H/Cal #2: "Hot flashes. But that's just them" - DuCaine

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Broom closet, omg... best image EVER!
I say they lose him during a parade or however the typical movies go, and run off to have a romantic day on a ferris wheel or something.
Broom closet eh? Weell, that is good too! :lol: :devil:

Frank will hunt them down though!

Oh! This just in:

Recently, while Casper the Skipper was in Miami interviewing Calleigh, our buddy CSI_G, went to check out a crime scene and managed to get some words from the man himself, Horatio Caine.

CSI_G: Ohh, so this is what a crime scene looks like.
H: ....Excuse me?
CSI_G: Oh, Mr Caine. I am CSI_G. I'd like to ask you some questions if you don't mind.
H: Well, that depends on what questions you will ask me.
CSI_G: Heh, well. It's regarding Calleigh-
H: What about Calleigh?
CSI_G: Well, rumour has it in the lab that you and Calleigh are together. Could you confirm that?
H: *squats by DB* Mhhm, I'll confirm that. Yes, we are together.
CSI_G: Excellent!!
H: ...
CSI_G: I mean, that's great. Is there something that is stopping you from taking another step in this relationship?
H: Another step as in?...
CSI_G: As in.....marriage?
H: Ohh, I have thought of that. Maybe I should ask her today.
CSI_G: You will!? That's great.
Later that day...
H: Calleigh I need to speak with you for a moment.
Cal: Sure. What is it?
H: .....*stares at Speedle* Could we do this in private probably?
Speedle: No, I want to know what's this about.
H: Okay, Calleigh, will you marry me?
Speedle: *runs out, yelling* Alright guys! They're FINALLY getting married! Woooohoooo!
CSI_G: Congrats to the both of you!
H, Cal: Thank you.
Casper: Good job there man.
CSI_G: No problem. Wasn't that hard really.
Casper: Tell me about it.

:lol: Short on caps but I managed to pull something off. Hope it was alright CSI_G! :D
CDC: So guys, I heard you're getting married, at last... I dare say your fans have been longing for this moment since the first season. How do you feel about this?
Calleigh(beams)(CDC drools): It's great! I have been waiting for this for ages, and now we have so many things to think about... The church, the invitations, the dress! I want a beautiful silk and lace dress, with some pearls as decoration and white gold jewels and...
H: She's so hot!

CDC: Well, it is clear you're both very excited about this, but now, say, how did it all begin? What was the first thought you had about each other?
Calleigh: I remember the day we first met I thought "Hey, I like readheads! And this one in particular looks pretty interesting."
H: She's so hot!

CDC: Your enthusiasm is contagious! Do you hear the screaming people outside? Your fans are here to celebrate with you the engagement. Is there anything you'd like to tell them?
Calleigh: Oh, yes, of course! I want to thank them all for their constant support and encouragement... After all it is also thanks to them if Horatio and I are getting married! I love you, DuCainers!
H: She's so hot!

CDC: One last question: are you going to have babies?
Calleigh(blushes): Er... Actually... (turns to H) Honey, there's something I have to tell you...
H: She's so h- OMG! (turns to Cal) DO YOU MEAN WHAT I THINK YOU MEAN?

(curtain falls)

CDC: That's all for today! Next time: "Caine babies: how many and what names?" :D

Edit: Btw, she meant what he thought she meant! *H and Cal hug behind the curtain*
I love how all of your "interview" question are so probing.

*Palm's Interview*
Palm: How many times a day and is the Hummer involved?
H: ...wtf? o_O;
haha two kids
1 girl-Blair, because I think of Blair as a very strong, yet feminine name, which suits the offspring
1 boy-when I thought of a boy, I somehow immidiatly thought of Gaberiel, don't as why, but when I thought of Calleigh and Horatio having a boy my mind immidiatly said "Gabe"
Oooohh! That was awesome CDC!! :lol: Your English is superb. ;)

And Palm.."wtf!?" Ahahaha! Hilarious!

All those interviews! Awesome!
Oooohh! That was awesome CDC!! :lol: Your English is superb. ;)

OMG, I'm blushing so much that the room is turning red! :lol: It's one of the best compliments I've ever gotten, along with "You look like an English!". Thank you so much! :D
You're most welcome! And it's true anyway so no need for Thank You's. Still anticipating your next installment. Ehehe, and more DuCaine! All the best yeah ;).
I got this from amazon.com and I think it does show the DuCaine relationship

"[about Horatio]
Detective John Hagen: All I'm saying is, that's one hell of a lonely road he's walking.
Calleigh Duquesne: I know. That's why I'm walking it with him."
Ahh yes, "Simple Man". That is one of the famous DuCaine quotes we could ever get. Eheh, along with:

H: Ever thought of a transfer to S.W.A.T?
Cal: No. I don't look good in all black.
H: Hmm, I beg to differ.

In 'Kill Zone'. :D.
I am going to watch them tonight as I've been having a "Stay up till 3:30 in the morn watching Miami" Which is good as I go to sleep dreaming of H, anyway. I never noticed this before.
I've just sent the new chappie of my fic to my beta-reader... Hopefully by tomorrow it will be posted! :D
Here it comes the action (and the unexpected)! :lol:
Hey DuCainers I missed y'all...

Had a pretty rough week and am completely drained of every drop of energy I have left. So it was a pleasant surprise to see all the interviews you all had with DuCaine. I hope I'll be in better form to meet them and conduct an interview with them too!
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