"Gum Drops" Discussion Thread **Beware Spoilers**

Re: "softening of Nick" to popo

George was phenomenal...the hospital scene, it was just finally everything culminating and overpouring. And like the broken record that seems to be playin gin the thread...George did nail everything. it was just his best acting since Grave Danger. He has a great way of showing the exact emotions. And with the little girl...just speechless. i was happy that Sara kind of covered for Nick. She has afterall had her own blow ups and its good to know shes there for him.

Definitly a great episode with the way they mixed everything in, one of the best in a while. It was strange to not see Grissom in it at all though.

And i did notice Greg bumping his head...made me smile as well.
Re: "softening of Nick" to popo

I loved this episode. Absolutely loved it.

And in all honosty, I think the part was better for Nick. He could relate to Cassi and I think it made it even more emotional. Anyone else get choked up when she gave him the card at the end?

For the intensity and emotion in the episode I was surprised at all the jokes and more lighthearted moments (for example, Greg and the MJ... priceless). It was a nice balance.
Re: Incredible episode

- There were 2 gunshots before the wife went downstairs. Why did she ? I mean come on, the 10 year old daughter knew better and tried to hide :rolleyes:
The mom probably told Cassie to stay upstairs while she went to see what was up and then when she heard the other gun shots, she probably hid....

Was thinking back...didn't they say the mom was shot twice? In all the flashbacks of the crime, she was only shot once....

Oh well, now I'm just nitpicking! :D
Re: "softening of Nick" to popo

That was an awesome episode. I think it's my new favorite - excluding GD. The opening scene with the camera traveling through the house coupled by Cassie's voice over was spine-tingling - very well done. And I just loved how it ended on Nick. They are doing some really creative things in regards to filming the actual episode. I don't know how to explain it, but this season has such a different feel and I think it's mostly related to filming and post-production. I think they were right when they said that GD provided the entire cast and crew with a much-needed adrenaline boost. They've taken everything to the next level. These episodes don't even have an "episode" feel - it's more like watching a mini-movie and I love it. If they keep this up, this season is definitely going to be the best in a variety of ways.

I loved how Catherine only had a few minutes of screen time. Although I'm enjoying her character much more this season, it was nice to see the "young things" take the lead in a case. The dynamics between the younger CSIs was great. I loved how Greg referred to Tina as Yoko. Haha. That was great. And even though I love Grissom, I did not miss him at all in this episode and I think that speaks volumes about the performance of the other characters/actors.

Nick's conversation with Sage. What can I say? That was very intriguing. The comments she made about the female aura I took to represent the connection he had established with Cassie - like her presence was haunting him, encouraging him to find her. That sort of thing. And even though the voice over was from the conversation that took place after Cassie was found, it was like her words were guiding him - helping him figure things out by looking at those pictures. When he said that line about just trying to survive this life, it was so powerful. And then Sage had that look on her face - like she could see into his soul and see everything he'd been through. They had a definite connection. She understood him and that's why her words meant so much to him. Very moving.

The scene when he confesses to Sara that he thinks she's still alive was great. I guess I was kinda surprised by Sara's reaction. I understand where she was coming from and she didn't want to encourage what she perceived to be a false hope, but I thought she could have been a touch more understanding. After all, Nick was rescued and there didn't seem to be a snowball's chance in hell of that happening once Gordon died. It was just interesting to see the different perspectives.

The interrogation was WOW. It was so brief, but I loved the crazed look in Nick's eyes when he went after that kid. Powerful to say the least. GE really got to do so much with this episode.

I thought the gum dropping was interesting. I was trying to figure out how the title was going to tie into the episode. Cassie was a really smart girl. I loved seeing Nick jump out of that boat to save her.

And the final scene was probably the best one of the show. I saw a lot of similarities between Nick and Cassie. Both have a desire to get the bad guy - Nick through his work and Cassie through reading her Nancy Drew books. Cassie didn't want to be babied - wanted Nick to be straightforward with her about what had happened and that's very Nick-esque. She had faith that someone would find her because she left all of the gum all over the place and Nick had a similar faith when he was in the box. Because of all this, you can look at her and know that she's going to find a way to survive - like Nick has. She's been victimized but she's not a victim. She was such a strong little girl. I wish there was a way to bring her back for another episode.

I guess because of the interrogation room scene I knew was coming, I was expecting to see a driven Nick - consumed with the thought of finding Cassie. And yes, it was there to an extent, but there was so much more to his character. He had this look of boyish, emotional vulnerability in key moments of the episode that nearly took my breath away. And he was so hopeful - I love that. I love that we can have a character who has been through so much and yet remained undefeated. On the contrary, he has a new-found sense of hope. Though the events of GD were terrible, I think Nick's found something he lost last season and he's not as dark and depressed as he was (at least not yet). GE has really taken Nick to the next level.

Sorry to repeat things, but I just had to let it all out. It was such a wonderful episode.
Re: "softening of Nick" to popo

Next to Grave Danger I feel this was the best episode ever.
Next was outstanding. Very strong in this episode.
Re: "softening of Nick" to popo

poncholives you basically took the words right out of my mouth. Thanks for writing your fantastic summary. :)
Re: Incredible episode

rubberwalls Wrote: So does anyone know when the next new epi will be on??
Next week is a repeat, but November 3rd is a new one.
Re: "softening of Nick" to popo

I'll add my two cents to what everyone has said -
This is my favorite episode so far, and IMO much better for showing GE's range than Grave Danger.

My husband said "He's not going to cry again is he?" (meaning Nick), and I said "Well, you're crying aren't you?" and he was getting misty too, of course. This was a great episode, very suspenseful, well written and well acted all around.

I missed Grissom, but I think it's important to let the supporting roles be in the limelight. It bonds the characters together, depicts much more realistic working relationships and much better storylines.
Re: "softening of Nick" to popo

but I thought she could have been a touch more understanding.

but this is Sara we are talking about.. ;)I thought she handled it to the best of her ability considering she can be awkward when it comes to dealing with people, especially those close to her.

I missed Grissom too! I would have loved to see him be involved in this case...But the writers did a great job with Nick, making it personal.
I looooove the way this episode was played out. Very well done indeed.

I figured out the whole Hansel and Gretal thing like seconds before Nick did. :lol:

Greg and the whole Yoko Ono thing was HILARIOUS.

I thought the girl was gonna turn out to be dead but I'm glad they didn't end it like that. Very touching ending with Nick and her.

Overall, I'd give it an A+. It was a different story for once that didn't revolve around weird fetishes or killer kids (well this was but it was different).

One last thought: Archie! :p
Re: "softening of Nick" to popo

I missed Grissom, but I think it's important to let the supporting roles be in the limelight. It bonds the characters together, depicts much more realistic working relationships and much better storylines.

I know it was unplanned but I thought it was interesting that this episode aired the same week as Maimi's "Three Way" The way the junior CSIs from wach city handled that could not have been more different. (That is not a knock on CSI:M or it's characters...just an comment)

I thought the writers did a very good job of reworking this episode to fit Nick as opposed to Grissom. With the exception of a few lines, Nick sounded like Nick. The only time he sounded more like Grissom was in that opening scene, but then that makes sense... I am sure he was a little on edge... he was at a crime scene at night, with only a cop to look after him. I would not be suprised if that was the first time that has happened since Grave Danger. So given that he was on edge... I could see him channeling Grissom just a bit...

I also liked the story. I liked how Nick, Sara, Warick and Greg interacted. I was thinking there was another good reason to give the case in Nick... After Gil and Catherine, he is the ranking CSI on Graveyard. Aside from the recovery from the kidnapping angle, Nick was most logical choice...

There was a lot of vintage CSI here... the idea that the killer's never intended to kill the family - they just wanted the pot and things getting out of hand - is something that CSI does a lot. The son wanting to be cool - and telling his "friends" about the pot - is what leads to his and his parents death... The fact that father was growing the pot in the first place and never thought about the risk to his family...

I liked the whole Yoko Ono bit. I don't think Tina is Yoko, but it was interesting that Greg does. And I liked how it worked within the case.

I would love to see how this episode was changed though... not just how they reworked to Nick would not sound like Grissom (the two have different ways of speaking) but what scenes they had to add to make up for what they had to cut... and they had to cut those scnes... There really was no way they could have made it work story wise... why would Grissom be there for only the hotel scene? It made far more sense for him to not be there at all. I think the same could be said for the bit where Nick and Warrick are sharing a room... Why would Greg... the junior CSI have a room by himself while Nick and Warrick who both have SEVERAL years seniority on him have to share... Sarah makes sense... she is a woman, so it works that she would have a room to herself..

So over all it was a good episode...
Re: "softening of Nick" to popo

Last night's episode was amazing...one of the better ones of the season.

I love the music that they played. I loved the storyline...but i hate what happened to that family. And that poor little girl!

It was a great episode!
Yoko Ono!?! Oh you must be youngons...Yoko Ono has NOTHING to do with Buffy...

Ohhhh, I don't think that they meant that. The reason they said the Yoko Ono comment reminded them of Buffy was because and episode was called that. It was about a particular character who was trying to influence Buffy enough to break her away from her friends so she'd be vulnerable... so that's why the episode was named "The Yoko Factor", and hence the connection the person made when Greg made the comment. Just one of those weird things that makes you think of something else that's off topic, y'know?

I loved last nights episode. It was amazing, and it was nice to see Nick and those intense scenes. GE did so well!
Yeah I loved it when Greg said "sweet Mary Jane" that was hilarious. I laughed too. I don't really know if he Nick had propable cause but the cop knew the kid and I guess that is an okay, right?
When the episode started and it was a scrachy voice talking about the murders that was what I was assuming becasue they where showing the crime scene I was very confused. I was thinking whose voice is that? Was everyone else, or was it just me?

I thought it was an amazing episode. I loved the Sara?Nick moments although I'm not a shipper at all. I though that punk Luke was a real bastard. The worst thing was that he even wanted to kill the girl. The funniest part was that he was to stupid to do it properly. I also loved the last scene with Nick and Cassie in the hospital.
From the beginning I knew it was the girls voice, but I was wondering why she sounded so strange, later it was all clear. I also thought it was very good thinking the let the girl make a trail of gum.

At the end of the episode I realised Grissom hadn't been in it. I hadn't even miss him. I have a bad feling about it though. It was the second time that Grissom didn't appear in an episode. The episodes it occurred in were also very close together. I have a feeling that the writers are testing how episodes can be without Grissom, for when William leaves the show. (Could it be that he leaves after his seventh season then?)