"Gum Drops" Discussion Thread **Beware Spoilers**

I agree with Tripp3235. I didn't really miss Grissom. It is sad why he wasn't there however.

YTDAW must be Wiggin' out! :rolleyes:

I thought that this episode had me in my room with the door locked and shut with me on the bed, eyes glued to the screen! Best episode this season. I thought that it was cool how Nick apologized to Sara. It was cute. I actually thought that the interogation(sp?) room was going to be a lot worse than it was. But never the less, my favorite Nick episode. It beats Grave Danger IMO.

Yoko Ono....funniest line of the season.

My fav part was when Nick jumped out of the boat and swam to Cassie! So awesome! Thank God for TiVo! Now I can rewind the episode over and over and over and...
Throwing my two cents in for a freakin' awesome episode.

I'm a geeklover, so I was a little sad when everything switched, but I honestly think it was for the better. I didn't really miss Grissom as much as I thought I would because the story was so rich, the DP and Director really outdid themselves on this one, and the music was haunting. Beautiful.

This is the best episode of the season thus far. This one is sticking, and I am so stoked (no pun intended) to see Sara back up to her game as the caring, core member of the team. I loved her chat with Nick. Mr. Eads did a phenomenal job, as we all knew he would, and that little girl was just amazing. Her voice overs MADE the episode.

I believe this was the ep written by Sarah Goldfinger. Great job Ms. Goldfinger. I actually think the rewrites strengthened the episode!

Sara driving down the road was great, the opening reveal of Nick was beautifully done, Sara going into the basement was too chilling and wonderful.

I just loved this episode. I'll admit the gun just to scare a person was a bit strange, but it passes. I also thought it was interesting how Sara was the one to notice the dad grip the barbeque utensil when he was cross with his son. It's like her to notice that kind of thing because of her past, and I thought it was great continuity.

The humor in this episode was so much fun. Yoko Ono... wow. Will Tina really break up the crowd? Loved the gold stars, and Greg's excitement at the weed farm. Seriously, great characterizations all around. Cath seemed knowledgeable and effective. Greg was humorous, yet focused. Warrick was steady and creative (loved him having to use a High School microscope... boy I hated those things). Nick was emotional, stressed, yet controlled in that "I'm holding it all in" way. And my fav, Sara, was strong, caring, yet grounding. Gosh what an amazing episode.

Thanks TPTB. You really pulled off an AMAZING one here!

PS: This SOOO should have been saved for sweeps.
comments while watching

"DO I get a gold star?" Gerg to Sara priceless

"Getting rich not high Yo!" Warrick

Sage hitting on Nick "Radiating feminine energy" lol lol

Where is Grissom and Catherine?

olly malogy MJ on trunk

Bubble Jummy gum repeate

Oh there she is (Catherine I mean)

Awsome breakfast scene with all of them meaning- Greg, Warrick, Sara, and Nick

"Want to draw straws?" Warrick

Good point Sara about the meaning of the job

Nick "I survived" Hell yeah you did and we are glad for it

This Sherriff guy is awsome, Keep him please!

AWWW poor Grego he's not getting anything with Sara

Rain Drops falling on .... darn what are the lyrics

Archie yay!

watch out for the ring! (Nick's ring)

Wow Nicky's breakdown! First or second sign that he's somewhat or hardly handleing things from the season finale for season five.

What you guys think?

Awwww Sara is concerned with Nick logical

Where is Eric Delko (CSI-Miami) when you need him?

OH MY how... horrible?

Where's the girl?

Revenge face from the football guy.... watch out....watch out

Oh no That is just heartbreaking. The girl was killed

She survived... Yes

That is so touching and sad... way sad

How do you tell a kid that her family is dead and ask them to recollect?

No Griss oh well better luck next time!


Was it me or did they not put a preview for next week episode?

I saw the one for CSI-MIAMI, but not for CSI
This was an absolutely amazing episode. Is CSI not getting better and better if that is even possible ? GE gave a stunning performance. I was in tears at the end. I never do that on CSI but WOW. Incredible. Loved how they weaved the little girl telling the story of what happened to her family. At first I thought that Nick was hearing her voice. The scene with the psychic didn't seem out of place to me at all. Actually I found it rather touching. Loved Greg's comment about Yoko Ono - yes she was John Lennon's wife. She broke up the Beatles. I totally get what Greg is saying. Someone asked about Warrick - If I got the gist of what he was saying right he thinks that the lawyers son misinterpreted the rules - because he didn't do the crime he doesn't have to do the time. Something like that. Awesome episode. Can't wait for next week.

OMG I absolutely loooooved this episode! No offence to WP or his character but I didn't really miss having him in the episode...it woudlnt' have fit as well I think and I really liked how GE/Nick acted it was just WOW!! Spectactular job, captured the emotion perfectly and the passion for finding Cassie adn knowing that she didn't die and that she was a smart little girl just wow! Could them send George Eads the Emmy early?

I liked how they dind't have Cath either and it was just the younger 4 it was more casual I think. I like Greg's line about Yoko Ono priceless man I'll never forget that one. Another part I reallllly liked was how Sara talked to Nick and said It wasn't your day to die. I loved that talk it kidn of summed everythign up in that one little sentance. I loved it because Sara has been the first one to actually speak openly to Nick about the incidents of GD without holding anything back.

Then when Nick went to go get Cassie out of the lake I almost cried there but I waited through the commerical and when i saw the card she made for him the tears just came flowing. Man im kind of happy I had soccer and had to miss the episode and tape it..now I can watch it over and over again

Personally I think that this was the best episode of the season so far..keep up the good work!
Man, I loved this episode, despite the fact that someone "spoiled" part of it for me a while back by posting pictures of Nick with the little girl in the hospital a while back where they shouldn't have... Sort of took the suspense out of the whole "is she still alive" momentum...

But damn I still loved it! Great character interplay again ! The writers are getting it right this season so far and for that I applaud them BIG time! :)

Everyone was excellent and my fave George... well, what can I say. That performance was top shelf, baby! Fantastic! :D
So much to love about this ep...

...Sara's comment about going for the gold stars when she was a kid and Greg's comeback "As opposed to now?" He shoots, he scores. Sara (and Nick, at least pre-GD) seem to be seeking external validation quite a lot while Warrick and Greg find theirs more internally. Not a value judgement; just an observation about comparative motivations...

...the "Yoko Ono" quip. He shoots, he scores like Lebron James! Zzzzzzzinggggg.....

...the scene with Sage served a dual purpose, IMO - it illustrated the wannabee hippie-dippie lifestyle the parents seemed to be striving for, but also her observations, the third eye, the feminine energy...to me it was sort of a "Greek chorus" that the skeptical can dismiss and those more accepting of the metaphysical could retain for possible later retrieval and pensive nodding of head. I think it'll be a "bookmark" of sorts...

...the scene at the hospital was indeed a tearjerker. Liked Cassie's "I'm ten years old - don't baby me!!!" Very realistic, as far as ten year olds (and most kids, for that matter) go. The card was absolutely sweet...

...Sara's concern for Nick was reasonable - not over the top, but came off as sincere and clear, without bludgeoning the viewer with red lights and warning sirens...

...another tour de force for GE. The man can definitely portray the full gamut of emotions. Kudos on another killer ep, George...

Have to say as far as character interaction and involvement, this is my fave so far of the new season.

what did the card say it went so fast i missed it :-(

i loved the ep i thought it was great
nick was o so so great and greg too.
but i need more greg time

^ , ^

Loved the episode...
It was really well made. The story, dialogues, directing, cinematography, location, and ofcourse acting was awesome. Nothing at all was overdone.
Well, I have been looking forward to Grissom and GSR centric stuff in this episode, but kudos to our four guys, the episode was great on its own. I didn't even miss Griss, Cath or any other. Our young turks were just great...

I'm not gonna complain about Sara's screentime for few more episodes now..lol...it was awesome to see her reasonably caring, and very professional...
Nick is the king of emotions man...he nailed it..not that I had any doubt though. I mean I was really looking forward to Grissom being emotional..and losing it...but Nick fulfilled every scenes perfectly.
Greg and Warrick were cool too. And I loved the location...and the silent environment of it. A break from the noises of Vegas.
I really hope they make more of such episodes....we barely get Nick/Sara/Warrick/Greg episode like this one...and I'm rooting for more...more..more.
:eek: There. Are. No. Words. to describe how much I loved this episode. Man, instant favourite! Didn't Sarah Goldfinger also write "What's Eating GG" and "4x4", among others? Oh how I <333 her.

- The teaser: heh, I couldn't help but spend the first five minutes picturing WP doing what would've been his lines. I need to get used to the fact that it's *gasp* GE delivering the pre-credits zinger.

- I know this sounds horrible considering why WP had to leave, but I'm glad the writers had to make the changes b/c they turned out so well. The Young Turks + Greg! Wheeeeee! It's like a dream come true. :D

- I think tptb made a very wise decision to cut Grissom's part entirely. If you can't do it properly, don't do it at all, you know? Quality over quantity.

- What really made the episode for me is the sunny, relaxed, small-town atmosphere, reminiscent of "Jackpot". But in this one, it's very impressive how they also managed to integrate the creepiness so seamlessly.

- The Young Turks + Greg! :D I am loving the season 6 Greg. Tptb so found the balance for his character, plus the one-liners are much less cheesier. I was rofl when he asked Sara in that sly yet innocent way of his, "As opposed to now?" :lol: And the "Sweet Mary Jane", and the Yoko ono bit, and banging his head on the car door, and the sailing...

- The Nick/Sara scenes were well worth the wait. *happy, happy sigh* Nick saying "I was rescued" broke my heart. And he said it in such a typical Nick-way too, with pure gratefulness and no hint of negativity. The thing I love about GE's acting is that he doesn't overplay these little moments. They come off very real and intimate.

- Like someone mentioned, I thought Sara noticing the dad gripping the fork in his rage was a really nice allusion to her history. The writers really did their homework this time!

- Archie! Tptb have been making him out to be this geeky teenager who's always gawking at some naked woman on tape, it's so nice to see him actually being his competent, efficient self.

- The interrogation scene: wow. I'm still in awe to really discuss it. I thought it was so like Nick to apologize afterwards.

- I've been spoiling myself like crazy, so I knew the little girl survives. But nonetheless, I was so tense during the rescue scene, and actually scared that they were going to find her at the bottom of the lake along with her family.

- The ending: I don't even know where to start. *sniffle* You know, WP would've rocked the interrogation scene, but I don't think he'd be able to pull this one off like GE did. When it comes to crying, GE is KING.

- Did I mention how much I loved just the Young Turks + Greg? Whoohoo! :D
This Sherriff guy is awsome, Keep him please!

I know i really liked him, he was swift and to the point and even though he knew the kids and their families, it did not matter because he really cared about the girl. He was not afraid of what the towns people would think of him, he was awesome.
- Archie! Tptb have been making him out to be this geeky teenager who's always gawking at some naked woman on tape, it's so nice to see him actually being his competent, efficient self.

I agree. I'd love to see the guy get some little bit of a storyline - in Grave Danger they actually showed him outside the lab, having to play politics with Ecklie...he's been on the show how many seasons now? If they could throw Vartann/Ecklie/Robbins a bone in "Iced", I'd love to see Archie get a moment in the sun too...

:eek: There. Are. No. Words. to describe how much I loved this episode. Man, instant favourite! Didn't Sarah Goldfinger also write "What's Eating GG" and "4x4", among others? Oh how I <333 her.

- The teaser: heh, I couldn't help but spend the first five minutes picturing WP doing what would've been his lines. I need to get used to the fact that it's *gasp* GE delivering the pre-credits zinger.

- I know this sounds horrible considering why WP had to leave, but I'm glad the writers had to make the changes b/c they turned out so well. The Young Turks + Greg! Wheeeeee! It's like a dream come true. :D

- I think tptb made a very wise decision to cut Grissom's part entirely. If you can't do it properly, don't do it at all, you know? Quality over quantity.

- What really made the episode for me is the sunny, relaxed, small-town atmosphere, reminiscent of "Jackpot". But in this one, it's very impressive how they also managed to integrate the creepiness so seamlessly.

- The Young Turks + Greg! :D I am loving the season 6 Greg. Tptb so found the balance for his character, plus the one-liners are much less cheesier. I was rofl when he asked Sara in that sly yet innocent way of his, "As opposed to now?" :lol: And the "Sweet Mary Jane", and the Yoko ono bit, and banging his head on the car door, and the sailing...

- The Nick/Sara scenes were well worth the wait. *happy, happy sigh* Nick saying "I was rescued" broke my heart. And he said it in such a typical Nick-way too, with pure gratefulness and no hint of negativity. The thing I love about GE's acting is that he doesn't overplay these little moments. They come off very real and intimate.

- Like someone mentioned, I thought Sara noticing the dad gripping the fork in his rage was a really nice allusion to her history. The writers really did their homework this time!

- Archie! Tptb have been making him out to be this geeky teenager who's always gawking at some naked woman on tape, it's so nice to see him actually being his competent, efficient self.

- The interrogation scene: wow. I'm still in awe to really discuss it. I thought it was so like Nick to apologize afterwards.

- I've been spoiling myself like crazy, so I knew the little girl survives. But nonetheless, I was so tense during the rescue scene, and actually scared that they were going to find her at the bottom of the lake along with her family.

- The ending: I don't even know where to start. *sniffle* You know, WP would've rocked the interrogation scene, but I don't think he'd be able to pull this one off like GE did. When it comes to crying, GE is KING.

- Did I mention how much I loved just the Young Turks + Greg? Whoohoo! :D

Big nod on that side...
Young Turks rule !!!!!
Bring it on !!!