Grissom/Sara/Greg -- Smothered In SuGGar

Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

:lol: I'll see if I can whip that up for you.
:eek: Where'd everbody go? By the way, the SuGGar forum is officially up and running... but its rules are quite different from TalkCSI's (as in, full-on descriptions of adult things and horrific amounts of cussing are okay :devil:), so PM me if you want the link.
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Crysthala - your commitment to smut is admirable.

Damn this is a hot triple
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

As for my obsession with smut... :p I can't help it! I love yaoi too, but not as much because I'm a better author than artist. Ya know?
Yes, it is.
<Grissom, Sara, and Greg sitting on the couch>
Sara: And now, the triple loop...
Greg: Why are you acting like the announcer?
Sara: Hmm? I'm not. Oh! BEAUTIFUL!
Gris/Greg: Not as much as you...
Sara: <flattered>
Gris: Hey, let's go skating. I can take you to the hockey rink from PNN...
<later, at the rink>
Sara: I thought we were going skating?
Grissom: I didin't know the ice would melt... <splash>
Manager: :eek: they don't have swimwear.
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Oh, come on now. This doesn't interfere with your YoBling! Join us! The most perverted thread on the boards!
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

I love your scenarios Crysthala! They're just unmatched by all! What a natural talent....... :lol:
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Ah yes but I have nothing to do all day either and I still can't come up with anything like that! :lol:
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

:lol: Thanks much.
Anyway, let's try to be normal like the other ships (pffft. like that's gonna happen) and speculate on all the different ways TPTB could stick our ship in the show...
Hey, they could have something like this:
Catherine: So.
Grissom: Hmmm?
Catherine: Do you have a girlfriend yet?
Grissom: Oh, come on.
Catherine: You do?! I must meet her.
Grissom: It's sort of complicated.
Catherine: So you're GAY?! How adorable!
Grissom: I'm not all the way gay... only halfway.
Catherine: So which is it, a boyfriend, or a girlfriend?
Grissom: You're acting like my mother.
Catherine: Just answer the question!!
Grissom: If you really want to know, both! <fumes, walks off>
Catherine: :eek: Transvestite...? This isn't Ch-Ch-Changes. WTF?
Warrick: I think he means he has one of both.
Catherine: Stop ruining my fun, Mr. Married.
Warrick: Okay, Miss Fantasy.
Catherine: <hiss>
Warrick: <bark>
Catherine: Let's go torture Nick.
Warrick: Screw that, let's take the day off and make like Griss, Greg, and Sara.
Catherine: But you're married.
Warrick: It was actually a throwaway plot device used in two episodes, but OK.
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

*dies laughing*

Crys first of all, you're nuts, secondly, you're hilarious and thirdly, you're nuts! :lol:

I love that scenario. If SuGGar are busy getting it on, then the Swingers are bound to follow suit :D And to quote Cath, "I'm all for it" :devil:
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Woohoo! 100 posts....*does happy chicken dance* And what better way to celebrate than in the best, albeit, weirdest ship in here! :D

Another Class A scenario! You should print them out and just make a random book of random things....... I know I have an immense vocabulary! :lol:

I’m going to edit in a little scenario that could happen……maybe………possibly :lol:

Sara: Grissom please I’m working you can’t just…..
Sara: Oh
Sara: Dear
Griss: WTF? I’m not doing nething
Sara:Huh? Then who….
*Sly Grin* Greg: Tum te tum…..

Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Crysthala said:
Oh, come on now. This doesn't interfere with your YoBling! Join us! The most perverted thread on the boards!

okay okay you got me- ill be back more:lol: and jenakapt, LMAO :devil:
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

Jenakapt, I can't see the pics. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Can you PM them to me or something?
Crys first of all, you're nuts, secondly, you're hilarious and thirdly, you're nuts!
I get that a lot. The fourth item is usually "WTF? You pervert!" and the fifth is "What are you on?"
But that's beside the point.
Grissom: What's beside the point?
Sara: Huh?
Grissom: A voice... from above.
Sara: Oh, that's the higher conscience.
Grissom: WTF?
Greg: Jeez, Grissom, haven't you ever read philosophy?
Grissom: Yeah, but I can never remember anything but Freud...
Greg: I think we can fix that. <grin :devil:> <cracks whip>
Sara: <holds up chains and leather cuffs>
Grissom: Ohh, not again. Mother FU-
[transmission interrupted]
Re: G/S/G... anybody got any clever ideas?

sarahvma said:
Jenka, you dirty, dirty woman.
Why thank you, :lol:

Oh and Crystaltha what's wrong with the pics? it might be my photbucket account!