"Gum Drops" Discussion Thread **Beware Spoilers**

This was a great episode and like Ellie from Season 2 shows that the three younger CSIs (Nick, Warrick, and Sara) can definetly handle a case together without their two superiors. Also is this the first episode where Nick is pretty much leading the team (Warrick got his chance in Ellie, if I remember). However I wondered where Greg went off to in the second half. TPTB probably should put Grissom's scenes on the DVD set as deleted scenes because I suddenly want to see them. Also this is the second episode in a row that does not take place in Las Vegas itself which is great since the CSIs going through yet another casino does get repetitive. And Greg hitting his head like a Stormtrooper on the door looked like a blooper (good thing Greg stayed in character).
i like the part when the Sherriff brought them food
it was so nice of him. that was my fav part
and greg sara and nick and warrick siting toghter loveeed it couldnt stoping laught
can we have more of them toghter
This is now one of my absolute favorite episodes, right behind “Grave Danger.” I already rewatched it twice, lol.

- It was refreshing to see the team working on a case outside of the city. Also, the local sheriff was cool. Too bad we’ll probably never see him again.

- I didn’t miss Grissom one little bit. Frankly, although I love him, he gets on my nerves sometimes. If he had been the one losing it over the girl, I think it would have just annoyed me. We saw that in “Gentle, Gentle,” and I kind of hate that episode. But with Nick, after what he went through recently, it just seemed right for him to react that way, and it was perfect continuity. I’m loving, loving, loving, all of the Nick continuity this season.

- I also didn’t mind the lack of Catherine, although she seems to be more like her old self this season, so far. Still it’s nice to see all the “young turks” working a case on their own, without mom and dad looking over their shoulders.

- I loved the reveal of Nick standing in the girl's room at the beginning. That was just a cool shot.

- I also liked the way the episode ended where it began, with Cassie telling Nick what happened, and the repeat of the “Begin at the beginning” line.

- When Warrick was hitting the “Cassie’s Laugh” key, I thought for a second, and I think Nick did too, that he was hearing things, like a ghost or something. I’m so glad that that wasn’t the case.

- Sara didn’t seem to be responding too well to Greg’s jokes this episode. What’s up with that? Usually he makes her laugh.

- What was going on with Sara and the “fingerprint dust?” That was odd.

- Was it just me, or did Sara take about 20 pictures of the same thing in the basement?

- I really liked the scene between Nick and Sage. When she first started talking about his third eye and “feminine energy,” which I think referred to his connection with Cassie, he appeared to just be humoring her, but really thinking that it was all nonsense. However, when she told him that he was doing well, he really seemed to take that to heart. While I don’t think she made him believe, I think she gave him something he really needed, some kind of comfort. I also think, by his expression and the way he cocked his head, that he was really surprised, I’m not sure by what exactly, maybe by his own reaction.

Her unadulterated beliefs seemed to strengthen and allow him to really embrace his own belief that Cassie was alive. Up to this point, I think he wanted to believe that they were all still alive somewhere, but he wasn’t openly suggesting that. There were just hints, like at the beginning when he said that without the bodies he couldn’t determine that there was a murder, then later when he used the present tense to refer to the parents saying “If they didn’t care before, they do now.” I don’t think he actually thought that the rest of the family was alive, but their inclusion just extended from his wanting, or rather needing, Cassie to be alive.

- I don’t think Greg was supposed to hit his head on the car, I think Eric Szmanda hit his head on the car, but just kept going with the scene. I like it when they leave stuff like that in, it just makes it more realistic.

- Yoko Ono, lol. I’m glad to know that Tina seems to be a pretty intelligent lady. I don’t see Warrick marrying a dummy. The theory she came up with was interesting and made a lot of sense.

- The scene between Nick and Sara was absolutely fantastic. I just got this feeling from Nick that he was so sure, he was almost relaxed about it. It’s hard to explain the vibe I was getting from him in that scene, but George Eads played it perfectly. Carrying on from what I said above, I think his little interaction with Sage just gave him a real confidence. He didn’t have to defend himself. That was what he believed and that was all that mattered to him.

My favorite part of that scene was when he said “That doesn’t mean you just give up,” and the way that Sara said “No one’s giving up.” It was so sweet, and I loved Jorja’s delivery. Although neither of them had said it, they both knew what his reaction was all about. Then when Nick said “I was rescued,” it was just spot on.

- I didn’t get why they paused the girl with the ball at first, but then I realized that it looked like she was blowing a big bubble. Heh.

- Is this not the first episode that Greg has mentioned a family member, other than his grandpa? I guess he wasn’t raised by his grandparents.

- Archie! We need to see more of him.

- I loved the interrogation scene and Sara confronting Nick about it. I really like that Sara was the one looking out for Nick in this episode. I enjoy their friendship.

- Sara talking to the kid about what he did was really good. I like how she was still so sure that he had killed Cassie, although she was right that he had tried.

- I loved Nick jumping out of the boat.

- While it might have been more realistic for Cassie to have died, I think that Nick would have been absolutely devastated.

- That final scene. Awww Nicky! George Eads can cry like nobody’s business. I mean, damn! That scene was so touching.

- That actress was very good. In most of her actual scene at the end she didn’t even have any lines. She did a great job.
I'll be honest here and say. GE is a great actor. I want to see him in other roles. We can see his range. Time to move on. I would love to see him in other stuff.

I missed Gris. I loved Jorja. I think it would have been great to see Gary in the lead this time. GE has shown what he can do, now lets see what the others can do.
Re: Incredible episode

Yes it is incredible. Only this TV show can deliver such a variety and intensity of emotions, without pushing the envelope. What's not to like ?

Well, after 3 viewings, I could find minor setbacks :
- Nick's apology to Sara... Nope, give me Angry Nick anytime and forget about Lapdog Nick. When he asks "where is she" to one of the suspects, he says it 3 times, with 3 different tones, and 3 different facial expressions, and the suspect begins to cry silently. Later on, Nick apologizes to Sara. Why ? He slept with a hooker a few years ago and he didn't want to be bothered by his boss about it and now Sara can soften him just by saying "I'm afraid this case is affecting you" ???
- There were 2 gunshots before the wife went downstairs. Why did she ? I mean come on, the 10 year old daughter knew better and tried to hide :rolleyes:
- Episode ending in hospital. I sure love the intensity (I remember 4x4 where Nick said with a deep voice "YOU put him in a dryer"), I hope George Eads will get his Emmy, but I'm not sure I want season 6 to always be that angsty.

Well, in the end, Gum Drops felt like a really good movie. It was a good idea to let the camera show us what it's like to discover a crime scene from CSIs POV, and it was a bonus to see CSIs doing their job like the real thing. No rush, steady work, team work, and you can hear them working !
Re: Incredible episode

Such a great EP. This is why I like CSI the mix between the science & characters. George did a great job tonight.
"softening of Nick" to popo

Nick has grown over the years. Back in his "hooker" days he was more young and cocky. Apology to Sara, experience. It could also have been to close the subject, put her concerns to rest, not necessarily meaning he won't fly off the handle again. If he'd argued with her it would have only validated her concern about the outburst.

With regards to the gunshots and the wife going down the stairs, "curiosity killed the cat" and in this episode it did. Besides, if she hadn't gone down the stairs and she instead called 911 that would have ended the episode.
Re: Incredible episode

Not gonna waste everyone's time by restating what everyone else already said so eloquently.

I will add this though: I liked how Nick waited out in the car while Sara questioned the final suspect. Nick knew he had crossed the line earlier with the other kid and rather than tempt fate again and perhaps compromise the case, he steps back and lets Sara handle it. I think that shows a great deal of inner strength and maturity on his part. He realizes his emotional involvement isn't healthy and accepts it rather than just steam rolling ahead like we've seen some of the others do in various eppys over the years.

Absolutely the best eppy of the year thus far.
Re: Incredible episode

This was a great epi for Nick. Can't see anyone else that it would have fit better other than Grissom. Kinda disappointing that he wasn't in it at all though. Just wonder what effect it will have down the road on future epi's that are supposed to open Grissom up.? :confused:
Re: "softening of Nick" to popo

So many people have mentioned the Yoko Ono line... and I completely missed it! Of course, since I was babysitting my sisters' three kids and they were getting ready for bed just at that time, I might have been distracted for a second. Bummer. :p Hope I didn't miss anything else important.

I, too, had seen pics of Nick in the hospital room with Cassie so I assumed she was alive... but getting near the end of the episode, I started to have doubts! Great job on the production/direction of this episode.

And I really liked the Sheriff, too.

So... WHERE exactly did this crime take place? I missed that, too, somehow. And I didn't read any spoilers so I didn't even realize there were major changes made.

Not to be an echo but... George Eads really did nail every scene, every line, every word, every gesture, every emotion. Fantastic! I loved the way he choked up at Cassie's card... and calling her "Sweetheart".... *faint* It was too much. :( Sigh! :)

((((((((((((((( big hug for Nick )))))))))))))))
Re: "softening of Nick" to popo

Just have to say that I loved the ep...

Did anyone notice Greg bumping his head on the car when he was processing it? Hahaha. That made me laugh.

I loved Nick in this episode and also loved the scenes between him and Sara. The conversation about Nick believing Cassie still alive and all...

Such a good episode.
Re: "softening of Nick" to popo

Yeah I noticed that!

I loved this episode, definatly the best so far! I loved the interaction between Nick and Sara. Sara was very tactful which is funny because Sara does find it hard to talk to people sometimes, I think she really tried to be sensitive, and she was.

the last scene was heartbreaking...

Nice to get some greg screen time too.