Yes, it was from 'Broken'. The scene where the name 'Handsome' was called is also from that episode.
I have just skimmed through
this website and I found several juicy Ducaine moments! :devil:
Meeting with Dad:
Cal: Dad, this friend, Detective Hagen.
Kenwall: Hello young man..
!? *Thinks:
Meeting with the Husband:
Hagen: Who's side are you on!?
Cal: Ugh, I didn't know evidence took sides!
H: Ahem..
Hagen: *turns* .....
H: Do we have a problem here?
Hagen: No. Not at all. *starts to leave*
H: *blocks Hagen's way and gives death stare*
Hagen: *walks away*
Private Time and how she
was HAPPY!! to see him!
The Day-Dreamer:
Cal: There's already a CSI on the job Dad and he's name is Eric. He's a good CSI and-
Kenwall: No one is as good as my lambchop.
Cal:.....*smiles* Well okay, I'll check on the case. I've gotta get back to work or Horatio's gonna have my hide! *Thinks:
Hmmmm, my hide...*
Hehe, my hide!
:lol: :lol: