Guest Apperances, who would you like to see?

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Hilary Duff as the victim.

I mean, oops. Did I say that?
hahaha omag that was reallie reallie funny. i hate Hilary Duff and Lindsay Lohan as well. i'd love to see these 2 as the murder victims, i'd prob laugh 'till i cried if they were the murder victims. i can see these 2 as the girls from one of the 1st season eps where these girls had the head in the trunk of the car they stole but had no idea that it was there. well with Lindsay and Hilary they could be driving away from someone but they'd eventually get killed either by the guy (or girl... i'd love to be the one that "killed" them) running them off the road into a ditch or some other means it wouldn't matter.

or maybe one could kill the other, then we get rid of both of them! and someone should totaly kill paris hilton!

Gerard Butler ........... both on the Vegas one

I totally agree with this one. I am a fan of Gerry Butler. I also never thought I would see a picture of him on a CSI forum. :D
I'd like to see someone playing a charatcer that we are sooooooooooo not used to e.g.
Nicholas Brendon, sweet little Xander Harris, playing a serial killer
Alan Rickman (who always seems to play baddies in US things) as possibly a CSI form another state (?)
Russell Crowe as a mild mannered store clerk who becomes a key witness
Will Ferrell as an evil genius
Sarah Michelle Gellar as a whiney, hard done to housewife (we're halfway there already based on the last season of Buffy :rolleyes:)
Me as Warrick Browns love interest (ongoing story arc)(obviously) ;)
Sigourney Weaver (as anything!)
Keanu to be in a lot of scenes with Gary D (and me just drooling in the background)(obviously) ;)
Tom Cruise and Katie H as a couple who attempt to murder each other

or maybe a couple of people playing themselves

I wouldn't want to see people like Paris H or the latest lollipop headed one (lyndsey lohan or someone) because that would just mean they are n my TV again (and on the DVD so there would be no escape) :(
Alan Rickman (who always seems to play baddies in US things) as possibly a CSI form another state (?)

How about Alan Rickman as a MI-5 agent working on an international case? That way, TPTB can get their CSI: London idea out of their systems. And we can see the delectable Alan Rickman on our TV screens. :devil:
ooohhhhhh, alan rickman. definately. put him and ray liotta in the same episode and i'll be a happy camper. be even happier if they found a way to put me in it too!
How about Alan Rickman as a MI-5 agent working on an international case? That way, TPTB can get their CSI: London idea out of their systems. And we can see the delectable Alan Rickman on our TV screens. :devil:

CSI:London????????????? Seriously???????? :rolleyes: We have SOCO's over here and from what I've seen on the news not terribly sexy ones either. Oh dear.....

Actually scrub that CSI:London what a great idea :), Then Gary can come over and visit yay!!
I'd like to see Gillian Anderson from the X-Files star as a flame for Horatio. They both have red hair, so I think they'd make a cute couple.
Okay, forget all my other suggestions. I want to see a CSI/Food TV crossover with Paula Deen and her beautiful, gorgeous sons!!!

Why are you laughing? I'm serious...they are way hot!

Check out their restaurant's website:

Or better yet, catch them on an episode of her show on the Food Network. The episode is called "Poker Night" and it airs next on August 3 at 1:00 ET.
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