there and all the best for the featured ship!!


PS: Emer, thanks for that pic of their eyes. I'm surprised you remembered that I posted that song. LOL! Yeah...that song is great and so's that pic. Can't thank you enough. Whatever it is, have no doubt that I'm always a DuCainer :).
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

CASPER!!! :D :) It's great to see you! Hope you had a nice Xmas and New Year's. I am really glad you liked my scenes, there's more to come. :) Really liked the Bee Gee's song too! And you're welcome for the pic... anything for a fellow DuCainer. You're always here in spirit, my friend! *big hugs*

Mo, be prepared when you're watching "Just One Kiss", 'cos he says it a little while before he and Calleigh share their special smile. Remember, Calleigh looked tiny standing in front of the Hummer!! :) :lol:

He's talking to Drake Hamilton, so make sure you're sitting down, okay? ;) :lol: I have such a one-track mind.

kissmesweet, I highly recommend a DuCaine marathon, does wonders for a shipper! Your cheeks hurt from all the smiling, but it's so worth it! :D :) Let's all do the happy dance!! *dances around, getting looks from my family* A year of new possibilities!!

Am I right in saying that there's a new episode next Monday, Jan. 8th?? If there is, yay!! More hope, and if not, better luck next time! :rolleyes: Waiting, waiting, and more waiting. Do you think the company heads get some kind of buzz torturing us, or is that just me? :mad:
Calm blue ocean... I am a calm blue ocean...

I'm getting worried that I'll run out of ideas for my H/C scenes... :eek: I really don't want to repeat myself too often. And I DON'T want it to be boring!! If anyone has any ideas, anything you want to read, you can PM me or post it here. It would be great to get input from y'all... :lol:

Thank you!! :) Off to type up my latest scene... another all nighter!! :p
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Happy belated new years! lol i've been cought up in back to school crap...anyhoo, i watched a rerun last night just for next weeks spoilers and it looks pretty good, i have a pit feeling in my plugged up sinuses that we'll get some Ducaine ((even if not, don't hit me :p))

Aww Mo ((thats what i'm calling you cuz everyone else is :p)) let's have a pity party :D hehe, i've had a cold and cough for a month and i'm already on my 3 anti-b...pity our colds :p
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Delia hi again hon! :D

Casp!! Hey! How's it goin? We miss you around here, you and your love of fluff! ;) Anytime you want to hang out more often again is totally cool! :D

Emer hon, you are absolutely adorable, I hope you know that! :D
Thanks for eppy title, I am so excited to watch those now! And I'm so with ya on the one track mind hon, especially with these two! :lol: I think there is a new eppy on the 8th, I think so! And either way, yup the PTB totally get a kick out of torturing us! Otherwise DuCaine would be shacked up in a house on the beach making out and doing other things all the time! :devil: (Like they don't do that now anyway, but we'd actually get to see it! :lol: )

Kelsey you can call me Mo, that's cool! ;) Yeah don't colds suck! :p Not so happy with mine right now, at all!

Lynny you lurking in here at all? And Palm how's it goin hon? Still need my ideas? ;) :D
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hello everyone!! :D How's it going?

Aww, poor you, Mo and Kelsey with your colds!! :( If there is anything I can do to make you feel tons better, let me know!

Oh!! :) I know!! How about a...

CSI: DuCaine update!!

Enjoy, and get well soon! Watch some S1 one as well, that'll cure ya!! :)

I watched the opening of "Going Under" yesterday, and I was so sad and scared for Calleigh. Her tiny voice... she sounded so weak. And Horatio was there for her through it all. Once again, I am 100% certain he took her home and comforted her all night long!! No! Not in that way! :lol: Geez, is that all we ever think of?? I suppose with the lack of DuCaine interaction, we are free to speculate, aren't we? And spending days on end in the gutter too! :devil: No visit to the H/C thread is complete without time spent with my gutter sisters!! :D :lol:

Here's a few pics from S1 "A Horrible Mind":


... and closer...

Never to part...

Especially in interrogations...

Calleigh's so beautiful...


Horatio, not while we're working... tell me later.. at dinner... (smile)

If the two of them interrogated me, I'd be telling them everything, from my motive to the murder weapon to my shoe size!! :lol: :p You just can't lie to them. Well, scumbags do, but that's beside the point. Don't they make a great team?? :)

Bye for now, and I'm off to watch "Kill Zone". Hot flashes and all-black, here I come!!
:D :)
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Emerald Eyes, :D :D :D

Thanks for the awesomw scenes! Oh God, I just love them and can see them together.

I love the song too.

What a way to bring in the New Year! :D :D :D

I love my H and C...and now I can go write more Fanfic about them! Hee heeee :devil: :devil: :devil:

Yes my fic is fluff, smut, and everything else i could possibly think off! Oh, but It does have a very good plot! :devil: :devil: :D :lol:

Read at your own risk. :devil:

Edited to remove links to M rated fics.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

Hcrazy said:
Emerald Eyes, :D :D :D

Thanks for the awesomw scenes! Oh God, I just love them and can see them together.

I love the song too.

What a way to bring in the New Year! :D :D :D

I love my H and C...and now I can go write more Fanfic about them! Hee heeee :devil: :devil: :devil:

Yes my fic is fluff, smut, and everything else i could possibly think off! Oh, but It does have a very good plot! :devil: :devil: :D :lol:

Read at your own risk. :devil:

Edited to remove links to M rated fics.

It is against board rules to link to M rated fiction. Even though you linked to your ff.net page, the only fics on there were M rated, therefore, it can't be linked to. You can, however, either pm the link to your fics or add the URL to your ff.net page in your member profile under homepage.
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

EmeraldEyes06 said:
Hello everyone!! :D How's it going?

Aww, poor you, Mo and Kelsey with your colds!! :( If there is anything I can do to make you feel tons better, let me know!

well the newly updated CSI: Ducaine helpped :p hehe

watch kill zone 3 times lol we all know she was getting hot flashes looking at that 6 ft redhead with a 3 ft sniper gun or w/e its called :p :devil: muahaha
Re: H/Cal #3: Everything was compromised. Everything but You

What can I say... WHOOP'S :lol: Like Horatio would. :D

Sorry about that, I didn't know about the Linking to M rated fics and all. :(
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