H/Cal #2: "Hot flashes. But that's just them" - DuCaine

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Hello DoreenCSI :). Hehe, that theory needs to be sent to Ann Donahue. I've never really thought of it that way. I've always thought Calleigh's last name was 'DuCaine' and not 'Duquesne' :lol:. But there are so many possibilities to the source of her last name that I'm even more convinced that they are meant to be together! :D :D

Glad that you could drop by :D. Long live DuCaine! *jumps around*
Hey guys sorry I haven't posted in a while, been busy with stupid school. Anyway if H and Cal are in Scotland then I'm off to find them. Hee-hee. Liked the pics you posted in that story CSIsMANIAC. I was playing that out in my mind.
Great to see you pop in DoreenCSI nice to see you share our take on the name, I'm sure it's Donahue with subliminal messages, and when she remembers that they set the names up on purpose for when they get them together we will all be happy ;)

Stay around, it's a bit crazy in here, but we absolutely love it :lol:
a BIT crazy.......I'm going to have to say that it's a little more than a BIT crazy around here, but that's what makes it fun lol :lol:
*singing* You don't know how it feels... you don't know how it feels... to be meeeee.... *glass shatters*

Calleigh Caine? CC? Double C! A HA! I found her codename! Mwahahaha!
Excellent Mr. Bond...
^^ you crack me up palm! :lol:

i really hope we get some H/cal soon because i am surviving off of fan fiction right now, its killing me! mostly because all the stories im reading arent done so i am on the edge like crazy!

except yours casp, i always read yours when i need some good H/cal! ;)

ok i need to know what is the best H/cal episode, because i really need some good H/cal! i havent seen any of s1-s2 :(
Oooh! Ooh! I vote the one where H says 'Oral sex' and your like 'OMG! Stop talking to that guy about what you did with Calleigh! It's BAD! Naughty!'
Despite the fact that he doesn't even see her for like, the entire first act and when he does it's with Eric....

I think it's Wet Foot Dry Foot or something.
wtf? See? this proves my theory that we are more than just a bit crazy.

And OMG! CC IS MY NICKNAME! No lie, I used to help my teammates with their javalin throwing and they called me Coach Catts, which eventually got shortened to CC!
:lol: 'You must be of your bloody rocker you know that!?'

Hehe, just had to say that cos I heard it from 'The Nanny' and the way Mr Sheffield said it was Hilarious! :lol:

Hmmm, about my FF. I'm not sure what to do with it really. I have thought of doing a sequel but I think I better do that after I settle down in school. It might get pretty chaotic. Or perhaps...I can get the opinions of my fellow DuCainers! What better way yeah?

Here it is..The Poll!

What do you want to see after our DuCaine get married?

1. They return to their jobs and face problem with family, friends etc.

2. They get an assignment to go undercover that didn't go as planned.

3. Rick returns with a vengeance.

4. They get the ol' Soap Opera treatment and one of them gets hurt, kidnapped etc.

5. Don't me nuts Casper! Start from the Honeymoon! o_O!
Hey my crazy bunch of DuCaine comrades, howdy!

I was really impressed that H kinda looks good in a kilt! I first thought it's yucky but then when I saw the pic, hey...not bad...thanks, Stef! :D

Thanks for the crazy dialogue and pics Casp. I was like...wtf with the mannequin?! H! You shouldn't be blinded by jealousy! :lol:

And of course, hello to Doreen, good to see you here. :)

And now the vote. I really like the 2nd choice about going undercover. That'll be interesting to see how things could go wrong from there and what kind of identity they'll take up as undercover.

1st choice was ok. Problem with family, friends can be boring because it's the most overused storyline but it's also very generalized so that means it could be anything. So it could be interesting, something unexpected. Therefore I voted yes.

3rd choice, nope. Rick is not worth my interest hahaha :devil: Maybe we can bring in someone else with vengeance in mind. Like Stewart Otis...ooooh...freaky!

4th choice is a definite no-no. There's enough soap going on...I'm drowning in bubbles already.

Yes for 5th choice. Good way to continue the fanfic and I'd like to see what happens after honeymoon...

So my fav is the 2nd choice. :D

CSI_G there're many episodes with nice DuCaine moments in S1, S2 and some episodes of S3. You should really watch them. Even right from the beginning of CSI:M. I'm really bad with remembering the episodes so I can't tell you which has the best DuCaine moments but I do remember they're many moments throughout the episodes that gave us glimpses that there could be more to the DuCaines.

I think at the beginning, Ann D and team might have toyed with the idea of pairing H and Cal together, thus the name 'Duquesne' and the constant partnering in S1 and early S2. Then maybe they changed their mind later :( but there could still be hope and I can still go on dreaming of the day they really pair them up together for real...but they ARE together, they're married already! What am I talking about *slaps self*
Was driving to work and some DuCaine lyrics really hit me, and they weren't Westlife :eek: Here we go

Natural - S Club 7

Loving you is not just luck or illusion
It's in the make-up of our DNA
It's not by chance we make the perfect solution
Don't fight it baby, you know that it's just destiny's way

Baby lovin' you
Comes easily to me
It's what I'm living for
It's all in the chemistry
Baby lovin' you
Is how it's meant to be
It's something that is oh so natural to me

We got the answers but there's no explanation (no explanation)
We got each other baby come what may (come what may)
It's in the science, it's genetically proven (genetically proven)
Cos when you touch the reaction it just blows me away

Baby lovin' you
Comes easily to me
It's what I'm living for
It's all in the chemistry
Baby lovin' you
Is how it's meant to be
It's something that is oh so natural to me

Baby lovin' you
Comes easily to me
It's what I'm living for
It's all in the chemistry
Baby lovin' you
Is how it's meant to be
It's something that is oh so natural to me

Turn off the light, lay your head next to mine
Take it slowly, a step at a time
C'mon get close, closer to me
It's oh so natural, it's oh so easy to see

Baby lovin' you
Comes easily to me
It's what I'm living for
It's all in the chemistry
Baby lovin' you
Is how it's meant to be
It's something that is oh so natural to me

Baby lovin' you
Comes easily to me
It's what I'm living for
It's all in the chemistry
Baby lovin' you
Is how it's meant to be
It's something that is oh so natural to me

I did vote but as far as I'm concerned Casp if it's as good as your last effort anything you write would make me happy ;)

Yeah I'm living off fan fic too, I have stopped reading uncomplete fics cause I get into them then they stop and it upsets me :lol:

As for a great Ducaine eppy, I reckon 'Broken' 'Kill Zone' and 'Camp fear' would be a good start ;)
Oohh Liz, it's 2:12am here and we're both here at the same time! *jumps for joy!* Lol! No more complaining that we're hardly on at the same time. :D And a song not by the Westlife :eek:. Instead it's S Club 7! Their songs are awesome! :D :D

Ohhh, as for the best eppy, I'll add too those list already typed out by you lot:

All the episodes where H and Cal were together even for a fleeting moment.

Did that helped? :lol: Guess not. Hmmm, not forgetting 'After the Fall' with that 'Private Time' :lol:.
Right, have you people decided to run along? :lol:

No matter. I was lying in bed in the middle of the nigth and this song came up on the radio. It was sung by a man but i could only find the lyrics sung by a woman. Still, I'll post it in the man's version:

Slow Dancing

It's late at night and we're all alone
With just the music of the radio
No one's comin', no one's gonna telephone
Just me and her and the lights down low

And we're slow dancing, swaying to the music
Slow dancing, just me and my girl
Slow dancing, swaying to the music
No one else in the whole wide world
In the whole wide world

And we just float together when the lights are low
And the shadows dancing across the wall
The music's playing so soft and slow
And the rest of the world's so far away and small

Slow dancing, swaying to the music
Slow dancing, just me and my girl
Slow dancing, swaying to the music
No one else in the whole wide world
In the whole wide world

Hold me, please hold me
Don't ever let me go

And as we dance together in the dark
There's so much love in this heart of mine
She whispers to me and I hold her tight
She's the one I thought I'd never find

Slow dancing, swaying to the music
Slow dancing, just me and my girl
Slow dancing, swaying to the music
No one else in the whole wide world
In the whole wide world

Nice and easy this song which apparently lulled me to sleep. :)
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