H/Cal #2: "Hot flashes. But that's just them" - DuCaine

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^ :lol: Poor Speedle! H is...totally enthralled by Cal! Careful Speedle, you'll get hurt if you don't get out of the way :lol:!
Hey everyone, I'm back! Did you miss me?

(DuCainers: Who the heck is she?)

Anyways, what's new? I'm checking the forum for something interesting, but I've been missing for some days and I have soooo much to read!

Oh, and btw, in case someone is wondering, I've continued the ff, so I'll be posting the new chapter ASAP.
Oh hi CDC welcome back we did miss you :)

Just the usual going on here, hanging around reminding ourslves of the chemistry and trying to nudge Ann D to remember :eek:

Oh looking forward to the next part of your fic, I love it :p
Lol! Welcome back CDC! Great to know your FF is coming up soon! *wriggles* It's making me restless and leaving it at a cliff-hanger is not helping :lol:!

Liz, wonderful new avvy you got there. A great way to remind people that H is NOT a ROBOT!!

Will be going out in a couple of minutes and...[man I HATE going out on Saturdays!]..will be back because distance just makes me miss you ladies more and more! And of course, our DuCaine! See ya later!
oh god i've missed you guys!
i hate studying non frickin stop! im screwed if i dont though...you're all providing much needed comic relief though!

ah i miss the days of Horatios floppy hair...i should go and mention that on the H thread...

anyway!! i jsut watched dead air, and i dont remember like ANY DuCaine moments!! bleh. FREAKIN' ANN DONAHUE
Yeah, pretty much the same way I feel right now lol. I'm kinda dreading the next epsiode where Arisol asks her question.

(Whew, I almost gave away a spoiler! lol, I saved myself though!)
Oh yes my new avvy, made by Amergina, it is very cool, I love that smile ;)

I was watching 'Under suspicsion' on the CBS website today..first time, very excited, except my connection wasn't quite right so i could hear it and see some pics, but not at the same time :(

However that was a great DuCaine eppy, some wonderful moments just as good in sound with flicky pictures, statisfied my Ducaine drive just for a little while ;)
Hi everyone i'm back. I have been missing for a few days because I am not happy at all with the idea of H marrying Eric's sister and all I am seeing is previews on how he does and then he tells some guy that if he ever contects his wife again he will kill him. I am so not happy about that. I have been waiting to long for H/C and then they go and have him marry Eric's sister. Sorry done venting now. lol.

CDC I just caught up on your story and I love it. I can't wait to read the next chapter.
Aww, hang in there HCFanForLife. We're all not happy about THAT! But at least we are still in hope that Marisol will...vanish into thin air! :lol:

I watched 'Stalkerazzi' and was not that miffed about it. There was a scene in the lab. H was precossing this sliver of wood taken from the victim's body. Speelde and Cal came in... Then H said something about the wood not being ambiguious[sp] in Miami. Then after Speed told them the name of the wood, H was giving Cal this look that I found most peculiar. Like he wanted to tell her something but couldn't. Probably because Speedle was there. And what added to my suspicions was that he called BOTH of them to come when he only needed Speedle to identify the origin of the wood. Hmmm.....makes me wonder indeed.
oohh look at my man go!

ahh, i just watched this eppy. and it's such a good one. i miss those days..of just the case, and them throwing little things in along the way, instead of jumbling all the "character develtopment" (note the inverted commas) at the end.

i mean, unless it was some serious calleigh whuppin Aerosols ass, then i am not too happy!
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