"Gum Drops" Discussion Thread **Beware Spoilers**

Quick question. Where did Greg disappear to? After the scene in the boat with Sara, that's the last we see of him. Did he go back to the lab, too? It struck me as odd that he wasn't included in the remainder of the case.
OMG I LOVED this episode!!! :D It is now probably my favorite out of all of them! George did a great acting job as usual and it was just an amazing episode.
Re: Incredible episode

i love the episode overall, i dont even know where to start...the girl eerie voice in the beginning was enough to send a chill down my spine, then when i hear it in the end again, it breaks my heart

i have to admit when Sara open the door to the basement, it creep me out so much that i had to cover my eyes a bit...lol

love the Sage/Nick scene, thought it was fitting and also the Sara/Nick scene at the dock, like how she is so calm and nice to nick...

love the Hansel and Gretel theme...

referring Tina as Yoko Ono....LMAO...go a bit off topic here, but the Buffy episode Yoko Factor came to mind

GE is amazing as usual

one of the best episode ever
also i was confused about the warrick-tina scene what did he say :confused:

I never watched Buffy, so I have no idea what the 'Yoko Factor is. But Greg referred to Tina when he coughed as a 'Yoko Ono'

Yoko Ono was married to John Lennon, a member of one of the greatest bands in history-The Beatles. She first broke up the marriage of John Lennon when she got romantically involved with him, and then she is blamed for having a heavy influence on Lennon that resulted in the breakup of the Beatles in 1970...loooong before even some of you were lint in your daddy's eyes.

So..that's what Greggo meant.

Just shows how smart he is because that was even before he was born.

Great reference for Tina, since I'm confused about her on the show.
Miss Dee said: Um, Greg - joking about Sara's mom like that is probably not a good idea. Just FYI. Although you're temporarily forgiven solely for that look of bliss on your face as you discovered the Wealth of Weed in the basement. You ganja geek, you!

I doubt that Sara told Greg the details of her tragic past. At least, I can't believe he'd be that insensitive to a friend.

myfuturecsi said:Greg was very, very funny and dead on about Tina. That's what I like about Greg. He says what everyone else is thinking in such a funny way, you can't get mad at him.

He may not get all the lines, Greg fans, but he gets the good ones!! So take solace in that. It's the quality not the quantity!

I'm very grateful for all the scenes Greg got this episode. He'll probably never get a great story line of his own, nor is ES liely to get the chance to "stretch his acting muscles" like GE, but I do appreciate that he finally got SOMETHING worthwhile this season. I'm so glad to have an episode I can rewatch whenever I need a Greg fix.
I do appreciate that he finally got SOMETHING worthwhile this season. I'm so glad to have an episode I can rewatch whenever I need a Greg fix.

I was happy with Greg's part in the ep tonight as well - just about the *only* part of the ep I enjoyed. (I never thought I'd say that about CSI...ever. :eek:) It was nice to see him as an actual part of the team and not strictly as comic relief, though he did have his sense of humour. :)
Yoko Ono!?! Oh you must be youngons...Yoko Ono has NOTHING to do with Buffy...Yoko Ono was John Lennon's wife and blamed for the break up of the greatest band in history...The Beatles. THAT is what Greg was implying...Ah the Beatles...Bugs...I miss Gil... :(
I thought this was an excellent episode, but after all the hype about this episode being the big one for Grissom and Sara, I was really let down. I realize that William Petersen had a death in his family, but since the scenes are shot out of sequence, I was hoping that Grissom would wind up in Pioche by nightfall, and we would still have our much promised scene of Grissom in bed with Sara!

Does anyone think that another episode will take the twosome out of town again, and perahps we'll have another chance at the two of them sharing the covers?
Re: Incredible episode

This episode was...WOW!

GE delivered a stunning performance. I had goosebumps several times, and not the creeped out kind either. The scene with Sage was IMO awesome. It may have seemed out of place, but sometimes, random meetings can have a profound effect. I think that was the point the writers were trying to make with that scene.

I loved the team interaction, and didn't miss Grissom (whom I adore) in this ep. Sara, Nick, Warrick and Greg played well together for some really magical ensemble moments.

The Yoko Ono comment is one of those rare lines of dialogue that will linger in the minds of fans for a long time to come. It's one of the things I have come to appreciate about CSI the subtle and not so subtle humor that the writers manage to infuse most episodes with. Humor is a sign of the character's humanity and it is what takes CSI from being just another Procedural Drama to being a very human drama.

Although we've seen Greg become more subdued over the seasons, we got to see that the sharp witted character we all love is still there he's just more refined. He plays a wonderful counterpoint to the stoicism of his co-workers and ES does a truly inspired job of portraying that.

Sara was wonderful and I really think her character has become much more interesting over the seasons. I really appreciated her realism in the face of Nick's optomism. She wasn't openly dismissive of his belief that Cassie was still alive, but she wanted to prepare him for the worst. I think Sara has a remarkable understanding of those around her and she showed a subtle, yet profound empathy toward Nick.

Would have liked to see more Warrick, but alas, there are only sixty minutes in an hour. It is nice that he bears the teasing about Tina with good grace.

It was wonderful to see the four of them working together with such ease its a credit to both the writers and actors that their teamwork is so believable.

I do think there will be fallout from this episode down the line, it would be a huge continuity issue if there wasn't. While we as viewers can understand Nick's motivations, the brass will likely be less tolerant than we are, especially if his actions cost them a conviction.

It will be interesting to see what happens in the weeks and months to come, that is for sure.

The final scene between Cassie and Nick was award worthy, the whole of the episode was to be honest, but that last scene was phenomenal. I cried, and generally I don't do that unless I drop a heavy object on my foot. Like say, a car.

The entire episode was so well done, and by far the best of the season. I hope they keep it up!
I thought this was an excellent episode, but after all the hype about this episode being the big one for Grissom and Sara, I was really let down. I realize that William Petersen had a death in his family, but since the scenes are shot out of sequence, I was hoping that Grissom would wind up in Pioche by nightfall, and we would still have our much promised scene of Grissom in bed with Sara!

Does anyone think that another episode will take the twosome out of town again, and perahps we'll have another chance at the two of them sharing the covers?

No disrespect, but the spoilers never said they were sharing a bed together. Just sharing a room together. Grissom knocking on her door cause he can't sleep due to Greg's snoring in the room that they were sharing.

And personally I think it would have been so out of place if they had left it in. The whole reason for Grissom going to Sara's room alluded to the fact that the case was getting to HIM and he needed to talk to someone about it. Since they shifted that emphasis on Nick, the motel scene wasn't necessary.
Re: Incredible episode

All kudos to George. He's really putting a lot of heart in it this season. I hope he can keep it up and get a nomination this season. He really picked up Petersen's load...I miss Gil... :(
Heh, I should really send TPTB some flowers for eliminating that motel room scene. (Weird to be happiest about what *wasn't* in the show ;) )
Absolutely loved this episode. GE is responsible for many a tears shed Thursday nights, and the rest of the gang were in top notch form as well.I loved Greggo and Sara but relly missed everyone favorite bug guys on this one.I just really hope this isn't leading to a "Nick can't recover emotionally from his ordeal and can no longer do his job" storyline, because ir really felt like they are working towards Nick leaving his job because ir is just too hard after his ordeal.....I certainly hope not, but I got that sense.
What did the card say

One question, even though I could pop in my video and read what the last line of the card said, thought I'd ask here.
I know she Thanks the good guys for saving her but I thought it said something else too.

Oh and Sage telling Nick he radiated "feminine qualities" or something like that, very good. That was an odd scene but I liked that Nick saw the whole picture and not just the tangible evidence. He knew Cassie from her pictures, he saw more then just the picture.