H/Cal #2: "Hot flashes. But that's just them" - DuCaine

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Ehehe, I want them to have a kitten. Yes, I don't know why!

CSI_G, your answer to that would be yes, I have always been crazy! :lol: They're holding hands in that picture! Or...romancing as I'd like to put it!

I'll distract Emily while you lot take the script! Who's gonna distract H? Ladies? Any volunteers? Ahaha! :lol:
XD a kitten. Omg, they have to have 2. Because one of the kittens needs to be named "Bob". Don't ask, just Bob.

I'll distract the guards with a little "Office Magic". Except I'll need a lot of pennies and a scarf.
^ :lol: :lol: Bob!? Wha~ Okay, won't ask! :lol: Very tempted to ask though!

Ah! I need to do a manip pic of them with kittens! Who wants to see this say "Aye!!" :D :lol:
Aye! DuCainers want kittens? Ahaha! Here it is. Not wonderfully done though!


Ahah! Kittens are just too cute. Which one is Bob?
Bob's the one on DC's lap! The other one's Bullet!

And Palm here ya go, I've got lots of pennies and scarves too...whatever you need. I'm not sure if I can take on H, I don't think I'd be that effective...I'm afraid I'd turn into a statue.
Oh nice, love the pic Casp

And CD loved the new part of the fic, H and Cal are so sweet, you have lovely descriptions, make me smile, but then I'm a hopeless romantic ;)
Oh I need a man, does someone want to snag H for me :lol:
Nyarh! I'm a hopeless romantic as well. Glad you like the pic DuCainers! Dang, I gotta get a life but this is my life :lol:.

Have anyone got any songs for DuCaine. I'm running short right now but I need a song that will stay in my head! Not to mention caps. Huurrr...I'll go have a look-see and check out any signs of DuCaine in the latest season and what not.

Hehehe, ya know they can't have any interaction till the camera disappears from the room. And those cats. Yeah, they can be a distraction. :lol: :devil:

^ Oooh, can we call you Catts then? Sounds much easier then ilovegrissom1. :D
And CD, I say, cheers for DuCaine! More fluff! Ahahaha! *ahem*
Nyarh! I'm a hopeless romantic as well. Glad you like the pic DuCainers! Dang, I gotta get a life but this is my life :lol:.

hopeless romantic is my line!!! i have claimed that since before i was born! :lol:

the pics are killing me casp!

question, how to pronounce calleighs last name? i was just starting CD's fic, which is great by the way!, and read the part about the names which got me thinking about her last name! :lol: i am so stupid and confused, i need help...
:lol: *calls ambulance* Listen, I'm poor so if there is any permanent damage done....it's DuCaine's fault! Ahaha!

Well CSI_G, help is on the way. Notice how we call them DuCaine. That is exactly how you pronounce Calleigh's last name 'Duquesne'. Notice that Horatio's last name is 'Caine'. The 'quesne' in 'Duquesne' is pronounced as 'Caine'. If we join them together: 'Du' + 'Caine'= DuCaine Love baby! Thus, DuCaine was born! :D

I hope that made sense :lol:.
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